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Created August 19, 2016 15:12
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I got these two insane & long-form penny stock spam emails....I believe this is prose, not programmatically generated, but who can say for sure!
This may be the last way left for
the little trader to get rich…
Matt dropping by…
I always root for the underdog…
I guess it’s because I can relate? (I was one of the smaller
kids in school that didn’t always get treated
so well… but my mother and the Marines
toughened me up.)
One of my favorites is ROCKY. He sure knew
how to take a licking and keep on ticking.
Punch after punch…
Jab after jab…
Left, right, hook… upPErcUT!
He’d take whatever the other fighter -or life-
threw at him. He never backed down from a fight!
He was dog-headed in his determination, and
because he had the heart of a champion…
He always ended up on top, eventually.
Here’s what I’ve found as truth…
Being an underdog isn’t always easy.
If you want to succeed, it can take a lot of hard
work, and you have to know how to deal with
being behind the 8-ball…at least for a period of time.
You’re not always the biggest kid in the playground.
The odds are often against you.
You need “some sort” of advantage.
Ever feel like a bit of an Underdog too?
Like life is one huge boxing ring? (BiNG, bOOm,
PoW!... and getting knocked to the ground?)
Looking for that KO WIN that could put you in
the champions’ corner? (Oh the applause!!!!)
Life caaaaan take one powerful blow after another
against us… can’t it?!
You better believe it can!
Let’s face it…
You and I aren’t getting any younger… is your lifestyle
significantly better today than it was a few years
ago? (Shouldn’t our wealth increase with
our age!)
How about energy? How long can you keep
up this pace?
I shudder when I turn on the
news and hear about “young men” passing.
And it’s not just us…is it?
…. seems like everything around us is
Our cars.
Our homes.
Our bodies.
Well, I’m not laying down on the mat while
I hear the ref counting down.
We can GET UP!
We MUST get up!
There’s time left and HOPE!
Even for us underdogs.
And wouldn’t it help to have a coach, a
“Mickey” in your corner?
Who do you have in YOUR CORNER?
Do you feel we get that from the government
and politicians?
Looking at the way the current economy and
“Presidential Debates” are going… You’d think
they are on the Other Side of the ring, fighting
against us rather than for us!
Who do you have in YOUR CORNER?
If you’re open to it, I’d like to be the
guy in your corner!
And not just me!
I’ve got a group of GOOD MEN I’m putting
Not saying we can do all the work for you.
Because DOING THE WORK counts
and is all we have to do.
Knowing we need to take matters into our
own hands is one thing…
DOING the thing, just STARTING IT… is an
entirely different thing.
That’s where the magic happens.
Here’s the interesting thing…
Rocky had his Mickey…
He wasn’t afraid to work.
Take Rocky IV for example.
Rock’s best friend, Apollo Creed, had just been
beaten down and killed by the Soviet Iron Man,
Ivan Drago.
He was 6’ 5’’ 261 lbs. of PURE TERROR. (Come
to find out later, he was also taking illegal
drugs. Ever feel like this game of life is rigged
too?) Yup!
What did Rocky do?
He decided to fight this Hulking Soviet in his
own hometown in Russia.
And he decided to TRAIN in Russia.
He went old school…
Lifting heavy stones…
Chopping wood, like some burly woodsman.
Climbing snowcapped mountains, and once
reaching the top, screaming at the top of his
lungs his famous words…
He put in the work and was ready for the
He had…
…The Eye of the Tiger.
Queue the music….
Right now, I’m looking for a few steely-
eyed and hungry underdog traders that
are looking for a potential stream of
steady wins, starting…
…right now.
In fact, I’m looking for precisely and
exactly 20.
Could you be 1?
If you could use a “Mickey” in your trading corner?
Here’s what you may find really cool…
Rocky had to do all of the work himself. Sure,
he had trainers. (At this point, it was Creed’s
crew training him up…)
But HE had to do all the heavy lifting.
That was ALLLLLL on HIM.
Sucks to be alone?
What if...
What if somebody could do A LOT of THE HEAVY
LIFTING for you?
And you’re just stepping into the arena, confident
you’re having steady wins, over and over and over
Listen up…
We can’t rely on big boy government to step in and
help us right now… maybe not ever.
The current economy is not good.
Good hardworking men and women are in fear they
may lose their jobs.
That moment… when they’re called in to the boss’
office for the “you’re a good worker but we’re having
to let you go” talk… SIGH…
This economy is about as stable as Rocky’s legs in the
final Round against Drago.
And so… I’ve decided to do something about it!
You want in?
I don’t know many ways left that will let an
underdog like me bank $22,000 on a single
Here’s the deal…
I sit in front of the computer every single day, watching,
investing, PROFITING! I’m looking at what’s happening
in the streets, BEFORE Wall Street and the big-wigs discover
winning trades.
By that point?
It’s too late.
I LOOOOVVE, like BIG RED HEART LOVE… sitting in front
of a computer for 8 hours a day, or more, and discovering
quick wins and sometimes big winning trades that most people
will never know about or pick up on.
And here’s the kicker…
The economy…
The government…
The blundering bureaucrats…
Obama, Trump, or Hillary…
Not one of them dictate my paycheck.
Not one of them can keep me from profiting
in this game I’m playing right now…
Every day, I’m down around the corner at the
Trader’s Gym, you could say…
I’m doing all the heavy lifting.
I’m setting up the winning matches.
And I’m making consistent wins. Sometimes
even “Championship Worthy” wins…
Those aren’t always the norm, but they happen
more often than you might think.
And when they do?
… :-)
And the only way you get them is by stepping in
the ring and taking swings.
But I want you taking Educated Swings. That’s
the KEY.
Now not everybody wants to, or has the time to
sit for 8 HOURS a day to find profitable trades
you’re excited to invest in.
That’s where I come in…
I’m already doing that for myself. THAT is how I
make my primary income!
What if I just gave you all my data and the best
looking trades I’m looking at each day?
In effect, you’d be spoon-fed only the best
stuff going on in the entire Penny Stock’s realm.
You’ll be seeing all the tells, the bluffs, the calls,
every little piece of data I have so you can make
highly educated, highly confident, and a higher
probability of profitable trades.
It’s like you’ll be getting an entire research
department to use and profit from at your
disposal. Each and every single day.
And to help you start experiencing steady
wins with your Penny Stock Trades, you’ll
be excited to know that you’re getting
everything at an absolute steal of a deal.
You’re getting everything I’ve got to ensure
you’re in the winner’s corner!
===> YES! Give Me RELIEF With Winning Trades!
And you’re getting everything I’ve got at 83% OFF! I’ve
NEVER made an offer like this, and may never again!)
This will be our little way of taking a stand
together and fighting back against “The Machine”.
First off…
You’ll be starting out in the smaller arenas,
for quick little wins.
This may help alleviate some of the immediate
Would getting one of the car payments handled
help out?
Or taking a nice family vacation, paid for by your
trades? And you come back RICHER than when you
Maybe it would help just to get that bank balance
further away from RED so you could experience a
bit more breathing room?
Next, the smaller wins can naturally be leading you
to the championship rounds (trades).
That’s the true beauty of this business.
A small trade, investing say, $1,000? Can possibly
and quickly turn in to $3,000, $5,000 or more.
There’s some risk, but I’ll be in your corner.
Can you tell I love it? :-)
And what’s even more “lovely” is right now, you’ll
be profiting in UP markets, DOWN markets, and
even SIDEWAYS markets…
===> YES! Give Me RELIEF With Winning Trades!
You’re getting everything I’ve got at 83% OFF! I’ve
NEVER made an offer like this, and may never again!)
That’s kind of like being the champion of a boxing
Win, Lose, or Draw!
And once you’re in the winner’s corner? You’ll be
gaining membership to our Exclusive VIP Traders’ Group.
I’m in there personally nearly every day, helping out other
traders such as yourself.
Once you’re inside the private group, you’ll be able
to share your WINS and get all the other elite traders’
digital high-fives and congrats!
And, we’ll be your shoulder to lay your head on if things
don’t go as planned; we’ll pinpoint what may have gone
wrong, and we’ll help you get back up, all the stronger
from the experience.
We’re like a little Traders’ Brotherhood in here.
You’ll be sooooo excited to know I’m ready to be your
Mickey AND your Rocky…
You’re getting access to all my experience, and all of the
results of me sitting down at my desk for 8+ hrs. a day, as
I search and find winning Penny Stock Trades.
You’ll be profiting in up, down, and sideways markets as
you’re getting all the tells and signs of winning trades.
That’s my real skill… in READING where the profits likely
are sitting and primed to profit from.
And now… you have me IN YOUR CORNER.
===> YES! Give Me RELIEF With Winning Trades!
You’re getting everything I’ve got at 83% OFF! I’ve
NEVER made an offer like this, and may never again!)
And if that and the huge discount isn’t enough?
If you don’t at least double your investment
or at least well on your way in 6 months…
Then you’ll get a full refund.
No questions asked.
Winner winner chicken dinner?
Ready to join us?
Only 20 will get in.
Will you be 1?
The bell to profitable trades is now
Gotta go…
Rooting For You,
MM Publishing, Inc.
Courtesy Reminder about this morning… (Only 20 are getting in)
Matt here…
Wanted to get this to you before I hit
the hay.
Were you able to read the Rocky/Underdog story
this morning?
I hope it helped!
I just wanted to briefly thank you for taking the
time to read this morning’s note.
I really value your time.
(That’s actually part of what the note was about,
right? You leveraging my time and expertise?)
Because I’m sure you have enough on your
plate as it is, yet…
You’re still wanting to get ahead? You’re seeking
some help with the car note? The house payment?
The doctor’s visits? The ALL OF THE ABOVE?
So I really hope this helps solve some of these
However, I know at even the 83% discount, that this
can still be a decent size investment for you?
That’s one reason I’ve put a few monthly payment
options up for a limited time, I want to help…
…So you’re ideally getting winning trades right away
and this is paying for itself. I suspect some will
make payments from the profit?
I want you to know this…
Even ROCKY doubted himself at times too…
That’s completely NORMAL.
Maybe a little reckless if someone didn’t?
Heck, even his WIFE doubted him and said he’d
be killed by Ivan Drago! Ouch!
He had to go to Russia and train and be prepared
to fight, all alone… (You’re not alone.)
Was dark times indeed…
Yet, he was a FIGHTER.
And he realized that most of the “problem” was
all the chatter going on up there between his
…Pressures from others.
…Fear of loss.
With a determined spirit to WIN, to take risks,
relying on his coaches and friends?
He was able to breakthrough and experience a
big win.
Just wanted to drop a quick note to let you know
I’m excited to be working with you, if you’re one
of the twenty that gets in?
And I’d be honored to be your coach and friend in
this all.
And if things go sour at ANY point over the next
6 MONTHS? You’re backed by my generous full
money-back guarantee.
What do you have to lose?
No pressure by any means, but I’d love to help give
ya some financial relief?
And I’d hate for someone else to take your position
with this if you’re on the edge about joining the
Elite Trader’s Group.
Let’s get you some trading income in your pocket,
in ANY economy?
…Up, Down, Sideways markets? As long as it’s moving,
we’re able to profit! :-)
===> YES! I’m ready to profit like clockwork in ANY ECONOMY!
And remember, you’re getting FULL SUPPORT from myself and
other Trader’s just like you. We’re there to help each other
every step of the process.
To applaud you on your successes and pat you on the back…
And to help you through any tough trades so you come out of
it stronger and ready to bravely continue on towards that big
As a courtesy here’s this morning’s email in case you missed it
or want to re-read thru it. It’s a good one…
This may be the last way left for
the little trader to get rich…
Matt dropping by…
I always root for the underdog…
I guess it’s because I can relate? (I was one of the smaller
kids in school that didn’t always get treated
so well… but my mother and the Marines
toughened me up.)
One of my favorites is ROCKY. He sure knew
how to take a licking and keep on ticking.
Punch after punch…
Jab after jab…
Left, right, hook… upPErcUT!
He’d take whatever the other fighter -or life-
threw at him. He never backed down from a fight!
He was dog-headed in his determination, and
because he had the heart of a champion…
He always ended up on top, eventually.
Here’s what I’ve found as truth…
Being an underdog isn’t always easy.
If you want to succeed, it can take a lot of hard
work, and you have to know how to deal with
being behind the 8-ball…at least for a period of time.
You’re not always the biggest kid in the playground.
The odds are often against you.
You need “some sort” of advantage.
Ever feel like a bit of an Underdog too?
Like life is one huge boxing ring? (BiNG, bOOm,
PoW!... and getting knocked to the ground?)
Looking for that KO WIN that could put you in
the champions’ corner? (Oh the applause!!!!)
Life caaaaan take one powerful blow after another
against us… can’t it?!
You better believe it can!
Let’s face it…
You and I aren’t getting any younger… is your lifestyle
significantly better today than it was a few years
ago? (Shouldn’t our wealth increase with
our age!)
How about energy? How long can you keep
up this pace?
I shudder when I turn on the
news and hear about “young men” passing.
And it’s not just us…is it?
…. seems like everything around us is
Our cars.
Our homes.
Our bodies.
Well, I’m not laying down on the mat while
I hear the ref counting down.
We can GET UP!
We MUST get up!
There’s time left and HOPE!
Even for us underdogs.
And wouldn’t it help to have a coach, a
“Mickey” in your corner?
Who do you have in YOUR CORNER?
Do you feel we get that from the government
and politicians?
Looking at the way the current economy and
“Presidential Debates” are going… You’d think
they are on the Other Side of the ring, fighting
against us rather than for us!
Who do you have in YOUR CORNER?
If you’re open to it, I’d like to be the
guy in your corner!
And not just me!
I’ve got a group of GOOD MEN I’m putting
Not saying we can do all the work for you.
Because DOING THE WORK counts
and is all we have to do.
Knowing we need to take matters into our
own hands is one thing…
DOING the thing, just STARTING IT… is an
entirely different thing.
That’s where the magic happens.
Here’s the interesting thing…
Rocky had his Mickey…
He wasn’t afraid to work.
Take Rocky IV for example.
Rock’s best friend, Apollo Creed, had just been
beaten down and killed by the Soviet Iron Man,
Ivan Drago.
He was 6’ 5’’ 261 lbs. of PURE TERROR. (Come
to find out later, he was also taking illegal
drugs. Ever feel like this game of life is rigged
too?) Yup!
What did Rocky do?
He decided to fight this Hulking Soviet in his
own hometown in Russia.
And he decided to TRAIN in Russia.
He went old school…
Lifting heavy stones…
Chopping wood, like some burly woodsman.
Climbing snowcapped mountains, and once
reaching the top, screaming at the top of his
lungs his famous words…
He put in the work and was ready for the
He had…
…The Eye of the Tiger.
Queue the music….
Right now, I’m looking for a few steely-
eyed and hungry underdog traders that
are looking for a potential stream of
steady wins, starting…
…right now.
In fact, I’m looking for precisely and
exactly 20.
Could you be 1?
If you could use a “Mickey” in your trading corner?
Here’s what you may find really cool…
Rocky had to do all of the work himself. Sure,
he had trainers. (At this point, it was Creed’s
crew training him up…)
But HE had to do all the heavy lifting.
That was ALLLLLL on HIM.
Sucks to be alone?
What if...
What if somebody could do A LOT of THE HEAVY
LIFTING for you?
And you’re just stepping into the arena, confident
you’re having steady wins, over and over and over
Listen up…
We can’t rely on big boy government to step in and
help us right now… maybe not ever.
The current economy is not good.
Good hardworking men and women are in fear they
may lose their jobs.
That moment… when they’re called in to the boss’
office for the “you’re a good worker but we’re having
to let you go” talk… SIGH…
This economy is about as stable as Rocky’s legs in the
final Round against Drago.
And so… I’ve decided to do something about it!
You want in?
I don’t know many ways left that will let an
underdog like me bank $22,000 on a single
Here’s the deal…
I sit in front of the computer every single day, watching,
investing, PROFITING! I’m looking at what’s happening
in the streets, BEFORE Wall Street and the big-wigs discover
winning trades.
By that point?
It’s too late.
I LOOOOVVE, like BIG RED HEART LOVE… sitting in front
of a computer for 8 hours a day, or more, and discovering
quick wins and sometimes big winning trades that most people
will never know about or pick up on.
And here’s the kicker…
The economy…
The government…
The blundering bureaucrats…
Obama, Trump, or Hillary…
Not one of them dictate my paycheck.
Not one of them can keep me from profiting
in this game I’m playing right now…
Every day, I’m down around the corner at the
Trader’s Gym, you could say…
I’m doing all the heavy lifting.
I’m setting up the winning matches.
And I’m making consistent wins. Sometimes
even “Championship Worthy” wins…
Those aren’t always the norm, but they happen
more often than you might think.
And when they do?
… :-)
And the only way you get them is by stepping in
the ring and taking swings.
But I want you taking Educated Swings. That’s
the KEY.
Now not everybody wants to, or has the time to
sit for 8 HOURS a day to find profitable trades
you’re excited to invest in.
That’s where I come in…
I’m already doing that for myself. THAT is how I
make my primary income!
What if I just gave you all my data and the best
looking trades I’m looking at each day?
In effect, you’d be spoon-fed only the best
stuff going on in the entire Penny Stock’s realm.
You’ll be seeing all the tells, the bluffs, the calls,
every little piece of data I have so you can make
highly educated, highly confident, and a higher
probability of profitable trades.
It’s like you’ll be getting an entire research
department to use and profit from at your
disposal. Each and every single day.
And to help you start experiencing steady
wins with your Penny Stock Trades, you’ll
be excited to know that you’re getting
everything at an absolute steal of a deal.
You’re getting everything I’ve got to ensure
you’re in the winner’s corner!
===> YES! Give Me RELIEF With Winning Trades!
And you’re getting everything I’ve got at 83% OFF! I’ve
NEVER made an offer like this, and may never again!)
This will be our little way of taking a stand
together and fighting back against “The Machine”.
First off…
You’ll be starting out in the smaller arenas,
for quick little wins.
This may help alleviate some of the immediate
Would getting one of the car payments handled
help out?
Or taking a nice family vacation, paid for by your
trades? And you come back RICHER than when you
Maybe it would help just to get that bank balance
further away from RED so you could experience a
bit more breathing room?
Next, the smaller wins can naturally be leading you
to the championship rounds (trades).
That’s the true beauty of this business.
A small trade, investing say, $1,000? Can possibly
and quickly turn in to $3,000, $5,000 or more.
There’s some risk, but I’ll be in your corner.
Can you tell I love it? :-)
And what’s even more “lovely” is right now, you’ll
be profiting in UP markets, DOWN markets, and
even SIDEWAYS markets…
===> YES! Give Me RELIEF With Winning Trades!
You’re getting everything I’ve got at 83% OFF! I’ve
NEVER made an offer like this, and may never again!)
That’s kind of like being the champion of a boxing
Win, Lose, or Draw!
And once you’re in the winner’s corner? You’ll be
gaining membership to our Exclusive VIP Traders’ Group.
I’m in there personally nearly every day, helping out other
traders such as yourself.
Once you’re inside the private group, you’ll be able
to share your WINS and get all the other elite traders’
digital high-fives and congrats!
And, we’ll be your shoulder to lay your head on if things
don’t go as planned; we’ll pinpoint what may have gone
wrong, and we’ll help you get back up, all the stronger
from the experience.
We’re like a little Traders’ Brotherhood in here.
You’ll be sooooo excited to know I’m ready to be your
Mickey AND your Rocky…
You’re getting access to all my experience, and all of the
results of me sitting down at my desk for 8+ hrs. a day, as
I search and find winning Penny Stock Trades.
You’ll be profiting in up, down, and sideways markets as
you’re getting all the tells and signs of winning trades.
That’s my real skill… in READING where the profits likely
are sitting and primed to profit from.
And now… you have me IN YOUR CORNER.
===> YES! Give Me RELIEF With Winning Trades!
You’re getting everything I’ve got at 83% OFF! I’ve
NEVER made an offer like this, and may never again!)
And if that and the huge discount isn’t enough?
If you don’t at least double your investment
or at least well on your way in 6 months…
Then you’ll get a full refund.
No questions asked.
Winner winner chicken dinner?
Ready to join us?
Only 20 will get in.
Will you be 1?
The bell to profitable trades is now
Gotta go…
Rooting For You,
MM Publishing, Inc.
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