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Last active January 31, 2022 16:33
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Numerically stable LLL algorithm using Givens rotations
# Loosely based on the paper at but with some significant deviation.
# This implementation should be robust even for bad inputs with large condition numbers. The reduced basis of a lattice L with basis
# vectors as columns of a matrix M is given by M*lll_unimod(M) .
# Acceptably optimized. Spends just under 50% of its time in the call to LinearAlgebra.qr for 2000 x 2000 matrices.
# Benchmarks fairly well compared to existing libraries in multiple languages.
using LinearAlgebra
function _lll_decrease!(uppertriangular,i::Integer,j::Integer,unimodular)
γ = Int(round(uppertriangular[i,j]/uppertriangular[i,i]))
@inbounds @simd for k in 1:size(unimodular,1) # Hot loop.
unimodular[k,j] -= γ*unimodular[k,i]
uppertriangular[k,j] -= γ*uppertriangular[k,i]
function _swapcols!(X, i::Integer, j::Integer)
@inbounds @simd for k = 1:size(X,1)
X[k,i], X[k,j] = X[k,j], X[k,i]
function _coeffs(x,y)
h = hypot(x,y)
(x/h, y/h)
function _lll_swap!(uppertriangular,i::Integer,j::Integer,unimodular) # where j < i
_swapcols!(uppertriangular,j,i) # Breaks upper triangularity.
c,s = _coeffs(uppertriangular[j,j],uppertriangular[i,j])
@inbounds @simd for k = 1:size(uppertriangular,2) # Fix upper triangularity with a Givens rotation on rows i,j.
uppertriangular[j,k] , uppertriangular[i,k] = c*uppertriangular[j,k] + s*uppertriangular[i,k] , c*uppertriangular[i,k] - s*uppertriangular[j,k]
# Outputs a unimodular integer matrix to change from the bad to the good basis,
# but can also reduce m directly (by mutating it) if you call lll_unimod(m;output=m).
# lll_unimod(m,output=deepcopy(m)) is generally faster than m*lll_unimod(m)
function lll_unimod(m::AbstractMatrix, δ=0.75; output= Matrix{Int}(I, size(m)))
r = LinearAlgebra.qr(m).R # I.e. q' * m = r . The key Invariant of the algorithm as we mutate output and r
k = 2 # is that Q*m*output = r where Q (not computed) soaks up all left unitaries.
@inbounds while k <= size(r,2)
if abs(r[k-1,k-1]) < 2*abs(r[k-1,k]) _lll_decrease!(r,k-1,k,output) end
if r[k,k]^2 + r[k-1,k]^2 < δ*r[k-1,k-1]^2
k = max(2,k-1)
for i in (k-2):-1:1
if abs(r[i,i]) < 2*abs(r[i,k]) _lll_decrease!(r,i,k,output) end
k += 1
return output
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