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Created October 5, 2018 04:59
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A bash script illustrating authentication to MongoDB via Kerberos SSO and authorization on MongoDB
# Login into the Kerberos as bob
kinit -p bob
# Password for bob@MDBKRB5.NET:
# Ticket cache: KEYRING:persistent:1000:1000
# Default principal: bob@MDBKRB5.NET
# Valid starting Expires Service principal
# 10/04/2018 16:58:49 10/05/2018 16:58:48 krbtgt/MDBKRB5.NET@MDBKRB5.NET
mongo social --quiet --host --authenticationMechanism=GSSAPI --authenticationDatabase='$external' --username bob@MDBKRB5.NET
# MongoDB Enterprise rs0:PRIMARY>
# Run the below commands at rs0:PRIMARY prompt
# db.runCommand({connectionStatus: 1}).authInfo
# {
# "authenticatedUsers": [
# {
# "user": "bob@MDBKRB5.NET",
# "db": "$external"
# }
# ],
# "authenticatedUserRoles": [
# {
# "role": "readWrite",
# "db": "social"
# }
# ]
# }
# Test the write privilege on social database
db.people.insert({fname: 'Shyam', lname: 'Arjarapu'})
# WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 })
# Test the read privilege on social database
# {
# "_id" : ObjectId("5bb647a8315c61d11c361945"),
# "fname" : "Shyam",
# "lname" : "Arjarapu"
# }
# Note that bob has no previleges on admin database
use admin
# switched to db admin
show collections
# Warning: unable to run listCollections, attempting to approximate collection names by parsing connectionStatus
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