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Last active November 21, 2022 06:01
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Given two strings of lowercase alphabets and a value k, the task is to find if two strings are K-anagrams of each other or not.

Two strings are K-anagrams of each other if they can become anagram by replacing at most k characters in a string.

Implement a function isKAnagram that returns true if the two strings are k-anagram, or false if they are not.

import Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Monoid
isKAnagram :: String -> String -> Int -> Bool
isKAnagram a b k = maybe False (<= k) $ replacements a b
replacements :: String -> String -> Maybe Int
replacements a b =
case diffs a b of
Just d ->
let Sum count = foldMap (Sum . abs) d
(q, r) = quotRem count 2
in if r == 0 then Just q else Nothing
Nothing -> Nothing
diffs :: String -> String -> Maybe (Map Char Int)
diffs a b = go a b M.empty
go (a:as) (b:bs) acc = go as bs $ M.insertWith (+) a 1 $ M.insertWith (+) b (-1) $ acc
go [] [] acc = Just acc
go _ _ _ = Nothing
import scala.collection.immutable.HashMap
object Solution extends App {
val cases = List(("anagram", "grammar", 2),
("geeks", "eggkf", 1))
for ((a,b,k) <- cases) {
def isKAnagram(a: String, b: String, k: Int): Boolean =
replacements(a, b).fold(false)(_ <= k)
def replacements(a: String, b: String): Option[Int] =
diffs(a,b).map(_.values.fold(0)((x,y) => x.abs + y.abs) / 2)
def diffs(a: String, b: String): Option[HashMap[Char, Int]] = {
def go(a: String, b: String, acc: HashMap[Char, Int]): Option[HashMap[Char, Int]] = {
def update(neu: Int)(old: Option[Int]): Option[Int] =
old.fold(Some(neu))(o => Some(o+neu))
a.splitAt(1) -> b.splitAt(1) match {
case ((a,_), (b,_)) if a.isEmpty && !b.isEmpty => None
case ((a,_), (b,_)) if b.isEmpty && !a.isEmpty => None
case ((a,_), (b,_)) if a.isEmpty && b.isEmpty => Some(acc)
case ((a,as), (b,bs)) =>
go(as, bs, acc
go(a, b, HashMap.empty)
import Data.IntMap.Lazy as M
import Data.Char
import Data.Monoid
import Control.Monad
import Control.Exception
main = do
forM_ [ ("ab", "a", 1, False)
, ("ab", "ab", 0, True)
, ("ab", "ab", 1, True)
, ("ab", "ac", 1, True)
, ("ab", "ac", 0, False)
, ("ab", "cd", 2, True)
] $ \(a,b,k,yesNo) -> do
print (a,b,k, assert (isKAnagram a b k == yesNo) (unmatchedCount a b))
-- demonstration of early termination if >k
print $ checkExceeds 0 $ M.fromList [(0 ,1), (1,undefined)]
print $ checkExceeds 0 $ M.fromList [(0,-1), (1,undefined)]
isKAnagram :: String -> String -> Int -> Bool
isKAnagram a b k = maybe False (checkExceeds k) $ unmatchedCount a b
checkExceeds :: Int -> IntMap Int -> Bool
checkExceeds k =
all (\(quota,quota') -> quota >= 0 && quota' <= 0)
. scanl count (k,-k)
. elems -- list fusion happens
count (quota,quota') x | x > 0 = (quota - x, quota')
count (quota,quota') x | x < 0 = (quota , quota' - x)
count acc _ = acc
unmatchedCount :: String -> String -> Maybe (IntMap Int)
unmatchedCount a b = go a b M.empty
go (a:as) (b:bs) acc = go as bs
$ M.insertWith (+) (ord a) 1
$ M.insertWith (+) (ord b) (-1)
$ acc
go [] [] acc = Just acc
go _ _ _ = Nothing
import scala.collection.immutable.HashMap
object Solution extends App {
val cases = List(("anagram", "grammar", 2),
("geeks", "eggkf", 1))
for ((a,b,k) <- cases) {
def isKAanagram(a: String, b: String, k: Int): Boolean =
replacements(a, b).fold(false)(_ <= k)
def replacements(a: String, b: String): Option[Int] =
diffs(a,b).map(_.values.fold(0)((x,y) => x.abs + y.abs) / 2)
def diffs(a: String, b: String): Option[HashMap[Char, Int]] = {
def go(a: String, b: String, acc: HashMap[Char, Int]): Option[HashMap[Char, Int]] = {
if (a.isEmpty && !b.isEmpty) return None
if (b.isEmpty && !a.isEmpty) return None
if (a.isEmpty && b.isEmpty) return Some(acc)
def update(neu: Int)(old: Option[Int]): Option[Int] =
old.fold(Some(neu))(o => Some(o+neu))
for {
x <- a.headOption
y <- b. headOption
rest <- go(a.tail, b.tail, acc)
} yield acc.updatedWith(x)(update(1)).updatedWith(y)(update(-1)) ++ rest
go(a, b, HashMap.empty)
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