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Last active January 2, 2016 00:29
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Embedding Clojure
(ns goup-engine.core
(:import ( SimpleApplication)
(com.jme3.material Material)
(com.jme3.math ColorRGBA)
(com.jme3.math Vector3f FastMath Quaternion)
(com.jme3.renderer RenderManager)
(com.jme3.scene Geometry Node)
(com.jme3.scene.shape Box Quad)
(com.jme3.input KeyInput)
(com.jme3.input.controls KeyTrigger ActionListener)
(com.jme3.bullet BulletAppState)
(com.jme3.bullet.control RigidBodyControl CharacterControl)
MeshCollisionShape CapsuleCollisionShape CollisionShape) ))
;; Functions to access the private members of the game class. This
;; will only work if the bootstrap.clj script has run.
(def root-node (get goupgame/*context* "rootNode"))
(def asset-manager (get goupgame/*context* "assetManager"))
(def state-manager (get goupgame/*context* "stateManager"))
(def view-port (get goupgame/*context* "viewPort"))
(def fly-cam (get goupgame/*context* "flyCam"))
(def input-manager (get goupgame/*context* "inputManager"))
(def this (get goupgame/*context* "this"))
(defonce physics-state
(let [state (BulletAppState.)]
(.attach state-manager state)
;; Entities
;; Helpers for working with the entities map.
;; TODO: return all entities that have all the components in the
;; components set.
(defn get-with-components [entities components]
(into {}
(fn [[id comp-map]]
(every? #(contains? (set (keys comp-map)) %) components))
(defn gen-id
"Generates a new id for an entity"
(keyword (.toString (java.util.UUID/randomUUID))))
;; Systems
(defprotocol ISystem
(get-name [this] "Name of system to be used as id.")
(get-components [this] "Returns a set of the components this system works on.")
(server-update [this globals entities messages tps]
"Update is called once a frame with a map of entities that have all the
components returned by components or a message to that set of components.
It must return a collection of updated entities. Server update is only
called on the server. It is where most of your game logic will run.")
(client-update [this globals entities messages tps]
"Update is called once a frame with a map of entities that have all the
components returned by components or a message to that set of components.
It must return a collection of updated entities. Client update is only
called on the individual clients. It is mostly used for responding to user
input and sending messages to other entities."))
;; Game
(defprotocol IGame
[this ^ISystem system]
"Adds a system to the game, returns the current systems.")
[this ^String system]
"Removes a system from the game, returns the current systems.")
(start [this] "foo")
(stop [this] "foo")
(send-message [this msg] "f00"))
(defn build-message-map
"Takes the messages and makes a map by id."
(apply merge-with concat
(map #(hash-map (:entity-id %) [%]) messages)))
;; Context is a map of all the java properties.
;; Entities is an atom that is a map of entities. The keys are the
;; entity id and the value is a map of components.
;; eg. {:1 {:player {} :health {:val 1}}}
;; Messages is a ref that is a sequence of messages. A message is a
;; command that goes to the entity on all clients and the server.
;; {:entity-id :12345 :message-id :Create-Object :args [:foo "bar" 123]}
;; Systems is a sequence of System objects that are active.
;; Server? is a boolean representing if this instance is a server or a
;; client. This determines if the server-update or client-update
;; function is called.
;; TODO: SOOOO many checks of stuff. And tests....
(defrecord Game [entities messages systems server?]
(add-system! [this system]
(swap! systems assoc (get-name system) system)))
(remove-system! [this system-name]
(swap! systems dissoc system-name)))
(start [this]
(let [globals {}
f (fn [tpf]
(let [current-messages (dosync
(let [current @messages]
(ref-set messages [])
(doseq [[name system] @systems]
(let [ents (get-with-components @entities (get-components system))
changes (if server?
(server-update system globals ents current-messages tpf)
(client-update system globals ents current-messages tpf))]
(swap! entities merge changes)))))]
(goupgame/add-update-fn :game f)))
(stop [this]
(goupgame/remove-update-fn :game))
;; No real idea if this is the best way to send messages. Probably
;; not, going to need a higher level network manager thing that
;; knows about the connected clients and can broadcast stuff.
(send-message [this msg] (dosync
(alter messages conj msg))))
(defn make-game [] (Game. (atom {}) (ref []) (atom {}) true))
;; Specific Systems
;; ================
(defrecord TestSystem []
(get-name [_] "Test System")
(get-components [this] #{:foo})
(server-update [_ _ _ msgs _]
(when-let [m (first msgs)]
(.print System/out (str m))))
(client-update [_ _ _ _ _] nil))
;; Graphics System
;; ===============
;; Node helpers
(defn get-child
"Returns the child of node with the name name."
[node name] (.getChild node name))
(defn get-parent
"Returns the parent of node."
[node] (.getParent node))
(defn attach
"Attach child as a child of node"
[node child] (.attachChild node child))
(defn detach
"Detaches child from node"
[node child]
(.detachChild node child))
;; Explicitly dealing with the root node.
(defn add-to-scene
"Adds a node to the rootnode so it shows up in the scene."
(attach root-node node))
(defn remove-from-scene
"Removes a node from the scene."
(detach root-node node))
(defn clear-scene
(.detachAllChildren root-node))
;; Creating Shapes
(defn create-box
[x y z]
(Box. Vector3f/ZERO x y z))
(defn create-quad
[x y]
(Quad. x y))
(defn create-shape
"Creates a shape. Size depends on shape."
[shape size]
(let [[a b c] size]
(condp = shape
:box (create-box a b c)
:quad (create-quad a b))))
;; Materials
(defn create-base-unshaded-mat []
(Material. asset-manager "Common/MatDefs/Misc/Unshaded.j3md"))
(defn get-color-class
(condp = color-code
:black ColorRGBA/Black
:blue ColorRGBA/Blue
:brown ColorRGBA/Brown
:cyan ColorRGBA/Cyan
:dark-gray ColorRGBA/DarkGray
:gray ColorRGBA/Gray
:green ColorRGBA/Green
:light-gray ColorRGBA/LightGray
:magenta ColorRGBA/Magenta
:orange ColorRGBA/Orange
:pink ColorRGBA/Pink
:red ColorRGBA/Red
:white ColorRGBA/White
:yellow ColorRGBA/Yellow))
;; Manipulating Materials
(defn set-color!
[material color]
(let [color-class (get-color-class color)]
(.setColor material "Color" color-class)
(defn create-colored-unshaded-mat [color]
(let [mat (create-base-unshaded-mat)]
(set-color! mat color)
;; Geometries
(defn create-geometry
[name shape material]
(let [geometry (Geometry. name shape)]
(.setMaterial geometry material)
(defn set-position!
[geometry x y z]
(.setLocalTranslation geometry x y z))
(defn create-goup [spec id]
(let [{:keys [color position rotate shape size kinematic?]} spec
obj (create-shape shape size)
mat (create-colored-unshaded-mat color)
geom (create-geometry (str id) obj mat)]
;; Set id on geometry
(.setUserData geom "id" (str id))
;; Move
(apply set-position! geom position)
;; Rotate is a fn of the geometry for now.
(when rotate
(rotate geom))
;; Add Physics
(.addControl geom (RigidBodyControl. (if kinematic? 0.0 1.0)))
(.add (.getPhysicsSpace physics-state) geom)
;; Add to Scene
(add-to-scene geom)
{:color color
:position position
:shape shape
:size size
:kinematic? kinematic?
:shape-obj shape}))
(defrecord GraphicsSystem [objs]
(get-name [_] "Graphics")
(get-components [_] #{:visable :location})
(server-update [this globals entities messages tps]
;; Just handle creation for now, creates physics too.
(apply merge {}
(for [{:keys [entity-id message-id args]} messages
:when (= message-id :create-goup)]
(let [id (gen-id)
goup (create-goup (first args) id)]
(swap! objs assoc id (:shape-obj goup))
{id {:goup {}
:color (:color goup)
:position (:position goup)
:shape (:shape goup)
:size (:size goup)
:kinematic? (:kinematic? goup)}}))))
(client-update [_ _ _ _ _] nil))
(defn graphics-system [] (GraphicsSystem. (atom {})))
(defn make-goup-via-msg [game spec]
(send-message game {:entity-id nil
:message-id :create-goup
:args [spec]}))
(defn make-goups [game]
(make-goup-via-msg game
{:name "terrain" :color :gray :position [0 0 0]
:rotate #(.lookAt % (Vector3f. 0 10 0) Vector3f/UNIT_Y)
:shape :quad :size [50 50] :kinematic? true})
(make-goup-via-msg game
{:name "cyan box" :color :cyan :position [3 5 -3]
:shape :box :size [1 1 1] :kinematic? false}))
;; Make
;; Testing stuff out
(defn cyan-box []
(create-geometry "cyan box"
(create-box 1 1 1)
(create-colored-unshaded-mat :cyan))
(.setUserData "id" (.toString (java.util.UUID/randomUUID)))
(.setLocalTranslation 3 5 -3)))
;; Not working...
(defn flat-ground []
(let [g (create-geometry "terrain"
(create-quad 50 50)
(create-colored-unshaded-mat :gray))]
(.setUserData g "id" (.toString (java.util.UUID/randomUUID)))
(.lookAt g (Vector3f. 0 10 0) Vector3f/UNIT_Y)
(defn spin-box! [box]
(let [f (fn [tps]
(print "foo")
(.rotate box 0 (* tps 2) 0))
id (.getUserData box "id")]
(goupgame/add-update-fn (keyword id) f)))
(defn stop-spin-box! [box]
(let [id (.getUserData box "id")]
(goupgame/remove-update-fn (keyword id))))
(defn debug-physics []
(.enableDebug (.getPhysicsSpace physics-state) asset-manager))
;; Creating things in the scene has quite a few steps. This should be
;; broken out to having a spec and then getting an object back that is
;; built from it.
;; Map used to describe a goup you want to create. All of this only
;; works in the context of an already loaded scene remember.
;; Size is specific to whatever the shape is.
;; TODO: Deal with destroying goup too.
;; TODO: Return different data, have a function to get the current
;; state of the goup. This is a value that will change but should
;; be something you can get concistantly in an update loop and work with.
(defn test-scene []
{:floor (create-goup
{:name "terrain" :color :gray :position [0 0 0]
:rotate #(.lookAt % (Vector3f. 0 10 0) Vector3f/UNIT_Y)
:shape :quad :size [50 50] :kinematic? true})
:cyan (create-goup
{:name "cyan box" :color :cyan :position [3 5 -3]
:shape :box :size [1 1 1] :kinematic? false})
:green (create-goup
{:name "green box" :color :green :position [8 12 -10]
:shape :box :size [1 2 3] :kinematic? false})
:red (create-goup
{:name "red box" :color :red :position [10 5 -6]
:shape :box :size [1 2 1] :kinematic? false})
:yellow (create-goup
{:name "barrow" :color :yellow :position [18 20 -16]
:shape :box :size [1 2 3] :kinematic? false})
;; Going to get a player character controller going to walk around and stuff.
(defn background-setup []
(.setBackgroundColor view-port (ColorRGBA. 0.7 0.8 1.0 1.0))
(.setMoveSpeed fly-cam 5))
(defn create-player []
(let [shape (CapsuleCollisionShape. 1.0 6.0 1.0)
controller (CharacterControl. shape 0.05)]
(.setJumpSpeed controller 20)
(.setFallSpeed controller 30)
(.setGravity controller 30)
;; It's a physics object, not a graphics one so we use physics
;; location.
(.setPhysicsLocation controller (Vector3f. 30 5 -30))
(.add (.getPhysicsSpace physics-state) controller)
(defn setup-keys
(.addMapping input-manager "Left" (KeyTrigger. KeyInput/KEY_A))
(.addMapping input-manager "Right" (KeyTrigger. KeyInput/KEY_D))
(.addMapping input-manager "Up" (KeyTrigger. KeyInput/KEY_W))
(.addMapping input-manager "Down" (KeyTrigger. KeyInput/KEY_S))
(.addMapping input-manager "Jump" (KeyTrigger. KeyInput/KEY_SPACE))
(.addListener input-manager this "Left")
(.addListener input-manager this "Right")
(.addListener input-manager this "Up")
(.addListener input-manager this "Down")
(.addListener input-manager this "Jump"))
;; I need a good way to deal with user input, collecting user imput,
;; stuff like that.
;; One option, have the ability to send messages to an entity. I
;; already see that there will need to be a serverside update function
;; and a clientside update function on entities. Messages could go to
;; all clients and the server so that could be one way to communicate
;; accross boundaries. This would mean the client code for the player
;; would only run on the entity with the component :main-payer and it
;; would be set up in a way that when a player joins the game only the
;; one that is local is the main player.
;; Selecting a block to pick up.
;; System [:player :main-player]
;; Reads input from the global :input. (Is that the right way to do
;; it?)
;; Messages get sent to entities, this is how new shit happens yo!
;; like, (send-message {:type :create-goup :components :goup
(defrecord Message [components type data])
;; Systems are the main way that the world operates....
;; They run every update, they get called with any entities that have
;; the components they care about, or have messages on them about
;; those components.
;; So changing an entity's components on the server does not change
;; things on the client. You need to use the sync system on that
;; component to change it on the client or respond to a message in
;; both update functions.
;; Messages are only around for 1 render.
;; Need to set up shit like component creator and loading entitites
;; over the network and all that crap. Hopefully just have to write it
;; once and then can have a better api. Holy shit if I could store the
;; physics and scene stuff just in a render system would be life be
;; easeir!
;; Maybe a render-physics-system since it has to deal with 2 things....
(defn register-system!
"Registers system as active TODO: Once multiplayer is here I need
a way to send any new systems to the clients and enable them
there too. Maybe a system sending system (OMG!)"
(defn do-everything []
(let [g (make-game)
s (graphics-system)]
(start g)
(add-system! g s)
(make-goups g)))
package goupgame;
import clojure.lang.Atom;
import clojure.lang.Compiler;
import clojure.lang.IPersistentMap;
import clojure.lang.PersistentHashMap;
import clojure.lang.RT;
import clojure.lang.Var;
import com.jme3.input.controls.ActionListener;
import com.jme3.renderer.RenderManager;
public class Main extends SimpleApplication {
public IPersistentMap contextMap;
public Var callQueued;
public Var callUpdate;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Main app = new Main();
public void simpleInitApp() {
// Load context objects into map to be passed to clojure.
// These include refs of the overload functions so we
// can dynamically change them and private stuff in this class
// so clojure can see it.
// May use some core.async channels for this instead of atoms.
// update, for things that run every update.
// call-now, for things you just want to run but on the correct
// thread so it doesn't screw up the graphics. Everything that
// comes through nrepl will run like this so might not need it
// in the map once that is set up.
contextMap = PersistentHashMap.create("assetManager", assetManager,
"rootNode", rootNode,
"stateManager", stateManager,
"inputManager", inputManager,
"viewPort", viewPort,
"flyCam", flyCam,
"this", this);
InputStream inp = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/bootstrap.clj");
// Set up nrepl.
try {
Compiler.load(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inp)));
Var constantly = RT.var("clojure.core", "constantly");
Var alter = RT.var("clojure.core", "alter-var-root");
alter.invoke(RT.var("goupgame", "*context*"), constantly.invoke(contextMap));
callQueued = RT.var("goupgame", "call-queued-fns");
callUpdate = RT.var("goupgame", "call-update-fns");
} catch (Exception e) {
public void simpleUpdate(float tpf) {
public void simpleRender(RenderManager rm) {
//TODO: add render code
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