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Sarah Scheffler sarahscheffler

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sarahscheffler /
Created May 9, 2022 13:34
How to complete a coauthor installation on a VM with low memory

Part 1: Getting a VM and setting up DNS.

I used DigitalOcean for my VM and Gandi for my DNS, but you could use something else.

  1. Create a Project (a collection of Droplets. Droplets are individual machines, each machine has to live in a project.). Mine is called "coauthor"
  2. Create a new Droplet. a. Use Ubuntu. * The first time I tried to do this I tried to be cool and use Fedora and had weird compatibility issues. Just use ubuntu. b. Under "Regular with SSD" I picked the $5/mo 1 GB, 1CPU, 25 GB total disk, literally the cheapest option. * NOTE: You can UPgrade CPU/SSD/etc size, but you cannot DOWNgrade. So err on the side of too small. * Pick a region vaguely close to you. I used NY3.
  • Note from after this process is done: it looks like I'm going to have about 7GB of space to use for the Coauthor database, with the option to upgrade via DigitalOcean at any time (without rebooting, I think?). My current coauthor usage over the 2ish years I've used it is 0.0
sarahscheffler / cheapotodo.tex
Last active May 11, 2021 17:22
Cheap-o replacement for todonotes in LaTeX since todonotes seem to break Overleaf sometiems for inscrutable reasons (something to do with synctex? but not always?)
% Cheap-o todo
% Example:
% \cheapotodo[green!50]{TODO}{This is an inline note.}
% arg 1 (optional, square brackets): highlight color
% arg 2: margin text
% arg 3: inline text (highlighted)
% Recommended command to use as \mytodo{do this thing later}:
sarahscheffler /
Last active December 1, 2018 18:24
Starter code for a game of cubes for RCC
# The game: Keep the triangle away from the cubes as long as possible
# Player can input "left" or "right" to move left or right on a 5x5 grid, represented in [x,y] with [0,0] being the top left.
# Make sure the player can't go out of bounds!
# Each turn, the existing cubes will move one space down, and three new cubes will spawn at the top of the grid.
# Imports
import random
import importlib
sarahscheffler /
Created February 28, 2017 16:20
Linking all those identities together...

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am sarahscheffler on github.
  • I am sscheff ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASCTZ5abWT4-Qx4KC25sl8FIEnizPL1JLK3vzlCVNlSOJgo

To claim this, I am signing this object: