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Created September 16, 2022 21:04
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Jwt Implementation From Scratch
import (
b64 "encoding/base64"
json "encoding/json"
type Role uint
const (
NONE = iota
ADMIN Role = 1 + iota // Admin User, can access admin functions only
USER // User is the normal user of the application
USER_SECP // User for the secp sandbox phase
USER_BETA // Beta test user
TODO: Once basic implementation is done, move from a secret based signing approach to a pub/private key approach
# JWT Setup
Header: {
(Algorithm) alg: algorithm used to sign token
(type) typ: type of token, ALWAYS jwt
Payload: {
(Issuer) iss: entity to generate and issue web token
(Subject) sub: entity token is issued to, user id here
(Audience) aud: Intended audience, for our case this can be (ADMIN, User, SandboxUser ... ${UserRole}{UserType})
(Expiry) exp: timestamp after which tokens should not be accepted
(Issued at) iat: token issuing date
Signature: {
sign(b64Header + b64Payload + My_Secret_Key)
type JwtHeader struct {
Alg string `json:"alg"` // (Algorithm) alg: algorithm used to sign token
Typ string `json:"typ"` // (type) typ: type of token, ALWAYS jwt
type JwtPayload struct {
Iss string `json:"iss"` // (Issuer) iss: entity to generate and issue web token
Sub string `json:"sub"` // (Subject) sub: entity token is issued to, user id here
Aud Role `json:"aud"` // (Audience) aud: Intended audience, for our case this can be (ADMIN, User, SandboxUser ... ${UserRole}{UserType})
Exp int64 `json:"exp"` // (Expiry) exp: timestamp after which tokens should not be accepted
Iat int64 `json:"iat"` // (Issued at) iat: token issuing date
type JwtToken struct {
Header JwtHeader
B64Header string
Payload JwtPayload
B64Payload string
Token string
CreateJwtToken creates a b64encoded signed token
@param sub the subject (Unique User Id) for the token
@param aud the audience (User Role) for the token, used for restricting certain endpoints
func CreateJwtToken(userIdentifier string, userType Role) (JwtToken, error) {
var issueTime time.Time = time.Now()
var hashFunc crypto.Hash
var t JwtToken
t.Header.Typ = "jwt"
t.Payload.Sub = userIdentifier
t.Payload.Aud = userType
t.Payload.Iss = "qaim"
t.Payload.Iat = issueTime.Unix()
t.Payload.Exp = issueTime.Add(time.Minute * 30).Unix()
if crypto.SHA256.Available() {
hashFunc = crypto.SHA256
t.Header.Alg = "HS256"
} else {
fmt.Println("User has no hash func")
calcErr := errors.New("auth server does not support required hash function")
return t, calcErr
// encode header
jwt_header_b, err := json.Marshal(t.Header)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("error signing token:", err)
t.B64Header = b64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString(jwt_header_b)
// encode paylod
jwt_payload_b, err := json.Marshal(t.Payload)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("error signing token:", err)
t.B64Payload = b64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString(jwt_payload_b)
// sign(eh,ep,sig)
// using Hmac + Sha(256/224)
secret := os.Getenv("JWTSECRET")
encodedBody := t.B64Header + "." + t.B64Payload
hmacFunc := hmac.New(hashFunc.New, []byte(secret))
_, err = hmacFunc.Write([]byte(encodedBody))
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error signing jwt token")
// TODO: Return err for no sign
calcErr := errors.New("error signing jwt token, check header and payload")
return t, calcErr
signature_b := hmacFunc.Sum(nil)
b64Signature := b64.RawURLEncoding.EncodeToString(signature_b)
t.Token = encodedBody + "." + b64Signature
return t, nil
VerifyJwtToken verifies a signed base64 encoded token
@param b64Token the signed base64 token to verify
func VerifyJwtToken(b64Token string, userType Role) bool {
var t JwtToken
t.Token = b64Token
splitToken := strings.Split(t.Token, ".")
if len(splitToken) < 3 {
// err = errors.New("invalid token")
return false
t.B64Header = splitToken[0]
header_b, err := b64.RawURLEncoding.DecodeString(t.B64Header)
if err != nil {
return false
err = json.Unmarshal(header_b, &t.Header)
if err != nil {
return false
t.B64Payload = splitToken[1]
payload_b, err := b64.RawURLEncoding.DecodeString(t.B64Payload)
if err != nil {
return false
err = json.Unmarshal(payload_b, &t.Payload)
if err != nil {
return false
signature := splitToken[2]
signature_b, err := b64.RawURLEncoding.DecodeString(signature)
if err != nil {
return false
var hashFunc crypto.Hash
if t.Header.Alg == "HS256" {
hashFunc = crypto.SHA256
} else {
// err = errors.New("hash function not found")
return false
secret := os.Getenv("JWTSECRET")
hmacFunc := hmac.New(hashFunc.New, []byte(secret))
encodedBody := t.B64Header + "." + t.B64Payload
_, err = hmacFunc.Write([]byte(encodedBody))
if err != nil {
return false
genSign := hmacFunc.Sum(nil)
// * STEP 1: verify jwt token
eq := hmac.Equal(signature_b, genSign)
if !eq {
// err = errors.New("invalid token")
return false
// * STEP 2: verify user role
if t.Payload.Aud != userType {
// err = errors.New("invalid token")
return false
// * STEP 3: check if token expired
unixTs := time.Now().Unix()
if t.Payload.Iat > unixTs {
// refresh here?
return false
return true
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