Last active
June 18, 2021 19:27
Quick minikanren implementation that I'm planning to grow into an rkanren with a Dataframe-based datalog-like subset when I will finally have the time
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using FunctionalCollections | |
using MacroTools | |
using DataFrames | |
# Data structures designed for this problem | |
include("persistent_unionfind.jl") | |
include("pairingheap.jl") | |
# | |
# (For datalog-like subset) | |
# | |
struct DFrameCol | |
dataframeID::Int | |
col::Symbol | |
end | |
######### | |
# 1st order Logic and unification | |
####### | |
struct LVar | |
id::Int | |
end | |
Base.iterate(l::LVar) = (l,nothing) | |
Base.iterate(l::LVar, ::Nothing) = nothing | |
Base.eltype(::Type{LVar}) = LVar | |
Base.IteratorSize(::Type{LVar}) = HasShape{0}() | |
Base.length(::LVar) = 1 | |
Base.size(::LVar) = () | |
struct SMap{K,V} <: AbstractDict{K,V} # Making a dedicated substitution map wrapper to do union find in O(log(N)^2) per operation. | |
bindings::PersistentHashMap{K,V} # Original microkanren made horrible use of data structure and is O(N^2) per operation worst case. | |
variablesubs::PersistentDisjointSet{K} | |
dataframes::PersistentVector{DataFrame} | |
dataframes_index::PersistentDisjointSet{DFrameCol} | |
end | |
SMap{K,V}() where {K,V} = SMap{K,V}(PersistentHashMap{K,V}(),PersistentDisjointSet{K}(),PersistentVector{DataFrame}(),PersistentDisjointSet{DFrameCol}()) | |
SMap(d::AbstractDict{K,V}) where {K,V} = foldl((d,p)->assoc(d,first(p),last(p)),pairs(d);init=SMap{K,V}()) | |
macro SMap(d) :($(SMap(eval(d)))) end | |
FunctionalCollections.assoc(smap::SMap,key::LVar,value) = SMap(assoc(smap.bindings,smap.variablesubs[key],value),smap.variablesubs,smap.dataframes,smap.dataframes_index) | |
FunctionalCollections.assoc(smap::SMap,key::LVar,value::LVar) = SMap(smap.bindings,union(smap.variablesubs,key,value),smap.dataframes,smap.dataframes_index) | |
Base.get(smap::SMap,u,default) = get(smap.bindings,smap.variablesubs[u],default) | |
Base.getindex(smap::SMap,key) = get(smap,key,key) | |
Base.haskey(smap::SMap,key) = haskey(smap.bindings,smap.variablesubs[key]) | |
Base.keys(smap::SMap) = union(keys(smap.bindings),keys(smap.variablesubs)) | |
Base.pairs(smap::SMap) = (x -> x => walk(x,smap)).(keys(smap)) | |
Base.length(smap::SMap) = length(smap.bindings) + length(smap.variablesubs) | |
Base.iterate(smap::SMap,args...) = iterate( Iterators.flatten((smap.bindings, map(x -> first(last(x)) => walk(last(last(x)),smap), smap.variablesubs) ) ), args...) | |
add_substitution(smap,lvar,value) = isnothing(smap) ? nothing : assoc(smap,lvar,value) | |
function walk(u::LVar,smap) | |
u = smap.variablesubs[u] | |
get(smap.bindings,u,u) | |
end | |
walk(u,smap) = u | |
# function walk(u,smap) | |
let testmap = @SMap Dict(LVar(1) => LVar(2), LVar(2) => "Banana") # S0me tests. | |
@assert walk(LVar(1), testmap) == "Banana" | |
@assert walk(LVar(2), testmap) == "Banana" | |
@assert walk("mango", testmap) == "mango" | |
end | |
unify(u,v, ::Nothing) = nothing | |
function unify(u, v, smap::AbstractDict) | |
u = walk(u,smap) | |
v = walk(v,smap) | |
if u == v return smap end # Delete rule | |
if isa(v, LVar) | |
u , v = v, u # Swap rule, variables always to the left. | |
end | |
if isa(u, LVar) | |
return occurs_check(u , v , smap) ? nothing : add_substitution(smap, u, v) # Bind variable u to v . (Eliminate rule for u) | |
end | |
unify_terms(u,v,smap) # Due to if checks, u and v cannot be variables, and also are not trivially equal. | |
end | |
occurs_check(u , v, smap) = false | |
occurs_check(u, v::LVar , smap) = (u == smap.variablesubs[v]) | |
occurs_check(u,v::Tuple, smap) = occurs_destructure(u,v,smap) | |
occurs_check(u,v::AbstractArray, smap) = occurs_destructure(u,v,smap) | |
function occurs_destructure(u,v, smap) | |
for i in v | |
if occurs_check(u,i,smap) return true end | |
end | |
false | |
end | |
unify_terms(u,v,smap) = nothing # Conflict rule (not equal, and other rules did not apply so this is the default). | |
unify_terms(u::Tuple , v :: Tuple, smap) = unify_containers(u , v , smap) # Decompose rule | |
unify_terms(u::AbstractArray , v::AbstractArray , smap) = unify_containers(u , v , smap) # Decompose rule | |
function unify_containers(u , v, smap) # Decompose rule. | |
if !equalshape(u,v) return end # Conflict rule. | |
for i in eachindex(u) | |
smap = unify(u[i], v[i], smap) | |
end | |
smap | |
end | |
equalshape(u::AbstractArray ,v::AbstractArray) = (size(u) == size(v)) | |
equalshape(u::Tuple , v::Tuple) = (length(u) == length(v)) | |
let testmap = @SMap Dict() # Some tests. | |
testmap = unify(LVar(1), LVar(2),testmap) | |
testmap = unify((LVar(0),"mango"),("banana",LVar(1)),testmap) | |
@assert !isnothing(testmap) | |
@assert unify(LVar(0),"mango",testmap) === nothing | |
@assert unify(LVar(0),"banana",testmap) == testmap | |
@assert unify(LVar(1),"mango",testmap) == testmap | |
@assert unify(LVar(2),"mango",testmap) == testmap | |
@assert unify(LVar(9),"squirrels",testmap) == @SMap Dict(LVar(0)=> "banana",LVar(1) => "mango",LVar(2) => "mango",LVar(9)=> "squirrels" ) | |
end | |
# Datakanren: | |
#include("datakanren.jl") | |
# | |
# Monadic streams | |
# | |
abstract type TE end | |
struct Evaluated{T} <: TE | |
val::T | |
end | |
struct Thunk{F<:Function} <: TE | |
priority::Int | |
f::F # Return type: must always return a heap of Evaluated objects and new thunks. | |
end | |
Thunk(f::Function) = Thunk(0, f) | |
isevaluated(::Evaluated) = true | |
isevaluated(::Thunk) = false | |
Base.isless(x::Evaluated,y::Evaluated) = false | |
Base.isless(x::Evaluated , y::Thunk) = true | |
Base.isless(x::Thunk, y::Evaluated) = false | |
Base.isless(x::Thunk, y::Thunk) = isless(x.priority, y.priority) | |
merge_streams(this::EmptyHeap{TE},other) = other | |
mapcat_stream(this::EmptyHeap{TE},g) = this | |
realize_stream_head(this::EmptyHeap{TE}) = this | |
stream_to_seq(this::EmptyHeap{<:TE}) = list() | |
# Aka mzero. | |
empty_stream() = EmptyHeap{TE}() | |
# Aka monadplus. | |
merge_streams(this::PairingTree{TE}, other::PairingHeap{TE}) = merge_heaps(this,other, TE) # Swap/interleaving is performed by the merge_heaps implementation. | |
# Aka mpure | |
make_stream(s) = singleton_heap(Evaluated(s), TE) | |
make_stream(f::Function) = singleton_heap(Thunk(f),TE) | |
# Aka monad bind | |
function mapcat_stream(this::PairingTree, g::Function ) | |
mapfoldl(merge_streams,this;init=EmptyHeap{TE}()) do val | |
isevaluated( ? g(val.val) : singleton_heap(Thunk(val.priority, () -> mapcat_stream(val.f(), g)), TE) | |
end | |
end | |
function realize_stream_head(this::PairingTree{TE}) | |
while !(isempty(this)) && !isevaluated( | |
top, rest = pop_min(this) | |
newval = top.f() | |
this = merge_heaps(newval , rest, TE) | |
end | |
this | |
end | |
struct StreamIterator | |
heap::PairingHeap{TE} | |
end | |
Base.IteratorSize(::Type{StreamIterator}) = Base.SizeUnknown() | |
Base.iterate(x::StreamIterator) = iterate(x,x.heap) | |
function Base.iterate(x::StreamIterator, h) | |
h = realize_stream_head(h) | |
if isempty(h) return nothing end | |
x, h = pop_min(h) | |
x.val, h | |
end | |
# | |
# Search | |
# | |
struct State | |
smap::SMap | |
nextid::Int | |
end | |
State(smap) = State(smap,0) | |
State() = State(@Persistent Dict()) | |
const empty_state = State() | |
with_smap(state,smap) = State(smap,state.nextid) | |
bump_nextid(state,n) = State(state.smap,state.nextid + n) | |
function (u ≅ v) | |
function unify_goal(state) | |
unified = unify(u,v,state.smap) | |
isnothing(unified) ? empty_stream() : make_stream(with_smap(state, unified)) | |
end | |
unify_goal | |
end | |
get_lambda_arity(l) = mapreduce(m->length(m.sig.parameters),max,methods(l)) - 1 | |
call_fresh(goalconstructor) = call_fresh(goalconstructor,get_lambda_arity(goalconstructor)) | |
function call_fresh(goalconstructor,n::Integer) | |
function innerfn(state) | |
goal = goalconstructor(LVar.(state.nextid:(state.nextid+n-1))...) | |
goal(bump_nextid(state,n)) | |
end | |
innerfn | |
end | |
thunk_goal(goal::PairingHeap) = goal | |
thunk_goal(goal::Function) = singleton_heap(Thunk(goal),TE) | |
thunk_goal(goal) = singleton_heap(Evaluated(goal), TE) | |
ldisj(goalA,goalB) = (state) -> merge_streams(thunk_goal(goalA(state)),thunk_goal(goalB(state))) | |
lconj(goalA,goalB) = (state) -> mapcat_stream(thunk_goal(goalA(state)),goalB) | |
_delaygoal_expr(goalexpr) = :((state) ->thunk_goal(() -> $(goalexpr)(state))) | |
macro delaygoal(goalexpr) esc(_delaygoal_expr(goalexpr)) end | |
_ldisj_expr(goalexpr) = _delaygoal_expr(goalexpr) | |
_ldisj_expr(goalexpr,goals...) = :(ldisj($(_delaygoal_expr(goalexpr)), $(_ldisj_expr(goals...)) )) | |
macro ldisj(goalexpr...) esc(_ldisj_expr(goalexpr...)) end | |
_lconj_expr(goalexpr) = _delaygoal_expr(goalexpr) | |
_lconj_expr(goalexpr,goals...) = :(lconj($(_delaygoal_expr(goalexpr)), $(_lconj_expr(goals...)) )) | |
macro lconj(goalexpr...) esc(_lconj_expr(goalexpr...)) end | |
reify_name(n) = Symbol("_$n") | |
reify_s(v,state::State) = reify_s(v,state.smap) | |
reify_s(v,smap) = _reify_s(walk(v,smap),smap) | |
_reify_s(v,smap) = smap | |
function _reify_s(v::LVar,smap) | |
n = reify_name(length(smap)) | |
add_substitution(smap,v,n) | |
end | |
_reify_s(v::Tuple, smap) = _reify_s_iterator(v,smap) | |
_reify_s(v::AbstractArray, smap) = _reify_s_iterator(v,smap) | |
_reify_s(v::Base.Generator, smap) = _reify_s_iterator(v,smap) | |
_reify_s(v::Iterators.Flatten, smap) =_reify_s_iterator(v,smap) | |
function _reify_s_iterator(v,smap) | |
for x in v | |
smap = reify_s(x, smap) | |
end | |
smap | |
end | |
deepwalk(v,smap) = _deepwalk(walk(v,smap),smap) | |
_deepwalk(v,smap) = v # Extend this. | |
_deepwalk(v::Tuple, smap) = Tuple(_deepwalk_iterator(v, smap)) | |
_deepwalk(v::AbstractArray, smap) = (x->deepwalk(x,smap)).(v) | |
_deepwalk(v::Base.Generator , smap) = _deepwalk_iterator(v,smap) | |
_deepwalk(v::Iterators.Flatten , smap) = _deepwalk_iterator(v,smap) | |
_deepwalk_iterator(v, smap) = (deepwalk(x,smap) for x in v) | |
function reify_state_firstvar(state) | |
v = deepwalk(LVar(0), state.smap) | |
deepwalk(v,reify_s(v, empty_state)) | |
end | |
macro conde(blocks) | |
@capture(blocks,begin clauses__ end) | |
newclauses = map(clauses) do ex | |
if @capture(ex,(subclauses__,)) | |
_lconj_expr(subclauses...) | |
else | |
ex | |
end | |
end | |
esc(_ldisj_expr(newclauses...)) | |
end | |
macro fresh(lambda) | |
esc(if @capture(lambda,args-> (body__,) ) | |
:(call_fresh(args -> $(_lconj_expr(body...)))) | |
else | |
:(call_fresh(lambda)) | |
end) | |
end | |
call_empty_state(goal) = goal(empty_state) | |
runkanren(f) =, StreamIterator(call_empty_state(call_fresh(f)))) | |
runcollect(f) = collect(runkanren(f)) | |
# | |
# Try it out: | |
# | |
runcollect() do q | |
q ≅ 1 | |
end | |
runcollect() do q, p, r | |
(p,q) ≅ (1 , p) | |
end | |
runcollect() do q | |
@conde begin | |
q ≅ 1 | |
q ≅ 3 | |
q ≅ 7 | |
end | |
end | |
runcollect() do q, p | |
@conde begin | |
q ≅ 1 | |
p ≅ q, p ≅ 1, q ≅ 1 | |
q ≅ 7 | |
end | |
end | |
runcollect() do q,p | |
@conde begin | |
(q,3,1) ≅ (p,p,1) | |
p ≅ 7, q ≅ p, q ≅ 1 | |
p ≅ q, p ≅ 5 | |
q ≅ p | |
end | |
end | |
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