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Created October 29, 2014 17:44
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Kata Form Upload File

As a user, I need to upload a PDF with a Product.

[x] Create a Product through a form.
[x] A Product is composed of a name, price and a PDF document.
[x] Use semantical configuration in your Bundle so it can be possible to configure the path to the folder upload.

Steps :

  1. Generate a bundle called: Vendor/ShopBundle.
  2. Create a Product entity with 3 properties: name, price and document.
  3. Add @ORM annotations so we'll be able to persist the product in database.
  4. Run php app/console doctrine:database:create then php app/console doctrine:schema:update.
  5. Create a ProductType class in the "Form" folder with 4 fields: name, price, document and submit.
  6. Declarate it as a service.
  7. Create a ProductController class extending the Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller (so we'll be able to access the container, and some nice methods as shortcut).
  8. Create an action newAction in the ProductController with th pattern /product/new and pass the form to the view.
  9. Restrict HTTP method to access the route (GET and POST)
  10. Create a view in the Resources/views/Product folder called new.html.twig rendering the form.
  11. Add constraints on fields with annotations in the Product class.
  12. Use form theme to surround each field with a fieldset.
  13. In the template, deactivate the HTML5 validation, and don't forget to add the form_enctype.
  14. Call the handleRequest() method in your action and do the logic to handle the submitted values.
  15. Add logic in the if ($form->isValid()) statement to persist the product without the upload of document.
  16. Create the Uploader service in the folder Vendor\ShopBundle\Services having an upload() method.
  17. In the upload method, implement the logic to generate the name of your document uploaded, and move the document in the right folder. Return the filename generated.
  18. Declarate the Uploader as a service and inject the service filesystem to it by constructor.
  19. Make a sementical configuration to declarate the upload path.
  20. Indicate a vendor_shop.upload_path in the app/config/config.yml with a value "%upload_path%".
  21. Declarate the node in the src/Vendor/ShophBundle/DependencyInjection/Configuration.php.
  22. Add the argument upload_path to the definition of service vendor.uploaderin src/Vendor/ShopBundle/DependencyInjection/VendorShopExtension::load() method.
  23. Don't forget to add the private property $path in the uploader service so it can be initialized in the constructor.
  24. In the action, get the uploader service and call the method upload.
  25. Don't forget to update the $product->document property.
  26. When the product is persisted, redirect the user to the /product/show/{id} route to show the product newly added in database.
  27. Create the showAction having the /product/show/{id} route pattern.
  28. Create the template show.html.twig in the src/Vendor/ShopBundle/Resources/views/Product to display all information of the product.

Et voilà!

Some documentation:

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