Install Neo4j 3.1.0-M12-beta2
copy APOC library to
folder -
Node.txt and Link.txt do have couple of header lines we should get rid of to make it more easy to process them with LOAD CSV
. Be aware the following sed commands do inplace editing.
sed -i -e '4d' -e '3d' -e '1d' Node.txt
sed -i -e '4d' -e '3d' -e '1d' Link.txt
using periodic commit 10000
load csv with headers from 'file:///Node.txt' as row FIELDTERMINATOR ';'
create (:Location{id:row.NODE_ID, longitude:toFloat(row.X), latitude:toFloat(row.Y)})
Added 1246456 labels, created 1246456 nodes, set 3739366 properties, statement completed in 80032 ms.
using periodic commit 10000
load csv with headers from 'file:///Link.txt' as row FIELDTERMINATOR ';'
match (s:Location{id:row.FROM_NODE})
match (e:Location{id:row.TO_NODE})
create (s)-[:CONNECTED_TO{d:distance(point(s), point(e))}]->(e)
Set 1468141 properties, created 1468141 relationships, statement completed in 157996 ms.
Now trying to find a weighted shortest path of a length of 506 between two randomly choosen nodes using 2 different algorthims.
match (s:Location{id:'18967684'})
match (e:Location{id:'18028696'})
call apoc.algo.dijkstra(s, e, "CONNECTED_TO", "d") yield path, weight
return length(path), weight
Returned 1 record in 1741 ms.