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Last active August 1, 2019 20:49
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Domoticz restarter script (or any service)
# Author: Przemyslaw W. [saper_2]
# Date: 2019-08-01
# this script check for running process and (re)start it's service. After 4 failures it'll reboot system.
# use "-c" parameter for suppress console output messages if script will be run from cron.
# you can rename this script as you fit (e.g. :P )
# You cat put this in crontab (run script every 5min):
# */5 * * * * /home/pi/ -c
# in /var/log/syslog you'll get info if restart fails.
# to install msmtp, msmtp-mta & mail: sudo apt install msmtp msmtp-mta mailutils
# process name & service name (e.g. domoticz)
# leave empty if mail and msmtp are not used/installed.
# check if script is run from shell or by cron (startup script?)
if [ "$1" == "-c" ]; then
# check if process is running
#pids="$(ps -A|grep $PROC_NAME)"
#echo -e "\e[36mPids result: $pids \e[0m"
# '-q' switch not exists in Debian Stretch (9.0), it was added in Debian Buster (9.9/10.0), so direct out to /dev/null
#pidof -q $PROC_NAME
pidof $PROC_NAME > /dev/null
#if [ -n $pids ]; then
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
logger "Application $PROC_NAME is not running, attempting to restart it's service"
if [ $SHELL_RUN -ne 0 ]; then
echo -e "\e[31mNot found any process with name '$PROC_NAME'.\e[0m\r\nAttempting to (re)start service..."
# check if count file exists, if so, then read restart attempt count from it
if [ -a $COUNT_FILE ]; then
# if there were more that 3 restart attmepts already reboot system.
if [ $RESTART_COUNT -gt 3 ]; then
if [ $SHELL_RUN -ne 0 ]; then
echo -e "\e[91m*** PERFORMING SYSTEM RESTART ***\e[0m"
logger "Restarting '$PROC_NAME' service '$PROC_NAME_SERVICE' failed $RESTART_COUNT times. Issusing SYSTEM REBOOT..."
# mail
if [ -n "$MAIL_TO" ]; then
echo "Unable to restart '$PROC_NAME' after $RESTART_COUNT attempts, performing system reboot." | mail -s "$HOSTNAME - System reboot" $MAIL_TO
# perform reboot
sudo reboot
#echo -e "\e[31m******************** REBOOT ******************\e[0m" #debug
# clear file
echo -n "0" > $COUNT_FILE
exit 0
# incr. restart count
# save new count back to file
# try to restart service
if [ $SHELL_RUN -ne 0 ]; then
echo -e "\e[93mTrying to restart $PROC_NAME service '$PROC_NAME_SERVICE'...\e[0m"
# restart service
#pidof $PROC_NAME
systemctl restart $PROC_NAME_SERVICE
if [ $RESTART_RES -ne 0 ]; then
logger "Restarting '$PROC_NAME' service '$PROC_NAME_SERVICE' failed $RESTART_COUNT times."
if [ $SHELL_RUN -ne 0 ]; then
if [ $RESTART_RES -eq 0 ]; then
echo -e "\e[92mRestarted.\e[0m"
echo -e "\e[91mRestart FAILED.\e[0m"
# running, reset counter
echo -n "0" > $COUNT_FILE
#rm $COUNT_FILE 2>&1 1>/dev/null
if [ $SHELL_RUN -ne 0 ]; then
echo -e "\e[32mProcess $PROC_NAME is running.\e[0m"
exit 0

Here is description how to install mail transfer agent.

  1. install mail, msmtp, msmtp-mta: sudo apt install msmtp msmtp-mta mailutils
  2. copy-paste and enter your mail settings in file /etc/msmtprc (file below msmtprc , settings defaut for gmail)
  3. Set msmtp as default mail-mta agent, edit file: /etc/mail.rc , and add at end of file line set mta=/usr/bin/msmtp
  4. check it by running (you'll have to log-out and log-in in ssh/console to reload settings): echo "Test mail" | mail -s "Testing mail" ""

Hint, if you want use gmail mail, create Application Passwords in Account settings -> Security (this is available when 2-Factor Authentication is enabled). If you don't have 2-FA enabled, then enable 'Less secure app access' and in Gmail settings (gear icon above email list -> Settings) enable POP/IMAP forwarding. This should enable access to account that you want send from notifications.

WARNING: Enabling any of those on your primary account might get you hacked (if you pi get hacked, intruder will have your gmail password! or use your account to sending SPAM), so I'd advice crerate a new email only for sending notifications 😄

# default settings
# nothing
# Gmail - default account
account default
port 587
tls on
tls_starttls on
from ""
auth on
user ""
password "Uthe-mail-sending-notification-password"
logfile ~/.msmtp.log
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