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Last active December 15, 2015 23:29
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ghetto profiler
(ns game.macros.profiling)
;; Must require this and also
;; (:use [game.profiling :only [start-time! stop-time!]])
(defmacro profile
"Wraps the body in the game.profiling calls"
[function-name & body]
`(let [profile# (start-time! ~function-name)
result# ~@body]
(~(symbol "stop-time!") profile#)
(ns game.profiling)
;; This is kind of hacky, uses some global state :(
;; Does this because I need to be able to not turn it on and have
;; those functions return nothing (which will hopefully not be much
;; overhead)
;; Use the macro in game.macros.profiling to make this easier.
(def *profiler* nil)
(defprotocol PProfiler
(start-time [this function-name]
"records start time of an execution of a function, returns an exectuion id")
(end-time [this id]
"finishes the recording of an execution of a function")
(check-profiles [this]
"returns string of profiler information"))
(defrecord Profiler [nextid functions open-executions]
(start-time [_ function-name]
(let [time (.now js/Date)
id (swap! nextid inc)]
(swap! open-executions assoc id {:name function-name :start time})
(end-time [_ id]
(let [time (.now js/Date)
{:keys [name start]} (get @open-executions id)
add-time (fn [m n s e]
(let [length (- e s)
field (get m n)
count (:count field)
avg (:avg field)]
(assoc m n
(if count
{:count (inc count)
:avg (/ (+ (* avg count) length) (inc count))}
{:count 1 :avg length}))))]
(swap! functions add-time name start time)
(swap! open-executions dissoc id)))
(check-profiles [_] (pr-str @functions))
(defn initialize [] (def *profiler* (Profiler. (atom 0) (atom {}) (atom {}))))
(defn start-time! [function] (when *profiler* (start-time *profiler* function)))
(defn stop-time! [function] (when *profiler* (end-time *profiler* function)))
(defn check [] (if-not *profiler*
(.log js/console "profiling is not enabled")
(.log js/console (check-profiles *profiler*))))
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