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import grails.persistence.*
import grails.mongodb.geo.*
import grails.mongodb.bootstrap.*
import org.bson.types.ObjectId
import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject
def initializer = new MongoDbDataStoreSpringInitializer(City)
City.withTransaction {
City.collection.remove(new BasicDBObject())
City.saveAll( [ new City(name:"London", location: Point.valueOf( [-0.125487, 51.508515] ) ),
new City(name:"Paris", location: Point.valueOf( [2.352222, 48.856614] ) ),
new City(name:"New York", location: Point.valueOf( [-74.005973, 40.714353] ) ),
new City(name:"San Francisco", location: Point.valueOf( [-122.419416, 37.774929] ) ) ] )
def city = City.where { name == "London" }.find()
List<City> closest = City.findAllByLocationNear(city.location)
println "Closest city to London is: ${closest[1].name}"
class City {
ObjectId id
String name
Point location
static constraints = {
name blank:false
location nullable:false
static mapping = {
location geoIndex:'2dsphere'
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