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Created March 22, 2015 23:31
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  • Save saper/c62301bed06e12153923 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save saper/c62301bed06e12153923 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
> generator-aspnet-f5@0.0.31 test /home/saper/sw/xtianus79/node_modules/generator-aspnet
> mocha
Subgenerators without arguments tests
File Creation
✓ should create package json file
File Creation
✓ should create gulp file
File Creation
✓ should create bower file
File Creation
✓ should create config json file
File Creation
✓ should create Startup.cs file
Subgenerators with named arguments tests
✓ Check file content
File Creation
✓ should create MyClass.cs file
File Creation
✓ should create file
File Creation
✓ should create gruntfile.js file
File Creation
✓ should create mypage.html file
File Creation
✓ should create file.js file
File Creation
✓ should create file.json file
File Creation
✓ should create file.cs file
File Creation
✓ should create file.cshtml file
File Creation
✓ should create file.txt file
File Creation
✓ should create file.ts file
File Creation
✓ should create file.cs file
aspnet 5 generator
✓ can be imported
aspnet - Empty Application
[?25h[?25h[?25h[?25h[?25h Checking directories
✓ Application directory created
Checking files
✓ emptyTest/project.json created.
✓ emptyTest/Startup.cs created.
aspnet - Class Library
[?25h[?25h[?25h[?25h[?25h Checking directories
✓ Application directory created
Checking files
✓ classTest/project.json created.
✓ classTest/Class1.cs created.
aspnet - Console Application
[?25h[?25h[?25h[?25h[?25h Checking directories
✓ Application directory created
Checking files
✓ consoleTest/project.json created.
✓ consoleTest/Program.cs created.
aspnet - Unit Test Application
[?25h[?25h[?25h[?25h[?25h Checking directories
✓ Application directory created
Checking files
✓ unittestTest/project.json created.
✓ unittestTest/SampleTest.cs created.
aspnet - Web Application w/gulp
[?25h[?25h[?25h[?25h[?25h Checking directories
✓ Application directory created
✓ gulp file created
✓ gruntfile does NOT exist
aspnet - Web Application w/o gulp
[?25h[?25h[?25h[?25h[?25h Checking directories
✓ Application directory created
✓ grunt file created
✓ gulp file does NOT exist
aspnet - Web Application
[?25h[?25h[?25h[?25h[?25h Checking directories
✓ Application directory created
✓ wwwroot directory created
✓ wwwroot/css directory created
✓ wwwroot/images directory created
✓ wwwroot/lib directory created
✓ Controllers directory created
✓ Migrations directory created
✓ Models directory created
✓ Views directory created
✓ Views/Account directory created
✓ Views/Home directory created
✓ Views/Shared directory created
Checking files
✓ webTest/bower.json created.
✓ webTest/config.json created.
✓ webTest/gruntfile.js created.
✓ webTest/package.json created.
✓ webTest/project.json created.
✓ webTest/Startup.cs created.
✓ webTest/Compiler/Preprocess/RazorPreCompilation.cs created.
✓ webTest/Controllers/AccountController.cs created.
✓ webTest/Controllers/HomeController.cs created.
✓ webTest/Models/AccountViewModels.cs created.
✓ webTest/Models/IdentityModels.cs created.
✓ webTest/Views/Account/_ChangePasswordPartial.cshtml created.
✓ webTest/Views/Account/Login.cshtml created.
✓ webTest/Views/Account/Manage.cshtml created.
✓ webTest/Views/Account/Register.cshtml created.
✓ webTest/Views/Home/Index.cshtml created.
✓ webTest/Views/Home/About.cshtml created.
✓ webTest/Views/Home/Contact.cshtml created.
✓ webTest/Views/Shared/Error.cshtml created.
✓ webTest/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml created.
✓ webTest/Views/Shared/_LoginPartial.cshtml created.
✓ webTest/Migrations/000000000000000_CreateIdentitySchema.cs created.
✓ webTest/Migrations/ApplicationDbContextModelSnapshot.cs created.
aspnet - Web API Application
[?25h[?25h[?25h[?25h[?25h Checking directories
✓ Application directory created
✓ Controllers directory created
✓ Views directory created
✓ Views/Home directory created
Checking files
✓ webAPITest/project.json created.
✓ webAPITest/Startup.cs created.
✓ webAPITest/Views/Home/Index.cshtml created.
✓ webAPITest/Controllers/HomeController.cs created.
✓ webAPITest/Controllers/ValuesController.cs created.
aspnet - Nancy Application
[?25h[?25h[?25h[?25h[?25h Checking directories
✓ Application directory created
Checking files
✓ nancyTest/project.json created.
✓ nancyTest/Startup.cs created.
✓ nancyTest/HomeModule.cs created.
zf5 generator
1) "before each" hook
84 passing (2s)
1 failing
1) zf5 generator "before each" hook:
Uncaught Error: You don't seem to have a generator with the name zf5:app installed.
You can see available generators with npm search yeoman-generator and then install them with npm install [name].
To see the 1 registered generators run yo with the `--help` option.
at Environment.create (/home/saper/sw/xtianus79/node_modules/generator-aspnet/node_modules/yeoman-generator/node_modules/yeoman-environment/lib/environment.js:250:7)
at Object.exports.createGenerator (/home/saper/sw/xtianus79/node_modules/generator-aspnet/node_modules/yeoman-generator/lib/test/helpers.js:259:14)
at Context.<anonymous> (/home/saper/sw/xtianus79/node_modules/generator-aspnet/test/test-creation.js:15:32)
at /home/saper/sw/xtianus79/node_modules/generator-aspnet/node_modules/yeoman-generator/lib/test/helpers.js:183:5
at next (/home/saper/sw/xtianus79/node_modules/generator-aspnet/node_modules/yeoman-generator/node_modules/rimraf/rimraf.js:70:7)
at CB (/home/saper/sw/xtianus79/node_modules/generator-aspnet/node_modules/yeoman-generator/node_modules/rimraf/rimraf.js:106:9)
at /home/saper/sw/xtianus79/node_modules/generator-aspnet/node_modules/yeoman-generator/node_modules/rimraf/rimraf.js:132:14
at FSReqWrap.oncomplete (fs.js:99:15)
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