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Last active December 30, 2015 07:59
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particle simulation
(ns saolsen.particles-simulate
(:require [saolsen.draw-2d :as draw]))
;; Simple simulated neutonian physics.
(defn integrate-particle
"Moves the particle a distance based on it's velocity
P = P + V*dt
Simple collisions with walls reverse velocity.
Returns a new particle.
[world-width world-height particle]
(let [pos (:pos particle)
vel (:vel particle)
new-pos (map + pos (map #(* 0.1 %) vel))
[nx ny] new-pos
collisions (cond
(or (< nx 0) (> nx world-width)) [-1 1]
(or (< ny 0) (> ny world-height)) [1 -1]
:else [1 1])
new-vel (map * vel collisions)]
(assoc particle :pos new-pos :vel new-vel)))
(defn main []
(let [context (draw/get-canvas-context-from-id "draw")
border {:type :line
:color [0 0 0]
:posns [[0 0] [500 0] [500 500] [0 500]]
:width 5}
span (take 6 (iterate (partial + 100) 40))
particles (for [x span
y span]
{:type :circle
:color [0 200 200]
:pos [x y]
:vel [(- (rand-int 100) 50)
(- (rand-int 100) 50)]
:size 5})
integrater (partial integrate-particle
(:width context)
(:height context))
worldstate (atom particles)]
(defn update []
(draw/request-animation-frame update)
(swap! worldstate (partial map integrater))
(draw/draw-scene (cons border @worldstate) context))
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