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Created August 26, 2018 22:10
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verbose 3 (427:, mac_lane_approximants) Approximants of 2-adic valuation on Rational Field towards x^36 + 1160/81*x^31 + 9920/27*x^30 + 1040/81*x^26 + 52480/81*x^25 + 220160/81*x^24 - 5120/81*x^21 - 143360/81*x^20 - 573440/81*x^19 + 12451840/81*x^18 - 266240/567*x^16 - 20316160/567*x^15 - 198737920/189*x^14 - 1129840640/81*x^13 - 1907359744/27*x^12 + 8192/81*x^11 + 655360/81*x^10 + 5242880/21*x^9 + 2118123520/567*x^8 + 15460204544/567*x^7 + 6509559808/81*x^6 - 16777216/567*x^2 - 268435456/567*x - 1073741824/567
verbose 10 (667:, mac_lane_step) Augmenting Gauss valuation induced by 2-adic valuation towards x^36 + 1160/81*x^31 + 9920/27*x^30 + 1040/81*x^26 + 52480/81*x^25 + 220160/81*x^24 - 5120/81*x^21 - 143360/81*x^20 - 573440/81*x^19 + 12451840/81*x^18 - 266240/567*x^16 - 20316160/567*x^15 - 198737920/189*x^14 - 1129840640/81*x^13 - 1907359744/27*x^12 + 8192/81*x^11 + 655360/81*x^10 + 5242880/21*x^9 + 2118123520/567*x^8 + 15460204544/567*x^7 + 6509559808/81*x^6 - 16777216/567*x^2 - 268435456/567*x - 1073741824/567
verbose 20 [-(1092:-] {+(1089:+}, equivalence_decomposition) x^36 + 1160/81*x^31 + 9920/27*x^30 + 1040/81*x^26 + 52480/81*x^25 + 220160/81*x^24 - 5120/81*x^21 - 143360/81*x^20 - 573440/81*x^19 + 12451840/81*x^18 - 266240/567*x^16 - 20316160/567*x^15 - 198737920/189*x^14 - 1129840640/81*x^13 - 1907359744/27*x^12 + 8192/81*x^11 + 655360/81*x^10 + 5242880/21*x^9 + 2118123520/567*x^8 + 15460204544/567*x^7 + 6509559808/81*x^6 - 16777216/567*x^2 - 268435456/567*x - 1073741824/567 factors as 1 = 1 in reduction
verbose 11 (667:, mac_lane_step) Determining the augmentation of Gauss valuation induced by 2-adic valuation for x
verbose 11 (667:, mac_lane_step) Newton-Polygon for v(phi)=0 : Infinite Newton polygon with 5 vertices: (0, 30), (2, 24), (11, 13), (26, 4), (36, 0) ending by an infinite line of slope 0
verbose 12 (667:, mac_lane_step) Slope = -3/5
verbose 12 (667:, mac_lane_step) Slope = -2/5
verbose 12 (667:, mac_lane_step) Slope = -3
verbose 12 (667:, mac_lane_step) Slope = -11/9
verbose 10 (667:, mac_lane_step) Augmenting [ Gauss valuation induced by 2-adic valuation, v(x) = 3/5 ] towards x^36 + 1160/81*x^31 + 9920/27*x^30 + 1040/81*x^26 + 52480/81*x^25 + 220160/81*x^24 - 5120/81*x^21 - 143360/81*x^20 - 573440/81*x^19 + 12451840/81*x^18 - 266240/567*x^16 - 20316160/567*x^15 - 198737920/189*x^14 - 1129840640/81*x^13 - 1907359744/27*x^12 + 8192/81*x^11 + 655360/81*x^10 + 5242880/21*x^9 + 2118123520/567*x^8 + 15460204544/567*x^7 + 6509559808/81*x^6 - 16777216/567*x^2 - 268435456/567*x - 1073741824/567
verbose 20 [-(1092:-] {+(1089:+}, equivalence_decomposition) x^36 + 1160/81*x^31 + 9920/27*x^30 + 1040/81*x^26 + 52480/81*x^25 + 220160/81*x^24 - 5120/81*x^21 - 143360/81*x^20 - 573440/81*x^19 + 12451840/81*x^18 - 266240/567*x^16 - 20316160/567*x^15 - 198737920/189*x^14 - 1129840640/81*x^13 - 1907359744/27*x^12 + 8192/81*x^11 + 655360/81*x^10 + 5242880/21*x^9 + 2118123520/567*x^8 + 15460204544/567*x^7 + 6509559808/81*x^6 - 16777216/567*x^2 - 268435456/567*x - 1073741824/567 factors as x^3 + 1 = (x + 1) * (x^2 + x + 1) in reduction
verbose 11 (667:, mac_lane_step) Determining the augmentation of [ Gauss valuation induced by 2-adic valuation, v(x) = 3/5 ] for x^5 + 8
verbose 11 (667:, mac_lane_step) Newton-Polygon for v(phi)=3 : Infinite Newton polygon with 2 vertices: (0, 108/5), (1, 98/5) ending by an infinite line of slope 0
verbose 12 (667:, mac_lane_step) Slope = -2
verbose 11 (667:, mac_lane_step) Determining the augmentation of [ Gauss valuation induced by 2-adic valuation, v(x) = 3/5 ] for x^10 + 8*x^5 + 64
verbose 11 (667:, mac_lane_step) Newton-Polygon for v(phi)=6 : Infinite Newton polygon with 2 vertices: (0, 103/5), (1, 98/5) ending by an infinite line of slope 0
verbose 12 (667:, mac_lane_step) Slope = -1
verbose [-10 (667:, mac_lane_step) Augmenting [ Gauss valuation induced by 2-adic valuation, v(x) = 2/5 ] towards x^36 + 1160/81*x^31 + 9920/27*x^30 + 1040/81*x^26 + 52480/81*x^25 + 220160/81*x^24 - 5120/81*x^21 - 143360/81*x^20 - 573440/81*x^19 + 12451840/81*x^18 - 266240/567*x^16 - 20316160/567*x^15 - 198737920/189*x^14 - 1129840640/81*x^13 - 1907359744/27*x^12 + 8192/81*x^11 + 655360/81*x^10 + 5242880/21*x^9 + 2118123520/567*x^8 + 15460204544/567*x^7 + 6509559808/81*x^6 - 16777216/567*x^2 - 268435456/567*x - 1073741824/567
verbose 20 (1092:, equivalence_decomposition) x^36 + 1160/81*x^31 + 9920/27*x^30 + 1040/81*x^26 + 52480/81*x^25 + 220160/81*x^24 - 5120/81*x^21 - 143360/81*x^20 - 573440/81*x^19 + 12451840/81*x^18 - 266240/567*x^16 - 20316160/567*x^15 - 198737920/189*x^14 - 1129840640/81*x^13 - 1907359744/27*x^12 + 8192/81*x^11 + 655360/81*x^10 + 5242880/21*x^9 + 2118123520/567*x^8 + 15460204544/567*x^7 + 6509559808/81*x^6 - 16777216/567*x^2 - 268435456/567*x - 1073741824/567 factors as x^2 + 1 = (x + 1)^2 in reduction
verbose-] 11 (667:, mac_lane_step) Determining the augmentation of [ Gauss valuation induced by 2-adic valuation, v(x) = [-2/5-] {+3/5+} ] for [-x^5 + 4-] {+x+}
verbose 11 (667:, mac_lane_step) Newton-Polygon for [-v(phi)=2-] {+v(phi)=3/5+} : Infinite Newton polygon with [-2-] {+3+} vertices: (0, [-87/5),-] {+30),+} (2, [-72/5)-] {+126/5), (11, 98/5)+} ending by an infinite line of slope 0
verbose 12 (667:, mac_lane_step) Slope = [--3/2-] {+-12/5
verbose 12 (667:, mac_lane_step) Slope = -28/45+}
verbose 10 (667:, mac_lane_step) Augmenting [ Gauss valuation induced by 2-adic valuation, v(x) = [-3-] {+2/5+} ] towards x^36 + 1160/81*x^31 + 9920/27*x^30 + 1040/81*x^26 + 52480/81*x^25 + 220160/81*x^24 - 5120/81*x^21 - 143360/81*x^20 - 573440/81*x^19 + 12451840/81*x^18 - 266240/567*x^16 - 20316160/567*x^15 - 198737920/189*x^14 - 1129840640/81*x^13 - 1907359744/27*x^12 + 8192/81*x^11 + 655360/81*x^10 + 5242880/21*x^9 + 2118123520/567*x^8 + 15460204544/567*x^7 + 6509559808/81*x^6 - 16777216/567*x^2 - 268435456/567*x - 1073741824/567
verbose 20 [-(1092:-] {+(1089:+}, equivalence_decomposition) x^36 + 1160/81*x^31 + 9920/27*x^30 + 1040/81*x^26 + 52480/81*x^25 + 220160/81*x^24 - 5120/81*x^21 - 143360/81*x^20 - 573440/81*x^19 + 12451840/81*x^18 - 266240/567*x^16 - 20316160/567*x^15 - 198737920/189*x^14 - 1129840640/81*x^13 - 1907359744/27*x^12 + 8192/81*x^11 + 655360/81*x^10 + 5242880/21*x^9 + 2118123520/567*x^8 + 15460204544/567*x^7 + 6509559808/81*x^6 - 16777216/567*x^2 - 268435456/567*x - 1073741824/567 factors as x^2 + 1 = (x + 1)^2 in reduction
verbose 11 (667:, mac_lane_step) Determining the augmentation of [ Gauss valuation induced by 2-adic valuation, v(x) = [-3-] {+2/5+} ] for [-x-] {+x^5+} + [-8-] {+4+}
verbose 11 (667:, mac_lane_step) Newton-Polygon for [-v(phi)=3-] {+v(phi)=2+} : Infinite Newton polygon with 2 vertices: (0, [-46),-] {+87/5),+} (2, [-30)-] {+72/5)+} ending by an infinite line of slope 0
verbose 12 (667:, mac_lane_step) Slope = [--8
verbose 10 (667:, mac_lane_step) Augmenting [ Gauss valuation induced by 2-adic valuation, v(x + 8) = 11 ] towards x^36 + 1160/81*x^31 + 9920/27*x^30 + 1040/81*x^26 + 52480/81*x^25 + 220160/81*x^24 - 5120/81*x^21 - 143360/81*x^20 - 573440/81*x^19 + 12451840/81*x^18 - 266240/567*x^16 - 20316160/567*x^15 - 198737920/189*x^14 - 1129840640/81*x^13 - 1907359744/27*x^12 + 8192/81*x^11 + 655360/81*x^10 + 5242880/21*x^9 + 2118123520/567*x^8 + 15460204544/567*x^7 + 6509559808/81*x^6 - 16777216/567*x^2 - 268435456/567*x - 1073741824/567
verbose 20 (1092:, equivalence_decomposition) x^36 + 1160/81*x^31 + 9920/27*x^30 + 1040/81*x^26 + 52480/81*x^25 + 220160/81*x^24 - 5120/81*x^21 - 143360/81*x^20 - 573440/81*x^19 + 12451840/81*x^18 - 266240/567*x^16 - 20316160/567*x^15 - 198737920/189*x^14 - 1129840640/81*x^13 - 1907359744/27*x^12 + 8192/81*x^11 + 655360/81*x^10 + 5242880/21*x^9 + 2118123520/567*x^8 + 15460204544/567*x^7 + 6509559808/81*x^6 - 16777216/567*x^2 - 268435456/567*x - 1073741824/567 factors as x^2 + 1 = (x + 1)^2 in reduction-] {+-3/2+}
verbose 11 (667:, mac_lane_step) Determining the augmentation of [ Gauss valuation induced by 2-adic valuation, [-v(x + 8)-] {+v(x)+} = [-11-] {+2/5+} ] for x [-+ 2056-]
verbose 11 (667:, mac_lane_step) Newton-Polygon for [-v(phi)=11-] {+v(phi)=2/5+} : Infinite Newton polygon with [-2-] {+3+} vertices: (0, [-47),-] {+30),+} (2, [-46)-] {+124/5), (10, 21)+} ending by an infinite line of slope 0
verbose 12 (667:, mac_lane_step) Slope = [--1/2
[[ Gauss valuation induced by 2-adic valuation, v(x + 2056) = 23/2 ],
[ Gauss valuation induced by 2-adic valuation, v(x) = 11/9 ],
[ Gauss valuation induced by 2-adic valuation, v(x) = 2/5, v(x^5 + 4) = 7/2 ],
[ Gauss valuation induced by 2-adic valuation, v(x) = 3/5, v(x^10 + 8*x^5 + 64) = 7 ],
[ Gauss valuation induced by 2-adic valuation, v(x) = 3/5, v(x^5 + 8) = 5 ]]-] {+-19/40+}
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