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Last active March 26, 2017 06:39
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path <- "/home//Desktop/MLC01/"
# Load data and libraries -------------------------------------------------
train <- fread("train_indessa.csv",na.strings = c(""," ",NA))
test <- fread("test_indessa.csv",na.strings = c(""," ",NA))
# Check Data --------------------------------------------------------------
# Data Preprocessing ---------------------------------------
# Check correlation and remove correlated variables -----------------------
num_col <- colnames(train)[sapply(train, is.numeric)]
num_col <- num_col[!(num_col %in% c("member_id","loan_status"))]
corrplot::corrplot(cor(train[,num_col,with=F]),method = "number")
train[,c("funded_amnt","funded_amnt_inv","collection_recovery_fee") := NULL]
test[,c("funded_amnt","funded_amnt_inv","collection_recovery_fee") := NULL]
# Extract term value and convert to integer -------------------------------
train[,term := unlist(str_extract_all(string = term,pattern = "\\d+"))]
test[,term := unlist(str_extract_all(string = term,pattern = "\\d+"))]
train[,term := as.integer(term)]
test[,term := as.integer(term)]
# Fix emp_length variable and extract values ------------------------------
train[emp_length == "n/a", emp_length := -1]
train[emp_length == "< 1 year", emp_length := 0]
train[,emp_length := unlist(str_extract_all(emp_length,pattern = "\\d+"))]
train[,emp_length := as.integer(emp_length)]
test[emp_length == "n/a", emp_length := -1]
test[emp_length == "< 1 year", emp_length := 0]
test[,emp_length := unlist(str_extract_all(emp_length,pattern = "\\d+"))]
test[,emp_length := as.integer(emp_length)]
# you can extract features out of description, I'm removing it ------------
train[,desc := NULL]
test[,desc := NULL]
# Encoding initial_list_status as 0,1 -------------------------------------
train[,initial_list_status := as.integer(as.factor(initial_list_status))-1]
test[,initial_list_status := as.integer(as.factor(initial_list_status))-1]
# fixing annual_inc variable | skewness ----------------------------------
train[, annual_inc := 0]
train[,annual_inc := log(annual_inc + 10)]
test[, annual_inc := 0]
test[,annual_inc := log(annual_inc + 10)]
# Check skewness of other variables ---------------------------------------
se <- colnames(train)[sapply(train, is.numeric)]
se <- se[!(se %in% c("member_id","loan_status"))]
skew <- sapply(train[,se,with=F], function(x) skewness(x,na.rm = T))
skew <- skew[skew > 2] #filter variables with skewness > 2
train[,(names(skew)) := lapply(.SD, function(x) log(x + 10)), .SDcols = names(skew)]
skew_t <- sapply(test[,se,with=F], function(x) skewness(x,na.rm = T))
skew_t <- skew_t[skew_t > 2]
test[,(names(skew)) := lapply(.SD, function(x) log(x + 10)), .SDcols = names(skew)]
train[,dti := log10(dti + 10)]
test[,dti := log10(dti + 10)]
# Dropping Variables ------------------------------------------------------
train[,pymnt_plan := NULL]
test[,pymnt_plan := NULL]
train[,verification_status_joint := NULL]
test[,verification_status_joint := NULL]
train[,application_type := NULL]
test[,application_type := NULL]
train[,title := NULL]
test[,title := NULL]
train[,batch_enrolled := NULL]
test[,batch_enrolled := NULL]
# One Hot Encoding --------------------------------------------------------
train_mod <- train[,.(last_week_pay,grade,sub_grade,purpose,verification_status,home_ownership)]
test_mod <- test[,.(last_week_pay,grade,sub_grade,purpose,verification_status,home_ownership)]
# train_mod[] <- "-1"
# test_mod[] <- "-1"
train_ex <- model.matrix(~.+0, data = train_mod)
test_ex <- model.matrix(~.+0, data = test_mod)
train_ex <-
test_ex <-
dg <- setdiff(colnames(train_ex), colnames(test_ex))
train_ex <- train_ex[,-dg,with=F]
new_train <- cbind(train, train_ex)
new_test <- cbind(test, test_ex)
new_train[,c("last_week_pay","grade","sub_grade","purpose","verification_status","home_ownership") := NULL]
new_test[,c("last_week_pay","grade","sub_grade","purpose","verification_status","home_ownership") := NULL]
comb_data <- rbind(new_train,new_test,fill=TRUE)
# Encoding the addr_state,zip_code,emp_title ------------------------------
#we did not OHE these variables because of high cardinality. As these would have increased
#the data dimension manifolds and my laptop isn't that powerful
#addr_state, zip_code, emp_title
for(i in colnames(comb_data)[sapply(comb_data, is.character)])
set(x = comb_data, j = i, value = as.integer(as.factor(comb_data[[i]])))
# Get training and test data ----------------------------------------------
F_train <- comb_data[!(]
F_test <- comb_data[]
# Remove files to free memory ---------------------------------------------
# Feature Engineering -----------------------------------------------------
#Beyond these features there's a huge scope of new features
F_train[,new_var_2 := log(annual_inc/loan_amnt)]
F_test[,new_var_2 := log(annual_inc/loan_amnt)]
F_train[,new_var_3 := total_rec_int + total_rec_late_fee]
F_test[,new_var_3 := total_rec_int + total_rec_late_fee]
F_train[,new_var_4 := sqrt(loan_amnt * int_rate)]
F_test[,new_var_4 := sqrt(loan_amnt * int_rate)]
train[,new_var_5 := mean(loan_amnt),grade]
F_train[,new_var_5 := train$new_var_5]
xkm <- train[,mean(loan_amnt),grade]
test <- xkm[test, on="grade"]
F_test[,new_var_5 := test$V1]
train[last_week_pay == "NAth week", last_week_pay := "1000th Week"]
train[,last_week_pay_num := unlist(str_extract_all(string = last_week_pay,pattern = "\\d+"))]
train[,last_week_pay_num := as.integer(last_week_pay_num)]
test[last_week_pay == "NAth week", last_week_pay := "1000th Week"]
test[,last_week_pay_num := unlist(str_extract_all(string = last_week_pay,pattern = "\\d+"))]
test[,last_week_pay_num := as.integer(last_week_pay_num)]
F_train[,last_week_pay_num := train$last_week_pay_num]
F_test[,last_week_pay_num := test$last_week_pay_num]
F_train[,new_var_6 := ifelse(last_week_pay_num >= 155 | last_week_pay_num < 165,1,0)]
F_test[,new_var_6 := ifelse(last_week_pay_num >= 155 | last_week_pay_num < 165,1,0)]
# Machine Learning with H2o -----------------------------------------------
#Give H2o your maximum memory for computation
#if your laptop is 8GB, give atleast 6GB, close all other apps while computation happens
#may be, go out take a walk!
h2o.init(nthreads = -1,max_mem_size = "10G")
h2o_train <- as.h2o(F_train)
h2o_test <- as.h2o(F_test)
h2o_train$loan_status <- h2o.asfactor(h2o_train$loan_status)
# Create a validation frame -----------------------------------------------
#Here I want to avoid doing k-fold CV since data set is large, it would take longer time
#hence doing hold out validation
xd <- h2o.splitFrame(h2o_train,ratios = 0.6)
split_val <- xd[[2]]
y <- "loan_status"
x <- setdiff(colnames(F_train), c(y,"member_id"))
# Training a GBM Model ----------------------------------------------------
gbm_clf <- h2o.gbm(x = x
,y = y
,training_frame = h2o_train
,validation_frame = split_val
,ignore_const_cols = T
,ntrees = 1000
,max_depth = 20
,stopping_rounds = 10
,model_id = "gbm_model"
,stopping_metric = "AUC"
,learn_rate = 0.05
,col_sample_rate_per_tree = 0.8
,sample_rate = 0.8
,learn_rate_annealing = 0.99
gbm_clf #Validation Accuracy = 0.9858
gbm_clf_pred <-,h2o_test))
sub_pred1 <- data.table(member_id = test$member_id, loan_status = gbm_clf_pred$p1)
fwrite(sub_pred1,"h2o_gbm_sub_pred1.csv") #0.936 leaderboard score
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