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Last active October 31, 2017 11:35
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Spinning globe with city markers
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<!-- Javascripts -->
<script src=""></script>
body {
background: #454545;
position: relative;
svg {
position: absolute;
left: 0;
top: 0;
.city {
fill: rgb(255, 255, 193);
stroke: rgb(142, 142, 21);
stroke-width: 0.4;
.highlight {
fill: rgb(205, 39, 235);
stroke: rgb(226, 47, 211);
<script type="text/javascript">
var margin = 0,
width = 800 - margin,
height = 500 - margin;
function draw(geo_data) {
var svg ="body").select("#content").select("svg")
.attr("width", width + margin)
.attr("height", height + margin);
// Based on:
var earthcolor = d3.rgb("rgb(105, 113, 142)");
var countryfillcolor = d3.rgb("rgb(84, 139, 84)");
var countrystrokecolor = d3.rgb("rgb(25, 64, 224)");
var projection = d3.geo.orthographic()
.translate([width / 2, height / 2])
var pathproj = d3.geo.path().projection(projection);
// drawing a sphere as landmass
var g = svg.append("g");
.datum({type: "Sphere"})
.attr("class", "sphere")
.attr("d", pathproj)
.attr("fill", earthcolor);
// drawing the worldmap
var map = svg.append('g').selectAll('path')
.attr("class", "fill")
.attr('d', pathproj)
.style('fill', countryfillcolor) //country fill
.style('stroke', countrystrokecolor)
.style('stroke-width', .5)
//draw, spin, and highlight the cities on the world
function plot_points(data) {
// Add city points to map!
// JSON object (instead of circles) for points allowed to be clipped at "backside" of earth:
.data(data,function(d,i){ return })
.datum(function(d) {
return {
type: "Point",
coordinates: [d.lon,],
class: "nohighlight" //My attempt at changing style through class..... not working....
}; })
.attr("class","city") //this class is assigned to the "correct" paths. Can I access them individually??
.attr("d", pathproj);
// Control the radius of ALL circles!
pathproj.pointRadius(function(d,i) {
if (d.type =="Point") {
return d.class==="nohighlight" ? 4 : 20;
// Spinning the globe:
function spinning_globe(){
var time =;
var rotate = [0, 0];
var velocity = [.015, -0];
d3.timer(t => {
// get current time
var dt = - time;
//Define new projection over a rotating path
projection.rotate([rotate[0] + velocity[0] * dt, rotate[1] + velocity[1] * dt]);
//Add new projection to the map
map.attr('d', pathproj)
// Spin city locations: Method with JSON path element - only requires this line:
svg.selectAll("").attr("d", pathproj);
}); // end timer spinning globe
}; // end spinning globe
//// HIGHLIGHTING the cities one by one:
var city_idx = 0; // starts at 1
//Every 300 msec: highlight a new city:
var city_play = setInterval(function() {
var filtered = data.filter(function(d) {
return === city_idx;
//Stop when all cities are highlighted
clearInterval(city_play) //terminates calls to update function within setInterval function.
}, 300); // end timer city play setInterval
}; // end plot_points function
// loading igem data
d3.csv("team_gps.csv", function(d) {
d['id'] = +d['id'];
d['lat'] = +d['lat'];
d['lon'] = +d['lon'];
return d;
}, plot_points);
}; // end of draw function
<div id="content">
<script type="text/javascript">
d3.json("world_countries.json", function(error, geo_data) {
id lon lat
1 6.0838868 50.7753455
2 24.6559 60.2054911
3 31.2357116 30.0444196
4 118.507011 31.67044
5 5.36978 43.296482
6 -60.0217314 -3.1190275
7 4.8951679 52.3702157
8 -48.1786486 -21.7848272
9 -111.9400054 33.4255104
10 -0.1869644 5.6037168
11 139.6917064 35.6894875
12 120.15507 30.274084
13 -97.7430608 30.267153
14 -97.7430608 30.267153
15 -76.6121893 39.2903848
16 13.404954 52.5200066
17 114.057865 22.543096
18 8.5324708 52.0302285
19 32.8597419 39.9333635
20 116.4073963 39.9041999
21 116.4073963 39.9041999
22 116.4073963 39.9041999
23 116.4073963 39.9041999
24 16.3738189 48.2081743
25 -0.630386 44.80583
26 -71.0588801 42.3600825
27 -71.0588801 42.3600825
28 139.8747636 35.9551921
29 -2.58791 51.454513
30 -123.1207375 49.2827291
31 23.3218675 42.6977082
32 -122.4442906 47.2528768
33 -114.0708459 51.0486151
34 -94.6707917 38.9822282
35 -3.17909 51.481581
36 -117.1610838 32.715738
37 120.4233654 23.5436443
38 121.237221 25.069656
39 11.97456 57.70887
40 116.4073963 39.9041999
41 116.4073963 39.9041999
42 -0.1277583 51.5073509
43 51.5310398 25.2854473
44 -77.042754 -12.0463731
45 6.7734556 51.2277411
46 -74.0059728 40.7127753
47 -76.5018807 42.4439614
48 118.796877 32.060255
49 120.6736482 24.1477358
50 -105.084423 40.5852602
51 -105.2705456 40.0149856
52 -70.861985 41.991213
53 -83.0103409 40.119413
54 78.0080745 27.1766701
55 -74.1744624 40.6895314
56 12.4949429 55.763516
57 -78.898619 35.9940329
58 -79.0558445 35.9131996
59 121.4737021 31.2303904
60 -3.188267 55.953252
61 -3.188267 55.953252
62 -84.3879824 33.7489954
63 6.6322734 46.5196535
64 -74.0059728 40.7127753
65 7.5885761 47.5595986
66 2.441782 48.629828
67 -70.9477546 42.9814292
68 119.296482 26.074478
69 -80.1289321 26.3683064
70 11.0119611 49.5896744
71 7.8421043 47.9990077
72 -84.2807329 30.4382559
73 121.4737021 31.2303904
74 121.4737021 31.2303904
75 -81.1873005 35.262082
76 -84.3879824 33.7489954
77 136.7606537 35.4232984
78 -4.251806 55.864237
79 22.9444191 40.6400629
80 5.737805 45.205168
81 6.5665017 53.2193835
82 113.264385 23.12911
83 9.9936819 53.5510846
84 -71.0588801 42.3600825
85 114.305539 30.592849
86 8.6724335 49.3987524
87 120.15507 30.274084
88 117.227219 31.820591
89 114.109497 22.396428
90 141.3543763 43.0620958
91 114.1290719 22.2679201
92 114.1796057 22.3185673
93 114.109497 22.396428
94 114.1974398 22.3771304
95 114.305539 30.592849
96 114.305539 30.592849
97 72.8776559 19.0759837
98 77.5945627 12.9715987
99 76.7178726 30.7046486
100 73.8567437 18.5204303
101 77.2090212 28.6139391
102 80.2707184 13.0826802
103 1.444209 43.604652
104 2.359279 48.792716
105 107.6191228 -6.9174639
106 -122.3320708 47.6062095
107 125.323544 43.817071
108 117.120095 36.6512
109 0.27568 51.195043
110 139.343138 35.486426
111 1.0789089 51.280233
112 -73.9441579 40.6781784
113 135.1955112 34.690083
114 4.7005176 50.8798438
115 126.9779692 37.566535
116 135.7680294 35.0116363
117 -84.0712997 34.0514898
118 103.834303 36.061089
119 -112.84184 49.69349
120 -112.84184 49.69349
121 15.6213728 58.410807
122 -101.8551665 33.5778631
123 13.1910073 55.7046601
124 151.1126498 -33.7738237
125 -2.2426305 53.4807593
126 -73.8648268 40.8447819
127 -84.5613355 39.3995008
128 -84.5613355 39.3995008
129 -83.7430378 42.2808256
130 -83.7430378 42.2808256
131 120.6736482 24.1477358
132 -71.5734197 43.1948092
133 -91.7715303 37.948544
134 0.1149085 52.2042666
135 37.6172999 55.755826
136 -84.4838654 42.7369792
137 11.6532477 48.2488721
138 -73.658945 40.5889551
139 118.796877 32.060255
140 118.796877 32.060255
141 118.796877 32.060255
142 15.439504 47.070714
143 120.2270277 22.9997281
144 120.9674798 24.8138287
145 126.534967 45.803775
146 123.431472 41.805699
147 -1.61778 54.978252
148 91.7362365 26.1445169
149 118.796877 32.060255
150 117.3616476 39.3433574
151 -71.0588801 42.3600825
152 -87.6876969 42.0450722
153 108.93977 34.341574
154 120.9674798 24.8138287
155 10.3950528 63.4305149
156 103.819836 1.352083
157 71.4703558 51.1605227
158 112.938814 28.228209
159 103.819836 1.352083
160 108.93977 34.341574
161 121.5654177 25.0329694
162 54.3773438 24.453884
163 121.544379 31.221517
164 120.382609 36.067108
165 -1.2577263 51.7520209
166 2.3522219 48.856614
167 -70.6692655 -33.4488897
168 2.3522219 48.856614
169 116.4073963 39.9041999
170 -75.1652215 39.9525839
171 71.5804899 34.0149748
172 -79.9958864 40.4406248
173 12.9573975 52.4038381
174 -74.6514481 40.3439888
175 -86.9080655 40.4258686
176 -73.9973608 41.9270367
177 116.4073963 39.9041999
178 80.2707184 13.0826802
179 -87.4139092 39.4667034
180 -95.3698028 29.7604267
181 -83.1497751 42.6064095
182 104.066801 30.572815
183 104.066801 30.572815
184 113.264385 23.12911
185 113.264385 23.12911
186 116.4073963 39.9041999
187 117.120095 36.6512
188 10.4033399 55.3790617
189 174.7633315 -36.8484597
190 121.4737021 31.2303904
191 -1.470085 53.381129
192 114.057865 22.543096
193 116.298326 39.959953
194 114.057865 22.543096
195 104.195397 35.86166
196 121.4737021 31.2303904
197 121.4737021 31.2303904
198 114.057865 22.543096
199 114.057865 22.543096
200 -122.0540996 37.4112691
201 18.0685808 59.3293235
202 -73.1233889 40.9123761
203 9.1829321 48.7758459
204 121.4737021 31.2303904
205 114.057865 22.543096
206 79.9465841 12.9666662
207 -79.8761741 34.2998762
208 113.264385 23.12911
209 113.264385 23.12911
210 20.1414253 46.2530102
211 114.057865 22.543096
212 26.7290062 58.3776252
213 121.5654177 25.0329694
214 120.9674798 24.8138287
215 -106.0691004 28.6329957
216 -99.2653128 19.5679989
217 34.989571 32.7940463
218 -103.416501 20.6719563
219 35.570246 33.207933
220 117.3616476 39.3433574
221 117.3616476 39.3433574
222 106.456877 29.541144
223 127.1479532 35.8242238
224 139.6380256 35.4437078
225 121.4737021 31.2303904
226 -79.3831843 43.653226
227 -117.2712717 32.8328112
228 116.298326 39.959953
229 116.4073963 39.9041999
230 8.6511929 49.8728253
231 13.7372621 51.0504088
232 5.4697225 51.441642
233 4.3570677 52.0115769
234 9.0576448 48.5216364
235 117.3616476 39.3433574
236 -80.2481666 43.5448048
237 -113.4909267 53.544389
238 -117.2712717 32.8328112
239 116.4073963 39.9041999
240 -8.4863157 51.8968917
241 -87.6297982 41.8781136
242 -70.6692655 -33.4488897
243 -70.6692655 -33.4488897
244 -0.1277583 51.5073509
245 4.6118324 50.668081
246 -72.2495231 41.8084314
247 12.513321 55.677069
248 -122.0307963 36.9741171
249 104.066801 30.572815
250 -82.3248262 29.6516344
251 23.7275388 37.9838096
252 10.7522454 59.9138688
253 -91.5301683 41.6611277
254 -88.2072697 40.1105875
255 -117.773235 34.100854
256 -76.93776 38.9896967
257 -77.2856305 37.2220383
258 -82.5514869 35.5950581
259 -96.6851982 40.8257625
260 11.2183781 43.8374367
261 -1.1581086 52.9547832
262 -75.6971931 45.4215296
263 2.3522219 48.856614
264 17.6389267 59.8585638
265 -113.4909267 53.544389
266 -84.1916069 39.7589478
267 -73.9625033 41.3918372
268 -120.7401385 47.7510741
269 -46.6333094 -23.5505199
270 116.4073963 39.9041999
271 117.227219 31.820591
272 117.227219 31.820591
273 -83.9207392 35.9606384
274 5.1214201 52.0907374
275 -0.3762881 39.4699075
276 25.2796514 54.6871555
277 -78.4766781 38.0293059
278 5.6653948 51.9691868
279 -71.5642076 41.6885978
280 -122.3320708 47.6062095
281 -90.1994042 38.6270025
282 -92.3425775 42.492786
283 -0.1277583 51.5073509
284 114.305539 30.592849
285 -76.7074571 37.2707022
286 -87.9064736 43.0389025
287 120.15507 30.274084
288 120.15507 30.274084
289 120.15507 30.274084
290 -71.8022934 42.2625932
291 120.585289 31.298974
292 118.089425 24.479833
293 -76.727745 39.9625984
294 120.15507 30.274084
295 120.15507 30.274084
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