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Forked from indented-automation/Get-FileEncoding.ps1
Created November 1, 2022 14:18
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Signature-based encoding detection
using namespace System.Collections.Generic; using namespace System.Linq
function Get-FileEncoding {
Attempt to determine a file type based on a BOM or file header.
This script attempts to determine file types based on a byte sequence at the beginning of the file.
If an identifiable byte sequence is not present the file type cannot be determined using this method.
The order signatures appear in is critical where signatures overlap. For example, UTF32-LE must be evaluated before UTF16-LE.
param (
# The path to a file to analyze.
[Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 1, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
[ValidateScript( { Test-Path $_ -PathType Leaf } )]
# Test the file against a small set of signature definitions for binary file types.
# Identification should be treated as tentative. Several file formats cannot be identified using the sequence at the start alone.
begin {
$signatures = [Ordered]@{
'UTF32-LE' = 'FF-FE-00-00'
'UTF32-BE' = '00-00-FE-FF'
'UTF8' = 'EF-BB-BF'
'UTF16-LE' = 'FF-FE'
'UTF16-BE' = 'FE-FF'
'UTF7' = '2B-2F-76-38', '2B-2F-76-39', '2B-2F-76-2B', '2B-2F-76-2F'
'UTF1' = 'F7-64-4C'
'UTF-EBCDIC' = 'DD-73-66-73'
'SCSU' = '0E-FE-FF'
'BOCU-1' = 'FB-EE-28'
'GB-18030' = '84-31-95-33'
if ($IncludeBinary) {
$signatures += [Ordered]@{
'LNK' = '4C-00-00-00-01-14-02-00'
'MSEXCEL' = '50-4B-03-04-14-00-06-00'
'PNG' = '89-50-4E-47-0D-0A-1A-0A'
'MSOFFICE' = 'D0-CF-11-E0-A1-B1-1A-E1'
'7ZIP' = '37-7A-BC-AF-27-1C'
'RTF' = '7B-5C-72-74-66-31'
'GIF' = '47-49-46-38'
'REGPOL' = '50-52-65-67'
'GZIP' = '1F-8B'
'JPEG' = 'FF-D8'
'MSEXE' = '4D-5A'
'ZIP' = '50-4B'
# Convert sequence strings to byte arrays. Intended to simplify signature maintenance.
[String[]]$keys = $signatures.Keys
foreach ($name in $keys) {
[List[List[Byte]]]$values = foreach ($value in $signatures[$name]) {
[List[Byte]]$signatureBytes = foreach ($byte in $value.Split('-')) {
[Convert]::ToByte($byte, 16)
$signatures[$name] = $values
process {
try {
$Path = $pscmdlet.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($Path)
$bytes = [Byte[]]::new(8)
$stream = [System.IO.File]::OpenRead($Path)
$null = $stream.Read($bytes, 0, $bytes.Count)
$bytes = [List[Byte]]$bytes
$encoding = foreach ($name in $signatures.Keys) {
$sampleEncoding = foreach ($sequence in $signatures[$name]) {
$sample = $bytes.GetRange(0, $sequence.Count)
if ([System.Linq.Enumerable]::SequenceEqual($sample, $sequence)) {
if ($sampleEncoding) {
Name = Split-Path $Path -Leaf
Extension = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($Path)
Encoding = $encoding
Path = $Path
PSTypeName = 'EncodingInfo'
} catch {
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