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Created April 2, 2016 17:17
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#!/usr/bin/env python
import socket, sys, getopt
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
def get_server_details(host, port):
# Data Place Holders
urt_server_details = {}
# Socket Request Message
MESSAGE = "\377\377\377\377getstatus"
startTime =
expireTime = startTime + timedelta(seconds=2)
# Get response from server
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
sock.connect((host, int(port)))
response = sock.recv(4096)
# print response
response_lines = response.split("\n")
except Exception, exc:
print "The connection to the server failed. Did you provide the correct hostname and port?"
print "Error message for the Geeks: " + str(exc)
print response
# Retrieve the server settings
config_string_parts = response_lines[1].split("\\")
# print config_string_parts
urt_server_details['configs'] = {}
for i in range(1, len(config_string_parts), 2):
urt_server_details['configs'][config_string_parts[i].strip()] = config_string_parts[i + 1].strip()
urt_server_details['players'] = []
for x in range(2, (len(response_lines) - 1)):
player_data = response_lines[x].split(" ",2)
player_dictionary = {"ping": player_data[1], "kills": player_data[0], "name": player_data[2][1:-1].strip()}
return urt_server_details
def print_usages():
print "-h,--help\t Display this message"
print "-p,--port\t Specify a port"
print "-c,--configs\t Specify one or more server configuration opetion (seperate with comma). Use 'all' to print all config values"
def main():
# try:
# opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hp:c:", ["help", "port=", "configs="])
# except getopt.GetoptError, err:
# print_usages()
# sys.exit(2)
port = 27960
configs = []
# for option, value in opts:
# if option in ("-p", "--port"):
# port = value
# elif option in ("-c", "--configs"):
# configs = value.split(",")
# elif option in ("-h", "--help"):
# print_usages()
# sys.exit()
# else:
# print_usages()
# sys.exit(2)
# if len(args) < 1:
# print "Please provide a host (either a hostname or IP address)"
# sys.exit(2)
# else:
# host = args[0]
host = ""
bitbarArg = " | font=Monaco bash=/usr/bin/open param1=/Volumes/Codes/UrbanTerror42/ terminal=false"
server_details = get_server_details(host, port)
print "URT : " + str(len(server_details['players']))
print "---"
print host + ":" + str(port) + bitbarArg
# print "-----" * 5
if len(configs) > 0:
if len(configs) == 1 and configs[0] == "all":
template = "{Config:30} \t {Value:30}"
print template.format(Config="Config", Value="Value")
print template.format(Config="-----" * 6, Value="-----" * 6)
for config in server_details['configs']:
#print template.format(Config=config, Value=server_details['configs'][config])
print "<item>%s</item>" % config
print "\n"
template = "{Config:30} \t {Value:30}"
print template.format(Config="Config", Value="Value")
print template.format(Config="-----" * 6, Value="-----" * 6)
for config in configs:
print template.format(Config=config, Value=server_details['configs'][config])
print "\n"
if(len(server_details['players']) > 0):
template = "{Name:30} \t {Ping:4} \t {Kills:5}" + bitbarArg
print template.format(Name="Name", Ping="Ping", Kills="Kills")
# print template.format(Name="-----" * 6, Ping="----", Kills="-----")
for player in server_details['players']:
print template.format(Name=player['name'], Ping=player['ping'], Kills=player['kills'])
print "\n"
print "No one is playing on the server at this moment. \n"
if __name__ == "__main__":
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