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Created December 19, 2016 07:26
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Code causing segmentation fault in OCLint
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@interface RCPoint : NSObject {
int x, y;
-(instancetype)initWithX:(int)x0 andY:(int)y0;
-(instancetype)initWithPoint:(RCPoint *)p;
@property (nonatomic) int x;
@property (nonatomic) int y;
@implementation RCPoint
@synthesize x, y;
-(instancetype)initWithX:(int)x0 { return [self initWithX:x0 andY:0]; }
-(instancetype)initWithX:(int)x0 andY:(int)y0 {
if ((self = [super init])) {
x = x0;
y = y0;
return self;
-(instancetype)initWithPoint:(RCPoint *)p { return [self initWithX:p.x andY:p.y]; }
-(NSString *)description { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<RCPoint %p x: %d y: %d>", self, x, y]; }
@interface RCCircle : RCPoint {
int r;
-(instancetype)initWithCenter:(RCPoint *)p andRadius:(int)r0;
-(instancetype)initWithX:(int)x0 andY:(int)y0 andRadius:(int)r0;
-(instancetype)initWithCircle:(RCCircle *)c;
@property (nonatomic) int r;
@implementation RCCircle
@synthesize r;
-(instancetype)initWithCenter:(RCPoint *)p andRadius:(int)r0 {
if ((self = [super initWithPoint:p])) {
r = r0;
return self;
-(instancetype)initWithX:(int)x0 andY:(int)y0 andRadius:(int)r0 {
if ((self = [super initWithX:x0 andY:y0])) {
r = r0;
return self;
-(instancetype)initWithCircle:(RCCircle *)c { return [self initWithX:c.x andY:c.y andRadius:c.r]; }
-(NSString *)description { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<RCCircle %p x: %d y: %d r: %d>", self, x, y, r]; }
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {
@autoreleasepool {
NSLog(@"%@", [[RCPoint alloc] init]);
NSLog(@"%@", [[RCPoint alloc] initWithX:3]);
NSLog(@"%@", [[RCPoint alloc] initWithX:3 andY:4]);
NSLog(@"%@", [[RCCircle alloc] init]);
NSLog(@"%@", [[RCCircle alloc] initWithX:3]);
NSLog(@"%@", [[RCCircle alloc] initWithX:3 andY:4]);
NSLog(@"%@", [[RCCircle alloc] initWithX:3 andY:4 andRadius:7]);
RCPoint *p = [[RCPoint alloc] initWithX:1 andY:2];
NSLog(@"%@", [[RCCircle alloc] initWithPoint:p]);
NSLog(@"%@", [[RCCircle alloc] initWithCenter:p andRadius:7]);
NSLog(@"%d", p.x); // 1
p.x = 8;
NSLog(@"%d", p.x); // 8
return 0;
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