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Created March 13, 2013 21:22
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Sincerely API + Bigcommerce
require 'bigcommerce'
require 'json'
require 'rest-client'
require 'pp'
store_url = ''
api_key = 'apikey'
api_user = 'username'
api ={
:store_url => store_url,
:username => api_user,
:api_key => api_key
sender_info = {
:name => "Saranyan Vigraham",
:email => "",
:street1 => "2711 W Anderson Ln",
:city => "Austin",
:state => "TX",
:postalcode => "78757",
:country => "UNITED STATES"
sincerely_create_url = ''
sincerely_upload_url = ''
sincerely_app_key = 'appkey'
#upload the image to sincerely
photo_id = JSON.parse( sincerely_upload_url, {:photo => front_photo, :appkey => sincerely_app_key,:multipart => true})["id"]
customers = api.get_customers
addresses = []
customers.each do |c|
address = api.get_customer_addresses(c["id"])
#check if addresses exist for the customer. if they do, pick the first one for the sake of this example to send the thank you card to.
if address.is_a? Array
a = address.first
addresses << {:name => "#{a["first_name"]} #{a["last_name"]}",
:street1 => a["street_1"],
:city => a["city"],
:state => a["state"],
:postalcode => a["zip"],
:country => a["country"]
#we are going to use the same photoid for front and profile/brand images for brevity
#create a request envelope to create a card
#define test_mode => true for a test app. this will not create a card in real. refer to the sincerely api
card_request = {
:appkey => sincerely_app_key,
:testMode => true,
:frontPhotoId => photo_id,
:recipients => addresses.to_json,
:sender => sender_info.to_json
resp =,card_request,:accept=>:json)
pp JSON.parse(resp)
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