October 18, 2018 Updated. In order to compare with Advanced Google Service, a result of Sheets API by UrlFetchApp was added to Appendix.
At March 15, 2021, one endpoint is created for one deployment. Ref By this, when you redeploy "Web Apps", the endpoint is changed. Because the deployment ID is changed. It seems that this it the new specification. In this report, I would like to introduce the method for redeploying Web Apps without changing the URL of Web Apps for new IDE.
Open "New deployment" dialog with "Deploy" -> "New deployment".
Select "Web app" for "Select type".
This is a sample script for copying the protections for Spreadsheet using Google Apps Script. When several protections of the sheet protection and the range protection are set to a Google Spreadsheet and the Spreadsheet is copied using the script and the manual copy with the browser, unfortunately, the protections of ranges are not copied. And also, the protections of sheets can be copied. But, the editor emails are not included. It seems that this is the current specification.
In this post, I would like to introduce a sample script for copying all protection conditions.
Please add the following function to your script. And, please enable Sheets API at Advanced Google services.