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Created July 29, 2021 11:13
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TTGO EPaper TBadge Display Example Code
// include library, include base class, make path known
#include <GxEPD.h>
#include <GxIO/GxIO_SPI/GxIO_SPI.h>
#include <GxIO/GxIO.h>
// select the display class to use, only one
//#include <GxGDEP015OC1/GxGDEP015OC1.h>// 1.54" b/w
//#include <GxGDEW0154Z04/GxGDEW0154Z04.h>// 1.54" b/w/r 200x200
//#include <GxGDEW0154Z17/GxGDEW0154Z17.h>// 1.54" b/w/r 152x152
//#include <GxGDE0213B1/GxGDE0213B1.h>// 2.13" b/w
//#include <GxGDEW0213Z16/GxGDEW0213Z16.h>// 2.13" b/w/r
// #include <GxGDEH029A1/GxGDEH029A1.h> // 2.9" b/w
//#include <GxGDEW029Z10/GxGDEW029Z10.h>// 2.9" b/w/r
//#include <GxGDEW027C44/GxGDEW027C44.h>// 2.7" b/w/r
// #include <GxGDEW027W3/GxGDEW027W3.h> // 2.7" b/w
//#include <GxGDEW042T2/GxGDEW042T2.h>// 4.2" b/w
//#include <GxGDEW042Z15/GxGDEW042Z15.h>// 4.2" b/w/r
//#include <GxGDEW0583T7/GxGDEW0583T7.h>// 5.83" b/w
//#include <GxGDEW075T8/GxGDEW075T8.h>// 7.5" b/w
// #include <GxGDEW075Z09/GxGDEW075Z09.h>// 7.5" b/w/r
#include <GxGDE0213B72B/GxGDE0213B72B.h>// 2.13" b/w
#include <Fonts/FreeMono9pt7b.h>
#include <Fonts/FreeMonoBoldOblique9pt7b.h>
#include <Fonts/FreeMonoBold9pt7b.h>
#include <Fonts/FreeMonoOblique9pt7b.h>
#include <Fonts/FreeSans9pt7b.h>
#include <Fonts/FreeSansBold9pt7b.h>
#include <Fonts/FreeSansBoldOblique9pt7b.h>
#include <Fonts/FreeSansOblique9pt7b.h>
#include <Fonts/FreeSerif9pt7b.h>
#include <Fonts/FreeSerifBold9pt7b.h>
#include <Fonts/FreeSerifBoldItalic9pt7b.h>
#include <Fonts/FreeSerifItalic9pt7b.h>//#define DEFALUT_FONTFreeMono9pt7b
// #define DEFALUT_FONTFreeMonoBoldOblique9pt7b
// #define DEFALUT_FONT FreeMonoBold9pt7b
// #define DEFALUT_FONT FreeMonoOblique9pt7b
#define DEFALUT_FONT FreeSans9pt7b
// #define DEFALUT_FONT FreeSansBold9pt7b
// #define DEFALUT_FONT FreeSansBoldOblique9pt7b
// #define DEFALUT_FONT FreeSansOblique9pt7b
// #define DEFALUT_FONT FreeSerif9pt7b
// #define DEFALUT_FONT FreeSerifBold9pt7b
// #define DEFALUT_FONT FreeSerifBoldItalic9pt7b
// #define DEFALUT_FONT FreeSerifItalic9pt7bconst GFXfont *fonts[] = {&FreeMono9pt7b,&FreeMonoBoldOblique9pt7b,&FreeMonoBold9pt7b,&FreeMonoOblique9pt7b,&FreeSans9pt7b,&FreeSansBold9pt7b,&FreeSansBoldOblique9pt7b,&FreeSansOblique9pt7b,&FreeSerif9pt7b,&FreeSerifBold9pt7b,&FreeSerifBoldItalic9pt7b,&FreeSerifItalic9pt7b};#include <WiFi.h>
#include <AsyncTCP.h>
#include <ESPAsyncWebServer.h>
#include <ESPmDNS.h>
#include <Wire.h>#include "SD.h"
#include "SPI.h"
#include <SPIFFS.h>
#include <FS.h>
#include <ArduinoJson.h>
#include "esp_wifi.h"
#include "Esp.h"
#include "board_def.h"
#include <Button2.h>#define FILESYSTEM SPIFFS//#define USE_AP_MODE/*100 * 100 bmp fromat*/
#define DEFALUT_AVATAR_BMP "/avatar.bmp"
#define DEFALUT_QR_CODE_BMP "/qr.bmp"
#define WIFI_SSID "Password is Password"
#define WIFI_PASSWORD "iwonttell"
#define CHANNEL_0 0
#define IP5306_ADDR 0X75
#define IP5306_REG_SYS_CTL0 0x00typedef struct
{ char name[32]; char link[64]; char tel[64]; char company[64]; char email[64]; char address[128];
} Badge_Info_t; typedef enum
} Text_alignment; AsyncWebServer server(80); GxIO_Class io(SPI, ELINK_SS, ELINK_DC, ELINK_RESET);
GxEPD_Class display(io, ELINK_RESET, ELINK_BUSY); Badge_Info_t info;
static const uint16_t input_buffer_pixels = 20;// may affect performance
static const uint16_t max_palette_pixels = 256;// for depth <= 8
uint8_t mono_palette_buffer[max_palette_pixels / 8];// palette buffer for depth <= 8 b/w
uint8_t color_palette_buffer[max_palette_pixels / 8]; // palette buffer for depth <= 8 c/w
uint8_t input_buffer[3 * input_buffer_pixels];// up to depth 24
const char *path[2] = {DEFALUT_AVATAR_BMP, DEFALUT_QR_CODE_BMP}; Button2 *pBtns = nullptr;
uint8_t g_btns[] = BUTTONS_MAP; void button_handle(uint8_t gpio)
{ switch (gpio) {
#if BUTTON_1case BUTTON_1:{// esp_sleep_enable_ext0_wakeup((gpio_num_t)BUTTON_1, LOW);esp_sleep_enable_ext1_wakeup(((uint64_t)(((uint64_t)1) << BUTTON_1)), ESP_EXT1_WAKEUP_ALL_LOW);Serial.println("Going to sleep now");delay(2000);esp_deep_sleep_start();}break;
#endif#if BUTTON_2case BUTTON_2:{static int i = 0;Serial.printf("Show Num: %d fontn", i);i = ((i + 1) >= sizeof(fonts) / sizeof(fonts[0])) ? 0 : i + 1;display.setFont(fonts[i]);showMianPage();}break;
#endif#if BUTTON_3case BUTTON_3:{static bool index = 1;if (!index){showMianPage();index = true;}else{showQrPage();index = false;}}break;
} void button_callback(Button2 & b)
{ for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(g_btns) / sizeof(g_btns[0]); ++i) {
if (pBtns[i] == b) {
Serial.printf("btn: %u pressn", pBtns[i].getAttachPin());
} void button_init()
{ uint8_t args = sizeof(g_btns) / sizeof(g_btns[0]); pBtns = new Button2[args]; for (int i = 0; i < args; ++i) {
pBtns[i] = Button2(g_btns[i]);
} void button_loop()
{ for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(g_btns) / sizeof(g_btns[0]); ++i) {
} void displayText(const String & str, int16_t y, uint8_t alignment)
{ int16_t x = 0; int16_t x1, y1; uint16_t w, h; display.setCursor(x, y); display.getTextBounds(str, x, y, &x1, &y1, &w, &h); switch (alignment) {
case RIGHT_ALIGNMENT: display.setCursor(display.width() - w - x1, y);
case LEFT_ALIGNMENT: display.setCursor(0, y);
case CENTER_ALIGNMENT: display.setCursor(display.width() / 2 - ((w + x1) / 2), y);
default: break;
} display.println(str);
} void saveBadgeInfo(Badge_Info_t *info)
{ // Open file for writingFile file =, FILE_WRITE);if (!file){Serial.println(F("Failed to create file"));return;}
#if ARDUINOJSON_VERSION_MAJOR == 5StaticJsonBuffer<256> jsonBuffer;JsonObject &root = jsonBuffer.createObject();
#elif ARDUINOJSON_VERSION_MAJOR == 6StaticJsonDocument<256> root;
#endif// Set the valuesroot["company"] = info->company;root["name"] = info->name;root["address"] = info->address;root["email"] = info->email;root["link"] = info->link;root["tel"] = info->tel;#if ARDUINOJSON_VERSION_MAJOR == 5if (root.printTo(file) == 0)
#elif ARDUINOJSON_VERSION_MAJOR == 6if (serializeJson(root, file) == 0)
#endif{Serial.println(F("Failed to write to file"));}// Close the file (File's destructor doesn't close the file)file.close();
} void loadDefaultInfo(void)
{ strlcpy(, "Xin Yuan Electronic", sizeof(; strlcpy(, "Lilygo", sizeof(; strlcpy(info.address, "ShenZhen", sizeof(info.address)); strlcpy(, "", sizeof(; strlcpy(, "", sizeof(; strlcpy(, "0755-83380665", sizeof(; saveBadgeInfo(&info);
} bool loadBadgeInfo(Badge_Info_t *info)
Serial.println("load configure fail");
return false;
} File file =; if (!file) {
Serial.println("Open Fial -->");
return false;
}#if ARDUINOJSON_VERSION_MAJOR == 5StaticJsonBuffer<256> jsonBuffer;JsonObject &root = jsonBuffer.parseObject(file);if (!root.success()){Serial.println(F("Failed to read file, using default configuration"));file.close();return false;}root.printTo(Serial);
#elif ARDUINOJSON_VERSION_MAJOR == 6StaticJsonDocument<256> root;DeserializationError error = deserializeJson(root, file);if (error){Serial.println(F("Failed to read file, using default configuration"));}
#endifif (!root.get<const char *>("company") || !root.get<const char *>("name") || !root.get<const char *>("address") || !root.get<const char *>("email") || !root.get<const char *>("link") || !root.get<const char *>("tel")){file.close();return false;}strlcpy(info->company, root["company"], sizeof(info->company));strlcpy(info->name, root["name"], sizeof(info->name));strlcpy(info->address, root["address"], sizeof(info->address));strlcpy(info->email, root["email"], sizeof(info->email));strlcpy(info->link, root["link"], sizeof(info->link));strlcpy(info->tel, root["tel"], sizeof(info->tel));file.close();return true;
} void WebServerStart(void)
{ #ifdef USE_AP_MODEuint8_t mac[6];char apName[18] = {0};IPAddress apIP = IPAddress(192, 168, 1, 1);WiFi.mode(WIFI_AP);WiFi.softAPConfig(apIP, apIP, IPAddress(255, 255, 255, 0));esp_wifi_get_mac(WIFI_IF_STA, mac);sprintf(apName, "TTGO-Badge-%02X:%02X", mac[4], mac[5]);if (!WiFi.softAP(apName, NULL, 1, 0, 1)){Serial.println("AP Config failed.");return;}else{Serial.println("AP Config Success.");Serial.print("AP MAC: ");Serial.println(WiFi.softAPmacAddress());}
#elseWiFi.mode(WIFI_STA);WiFi.begin(WIFI_SSID, WIFI_PASSWORD);while (WiFi.waitForConnectResult() != WL_CONNECTED){Serial.print(".");esp_restart();}Serial.println(F("WiFi connected"));Serial.println("");Serial.println(WiFi.localIP());
#endifif (MDNS.begin("ttgo")){Serial.println("MDNS responder started");}server.serveStatic("/", FILESYSTEM, "/").setDefaultFile("index.html");server.on("css/main.css", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest *request) {request->send(FILESYSTEM, "css/main.css", "text/css");});server.on("js/jquery.min.js", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest *request) {request->send(FILESYSTEM, "js/jquery.min.js", "application/javascript");});server.on("js/tbdValidate.js", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest *request) {request->send(FILESYSTEM, "js/tbdValidate.js", "application/javascript");});server.on("/data", HTTP_POST, [](AsyncWebServerRequest *request) {request->send(200, "text/plain", "");for (int i = 0; i < request->params(); i++){String name = request->getParam(i)->name();String params = request->getParam(i)->value();Serial.println(name + " : " + params);if (name == "company"){strlcpy(, params.c_str(), sizeof(;}else if (name == "name"){strlcpy(, params.c_str(), sizeof(;}else if (name == "address"){strlcpy(info.address, params.c_str(), sizeof(info.address));}else if (name == "email"){strlcpy(, params.c_str(), sizeof(;}else if (name == "link"){strlcpy(, params.c_str(), sizeof(;}else if (name == "tel"){strlcpy(, params.c_str(), sizeof(;}}saveBadgeInfo(&info);});server.onFileUpload([](AsyncWebServerRequest *request, const String &filename, size_t index, uint8_t *data, size_t len, bool final) {static File file;static int pathIndex = 0;if (!index){Serial.printf("UploadStart: %sn", filename.c_str());file =[pathIndex], FILE_WRITE);if (!file){Serial.println("Open FAIL");request->send(500, "text/plain", "hander error");return;}}if (file.write(data, len) != len){Serial.println("Write fail");request->send(500, "text/plain", "hander error");file.close();return;}if (final){Serial.printf("UploadEnd: %s (%u)n", filename.c_str(), index + len);file.close();request->send(200, "text/plain", "");if (++pathIndex >= 2){pathIndex = 0;showMianPage();}}});server.onNotFound([](AsyncWebServerRequest *request) {request->send(404, "text/plain", "Not found");});MDNS.addService("http", "tcp", 80);server.begin();
} void showMianPage(void)
{ displayInit(); display.fillScreen(GxEPD_WHITE); drawBitmap(DEFALUT_AVATAR_BMP, 10, 10, true); displayText(String(, 30, RIGHT_ALIGNMENT); displayText(String(, 50, RIGHT_ALIGNMENT); displayText(String(, 70, RIGHT_ALIGNMENT); displayText(String(, 90, RIGHT_ALIGNMENT); display.update();
} void showQrPage(void)
{ displayInit(); display.fillScreen(GxEPD_WHITE); drawBitmap(DEFALUT_QR_CODE_BMP, 10, 10, true); displayText(String(, 50, RIGHT_ALIGNMENT); displayText(String(, 70, RIGHT_ALIGNMENT); displayText(String(info.address), 90, RIGHT_ALIGNMENT); display.update();
} uint16_t read16(File & f)
{ // BMP data is stored little-endian, same as Arduino.uint16_t result;((uint8_t *)&result)[0] =; // LSB((uint8_t *)&result)[1] =; // MSBreturn result;
} uint32_t read32(File & f)
{ // BMP data is stored little-endian, same as Arduino.uint32_t result;((uint8_t *)&result)[0] =; // LSB((uint8_t *)&result)[1] =;((uint8_t *)&result)[2] =;((uint8_t *)&result)[3] =; // MSBreturn result;
} void drawBitmap(const char *filename, int16_t x, int16_t y, bool with_color)
{ File file; bool valid = false; // valid format to be handledbool flip = true;// bitmap is stored bottom-to-topuint32_t startTime = millis();if ((x >= display.width()) || (y >= display.height()))return;Serial.println();Serial.print("Loading image '");Serial.print(filename);Serial.println(''');file =, FILE_READ);if (!file){Serial.print("File not found");return;}// Parse BMP headerif (read16(file) == 0x4D42){ // BMP signatureuint32_t fileSize = read32(file);uint32_t creatorBytes = read32(file);uint32_t imageOffset = read32(file); // Start of image datauint32_t headerSize = read32(file);uint32_t width = read32(file);uint32_t height = read32(file);uint16_t planes = read16(file);uint16_t depth = read16(file); // bits per pixeluint32_t format = read32(file);if ((planes == 1) && ((format == 0) || (format == 3))){ // uncompressed is handled, 565 alsoSerial.print("File size: ");Serial.println(fileSize);Serial.print("Image Offset: ");Serial.println(imageOffset);Serial.print("Header size: ");Serial.println(headerSize);Serial.print("Bit Depth: ");Serial.println(depth);Serial.print("Image size: ");Serial.print(width);Serial.print('x');Serial.println(height);// BMP rows are padded (if needed) to 4-byte boundaryuint32_t rowSize = (width * depth / 8 + 3) & ~3;if (depth < 8)rowSize = ((width * depth + 8 - depth) / 8 + 3) & ~3;if (height < 0){height = -height;flip = false;}uint16_t w = width;uint16_t h = height;if ((x + w - 1) >= display.width())w = display.width() - x;if ((y + h - 1) >= display.height())h = display.height() - y;valid = true;uint8_t bitmask = 0xFF;uint8_t bitshift = 8 - depth;uint16_t red, green, blue;bool whitish, colored;if (depth == 1)with_color = false;if (depth <= 8){if (depth < 8)bitmask >>= depth;; //palette is always @ 54for (uint16_t pn = 0; pn < (1 << depth); pn++){blue =;green =;red =;;whitish = with_color ? ((red > 0x80) && (green > 0x80) && (blue > 0x80)) : ((red + green + blue) > 3 * 0x80); // whitishcolored = (red > 0xF0) || ((green > 0xF0) && (blue > 0xF0));// reddish or yellowish?if (0 == pn % 8)mono_palette_buffer[pn / 8] = 0;mono_palette_buffer[pn / 8] |= whitish << pn % 8;if (0 == pn % 8)color_palette_buffer[pn / 8] = 0;color_palette_buffer[pn / 8] |= colored << pn % 8;}}display.fillScreen(GxEPD_WHITE);uint32_t rowPosition = flip ? imageOffset + (height - h) * rowSize : imageOffset;for (uint16_t row = 0; row < h; row++, rowPosition += rowSize){ // for each lineuint32_t in_remain = rowSize;uint32_t in_idx = 0;uint32_t in_bytes = 0;uint8_t in_byte = 0; // for depth <= 8uint8_t in_bits = 0; // for depth <= 8uint16_t color = GxEPD_WHITE;;for (uint16_t col = 0; col < w; col++){ // for each pixel// Time to read more pixel data?if (in_idx >= in_bytes){ // ok, exact match for 24bit also (size IS multiple of 3)in_bytes =, in_remain > sizeof(input_buffer) ? sizeof(input_buffer) : in_remain);in_remain -= in_bytes;in_idx = 0;}switch (depth){case 24:blue = input_buffer[in_idx++];green = input_buffer[in_idx++];red = input_buffer[in_idx++];whitish = with_color ? ((red > 0x80) && (green > 0x80) && (blue > 0x80)) : ((red + green + blue) > 3 * 0x80); // whitishcolored = (red > 0xF0) || ((green > 0xF0) && (blue > 0xF0));// reddish or yellowish?break;case 16:{uint8_t lsb = input_buffer[in_idx++];uint8_t msb = input_buffer[in_idx++];if (format == 0){ // 555blue = (lsb & 0x1F) << 3;green = ((msb & 0x03) << 6) | ((lsb & 0xE0) >> 2);red = (msb & 0x7C) << 1;}else{ // 565blue = (lsb & 0x1F) << 3;green = ((msb & 0x07) << 5) | ((lsb & 0xE0) >> 3);red = (msb & 0xF8);}whitish = with_color ? ((red > 0x80) && (green > 0x80) && (blue > 0x80)) : ((red + green + blue) > 3 * 0x80); // whitishcolored = (red > 0xF0) || ((green > 0xF0) && (blue > 0xF0));// reddish or yellowish?}break;case 1:case 4:case 8:{if (0 == in_bits){in_byte = input_buffer[in_idx++];in_bits = 8;}uint16_t pn = (in_byte >> bitshift) & bitmask;whitish = mono_palette_buffer[pn / 8] & (0x1 << pn % 8);colored = color_palette_buffer[pn / 8] & (0x1 << pn % 8);in_byte <<= depth;in_bits -= depth;}break;}if (whitish){color = GxEPD_WHITE;}else if (colored && with_color){color = GxEPD_RED;}else{color = GxEPD_BLACK;}uint16_t yrow = y + (flip ? h - row - 1 : row);display.drawPixel(x + col, yrow, color);} // end pixel}// end lineSerial.print("loaded in ");Serial.print(millis() - startTime);Serial.println(" ms");}}file.close();if (!valid){Serial.println("bitmap format not handled.");}
} void displayInit(void)
{ static bool isInit = false; if (isInit) {
} isInit = true; display.init(); display.setRotation(1); display.eraseDisplay(); display.setTextColor(GxEPD_BLACK); display.setFont(&DEFALUT_FONT); display.setTextSize(0); if (SDCARD_SS > 0) {
#elseif (!SD.begin(SDCARD_SS))
#endif{displayText("SDCard MOUNT FAIL", 50, CENTER_ALIGNMENT);}else{displayText("SDCard MOUNT PASS", 50, CENTER_ALIGNMENT);uint32_t cardSize = SD.cardSize() / (1024 * 1024);displayText("SDCard Size: " + String(cardSize) + "MB", 70, CENTER_ALIGNMENT);}display.update();delay(2000);}
} bool setPowerBoostKeepOn(int en)
{ Wire.beginTransmission(IP5306_ADDR); Wire.write(IP5306_REG_SYS_CTL0); if (en)Wire.write(0x37); // Set bit1: 1 enable 0 disable boost keep onelseWire.write(0x35); // 0x37 is default reg valuereturn Wire.endTransmission() == 0;
} void setup()
{ Serial.begin(115200); delay(500);
#ifdef ENABLE_IP5306Wire.begin(I2C_SDA, I2C_SCL);bool ret = setPowerBoostKeepOn(1);Serial.printf("Power KeepUp %sn", ret ? "PASS" : "FAIL");
#endif// It is only necessary to turn on the power amplifier power supply on the T5_V24 board.
#endif#ifdef DAC_MAX98357AudioGeneratorMP3 *mp3;AudioFileSourcePROGMEM *file;AudioOutputI2S *out;AudioFileSourceID3 *id3;file = new AudioFileSourcePROGMEM(image, sizeof(image));id3 = new AudioFileSourceID3(file);out = new AudioOutputI2S();out->SetPinout(IIS_BCK, IIS_WS, IIS_DOUT);mp3 = new AudioGeneratorMP3();mp3->begin(id3, out);while (1){if (mp3->isRunning()){if (!mp3->loop())mp3->stop();}else{Serial.printf("MP3 donen");break;}}
#endifif (SPEAKER_OUT > 0){ledcSetup(CHANNEL_0, 1000, 8);ledcAttachPin(SPEAKER_OUT, CHANNEL_0);int i = 3;while (i--){ledcWriteTone(CHANNEL_0, 1000);delay(200);ledcWriteTone(CHANNEL_0, 0);}}SPI.begin(SPI_CLK, SPI_MISO, SPI_MOSI, -1);if (!FILESYSTEM.begin()){Serial.println("FILESYSTEM is not database");Serial.println("Please use Arduino ESP32 Sketch data Upload files");while (1){delay(1000);}}if (!loadBadgeInfo(&info)){loadDefaultInfo();}if (esp_sleep_get_wakeup_cause() == ESP_SLEEP_WAKEUP_UNDEFINED){showMianPage();}WebServerStart();button_init();
} void loop()
{ button_loop();
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