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Last active August 29, 2015 14:01
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// DOM selection variables
var you = document.getElementById('you'),
robot = document.getElementById('robot'),
youWrapper = document.getElementById('youWrapper'),
help = youWrapper.className,
playButton = document.getElementById('play'),
scoreBox = document.getElementById('score'),
legend = document.getElementById('legend'),
color = document.getElementById('color'),
circle = document.getElementById('circle'),
end = document.getElementById('end');
// Computed DOM variables
var width = robot.offsetWidth,
height = robot.offsetHeight;
var marginX = 10, // Equal to margin on body
marginY = 60; // Equal to margin on body, plus score div height
// Logging functions
function logCo(event){
console.log(event.clientX, event.clientY);
// Math functions
function anyNum(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min) + min);
function randomX() {
return anyNum(0, width) - marginX;
function randomY() {
return anyNum(marginY, height) - marginY;
// Drawing & helper functions
function lightnessRange(num, height, usefulMin, usefulMax) {
var usefulMin = usefulMin || 20,
usefulMax = usefulMax || 85,
difference = usefulMax - usefulMin;
return (num - marginY) / height * difference + usefulMin;
function drawCircle(event) {
var x = window.event.clientX - marginX,
y = window.event.clientY - marginY,
hue = x%360,
lightness = lightnessRange(y, height);
var inner;
inner = '<circle cx="';
inner += x;
inner += '" cy="';
inner += y;
inner += '" r="10" style="fill:hsla(';
inner += hue;
inner += ', 100%,';
inner += lightness;
inner += '%, 1)"/>';
you.innerHTML = inner;
game.youX = x;
game.youY = y;
function roboCircle(x, y) {
var hue = x%360,
lightness = lightnessRange(y, height);
var roboCirc;
roboCirc = '<circle cx="';
roboCirc += x;
roboCirc += '" cy="';
roboCirc += y;
roboCirc += '" r="10" style="fill:hsla(';
roboCirc += hue;
roboCirc += ', 100%, ';
roboCirc += lightness;
roboCirc += '%, 1)"/>';
robot.innerHTML = roboCirc;
function generateNewRoboCircle() {
if (game.over === false) {
game.robotX = randomX();
game.robotY = randomY();
roboCircle(game.robotX, game.robotY);
function roboSquare(x, y) {
var hue = x%360,
lightness = lightnessRange(y, height);
var roboSq;
roboSq = '<rect x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"'
roboSq += 'style ="fill:hsla(';
roboSq += hue;
roboSq += ', 100%, ';
roboSq += lightness;
roboSq += '%, 1)"/>';
robot.innerHTML = roboSq;
function generateNewRoboSquare() {
if (game.over === false) {
game.robotX = randomX();
game.robotY = randomY();
roboSquare(game.robotX, game.robotY);
function hoverHelp() {
var x = event.clientX - marginX + 5,
y = event.clientY - marginY + 5,
hue = x%360,
lightness = lightnessRange(y, height);
var inner;
inner = '<circle cx="';
inner += x;
inner += '" cy="';
inner += y;
inner += '" r="10" style="fill:hsla(';
inner += hue;
inner += ', 100%,';
inner += lightness;
inner += '%, 1)"/>';
you.innerHTML = inner;
// Display functions
function showScore() {
var scoreDisplay = '<p><span id="message">Match!</span>';
for (var i = 1; i < 11; i++) {
if (i < 6) {
scoreDisplay += '<span class="fa fa-circle fa-lg" id="span' + i + '"></span>';
} else {
scoreDisplay += '<span class="fa fa-circle-o fa-lg" id="span' + i + '"></span>';
scoreDisplay += '<span id="reset"><a href="#">« Reset</a></span></p>'
scoreBox.innerHTML = scoreDisplay;
message = document.getElementById('message');
game = new Game();
function updateScoreDisplay(state) {
var targetSpan = 'span' + game.score;
if (state === 'increment') {
document.getElementById(targetSpan).className = 'fa fa-circle fa-lg';
} else {
document.getElementById(targetSpan).className = 'fa fa-circle-o fa-lg';
function generateLegend() {
var x = 18 - marginX + 5, // initial cx will be half of dot width
y = 25,
hue = x%360,
lightness = 65;
stops = width/36; // each dot, plus spacing is 36px;
var legendDisplay = '';
for (var i=1; i < stops; i++){
legendDisplay += '<circle cx="';
legendDisplay += x;
legendDisplay += '" cy="'
legendDisplay += y;
legendDisplay += '" r="5" style="fill:hsla(';
legendDisplay += hue;
legendDisplay += ', 100%, ';
legendDisplay += lightness;
legendDisplay += '%, 1)"/>';
x += 36;
hue = x%360
legend.innerHTML = legendDisplay;
function regenerateLegend() {
width = robot.offsetWidth;
function toggleMode() {
if (mode === 'color') {
color.className = '';
circle.className = 'selected-mode';
mode = 'circle';
} else if (mode === 'circle') {
circle.className = '';
color.className = 'selected-mode';
mode = 'color';
} else {
console.log('That is not a valid mode. Be sure mode is being set and passed correctly.')
// Game object constructor
function Game() {
this.score = 5;
this.youX = 0;
this.youY = 0;
this.robotX = randomX();
this.robotY = randomY();
this.buffer = 40;
this.over = false;
var that = this;
this.compareSelection = function() {
if ((that.youX%360 > that.robotX%360 + that.buffer) ||
(that.youX%360 < that.robotX%360 - that.buffer) ||
(that.youY > that.robotY + that.buffer) ||
(that.youY < that.robotY - that.buffer)) {
} else {
// Gameplay functions
function beginGame() {
document.getElementById('reset').onclick = beginGame; = "none";
you.innerHTML = '';
if (mode === 'color') {
roboSquare(game.robotX, game.robotY);;
} else if (mode === 'circle') {
roboCircle(game.robotX, game.robotY);;
you.addEventListener('click', drawCircle);
you.addEventListener('click', game.compareSelection); = "all";
game.over = false;
function endGame() {
game.over = true;
message.innerHTML = '';
scoreBox.innerHTML = '';
you.innerHTML = '';
robot.innerHTML = ''; = "none";
function incrementScore() {
if (game.score >= 10) {
endGame(); = "block";
end.innerHTML = '<span>You win! <a href="#" id="again">Play again?</a></span>';
document.getElementById('again').onclick = beginGame;
} else if (game.score > 7) {
message.innerHTML = 'Nice! <a href="#" id="harder">Make harder?</a>';
document.getElementById('harder').onclick = makeHarder;
} else {
message.innerHTML = 'Nice!';
if (mode === 'color' && game.over === false) {
setTimeout(generateNewRoboSquare, 1500);
} else if (mode === 'circle' && game.over === false) {
setTimeout(generateNewRoboCircle, 1500);
(game.score > 3) && (you.removeEventListener('mousemove', hoverHelp));
function decrementScore() {
updateScoreDisplay('decrement'); // Turns "lost" circle open, before game score is dropped.
if (game.score <= 0) {
endGame(); = "block";
end.innerHTML = '<span>You lost. :( <a a href="#" id="again">Play again?</a></span>';
document.getElementById('again').onclick = beginGame;
you.removeEventListener('mousemove', hoverHelp);
} else if (game.score < 3) {
message.innerHTML = 'Missed again. <a a href="#" id="easier">Make easier?</a>';
document.getElementById('easier').onclick = makeEasier;
you.addEventListener('mousemove', hoverHelp);
} else {
message.innerHTML = 'You missed! Try again.';
function makeEasier() {
game.buffer += 10; = "visible";
function makeHarder() {
game.buffer -= 10; = "hidden";
// Onload
var game = new Game();
var mode = 'color';
playButton.onclick = beginGame;
color.onclick = toggleMode;
circle.onclick = toggleMode;
window.onresize = regenerateLegend;
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet">
<title>Color Match</title>
<div id="end"></div>
<div id="score">
<p>Match the color by matching the location.
<span id="play"><a href="#">Play »</a></span>
<div id="youWrapper"><svg id="you"></svg></div>
<div id="robotWrapper"><svg id="robot"></svg></div>
<div id="legendWrapper">
<svg id="legend"></svg>
<p id="mode">Mode: <a href="#" id="color" class="selected-mode">Color</a> | <a href="#" id="circle">Circle</a></p>
<script src="app.js"></script>
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#legendWrapper {
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height: 50px;
#legend, #mode {
width: 50%;
float: left;
#youWrapper, #robotWrapper {
width: 50%;
height: 400px;
float: left;
#you, #robot {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
border: 1px dashed hsla(240, 5%, 68%, 1);
#message, .fa {
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width: 100%;
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top: 15%;
display: none;
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top: 40%;
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.fa {
color: hsla(339, 100%, 52%, .5);
.selected-mode {
color: hsla(339, 100%, 52%, 1);
.selected-mode:hover {
text-decoration: none;
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