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Last active April 11, 2020 03:40
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Use component colocation Since Ember 3.13.
# to be executed in the root directory of an Ember project.
# What: After working on an Ember codebase with pod structure, I found it intuitive to use co-located components.
# Since Ember 3.13, we have support for component co-location.
# This script moves all component templates to their respective component locations.
# 1. Leaves empty directories on the `templates` folder
# 2. Close your project files in the editor before doing this.
# 3. You are using SCM, and you've committed/stashed your changes right ?
for file in `find app/templates/components -type f`
component_location=$(echo $file | sed 's/templates\///')
mv $file $component_location
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