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Created April 30, 2015 00:18
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Tagging Days with Version Infomation
tagDaysByVersion <- function(d){
## takes $data$days and returns a modified data$days
## with versioninfo attached as a field
## i've not done much error checking with this
## if you get errors notify me
if(length(d$data$days)==0) return(d$data$days)
days <- d$data$days [ order(names(d$data$days)) ]
dates <- names(days)
dversion <- rep(NA, length(dates))
iversion <- NA
verupdate <- rep(FALSE,length(dates))
for(i in 1:length(dates)){
vs <- days[[i]]$org.mozilla.appInfo.versions
dversion[i] <- iversion
iversion <- dversion[i] <- max(vs$appVersion) ## there can be several on a day
verupdate[i] <- TRUE
## If alll of dversion is NA, there was never an update
## Force them to be equal to gecko values
if(all( dversion <- rep(d$geckoAppInfo$platformVersion, length(dates))
days <- mapply(function(dc, dv, vu){
dc$versioninfo <- list(version=dv,vup=vu)
}, days, dversion,verupdate, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
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