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Created January 12, 2024 10:18
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# ================================
# Build image
# ================================
FROM swift:5.9-jammy-slim
&& apt-get -q update \
&& apt-get -q dist-upgrade -y \
&& apt-get install -y libsqlite3-dev nano \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
# Set up a build area
WORKDIR /build
# First just resolve dependencies.
# This creates a cached layer that can be reused
# as long as your Package.swift/Package.resolved
# files do not change.
COPY ./Package.* ./
RUN swift package resolve --skip-update \
$([ -f ./Package.resolved ] && echo "--force-resolved-versions" || true)
# Copy entire repo into container
COPY . .
# Build everything, with optimizations
RUN swift build -c release --static-swift-stdlib \
# Workaround for
# This can be removed as soon as 5.9.1 is released, but is harmless if left in.
-Xlinker -u -Xlinker _swift_backtrace_isThunkFunction
# Switch to the staging area
WORKDIR /staging
# Copy main executable to staging area
RUN cp "$(swift build --package-path /build -c release --show-bin-path)/App" ./
# Copy resources bundled by SPM to staging area
RUN find -L "$(swift build --package-path /build -c release --show-bin-path)/" -regex '.*\.resources$' -exec cp -Ra {} ./ \;
# Copy any resources from the public directory and views directory if the directories exist
# Ensure that by default, neither the directory nor any of its contents are writable.
RUN [ -d /build/Public ] && { mv /build/Public ./Public && chmod -R a-w ./Public; } || true
#RUN [ -d /build/Public ] && { mv /build/Cert ./Cert && chmod -R a-w ./Cert; } || true
#RUN [ -d /build/Public ] && { mv /build/Public ./Public && chmod -R a-w ./Public; } || true
RUN [ -d /build/Resources ] && { mv /build/Resources ./Resources && chmod -R a-w ./Resources; } || true
# ================================
# Run image
# ================================
FROM swift:5.9-jammy-slim
# Make sure all system packages are up to date, and install only essential packages.
&& apt-get -q update \
&& apt-get -q dist-upgrade -y \
&& apt-get -q install -y \
libcurl4 \
ca-certificates \
tzdata \
# If your app or its dependencies import FoundationXML, also install `libxml2`.
# libxml2 \
&& rm -r /var/lib/apt/lists/*
# Create a vapor user and group with /app as its home directory
RUN useradd --user-group --create-home --system --skel /dev/null --home-dir /app vapor
# Switch to the new home directory
# Copy built executable and any staged resources from builder
COPY --from=build --chown=vapor:vapor /staging /app
COPY --from=build --chown=vapor:vapor /build/.build/release /app
# Uncomment the next line if you need to load resources from the `Public` directory
# COPY --from=build --chown=vapor:vapor /build/Public /app/Public
# Provide configuration needed by the built-in crash reporter and some sensible default behaviors.
ENV SWIFT_ROOT=/usr SWIFT_BACKTRACE=enable=yes,sanitize=yes,threads=all,images=all,interactive=no
# Ensure all further commands run as the vapor user
USER vapor:vapor
# Let Docker bind to port 8080
# Start the Vapor service when the image is run, default to listening on 8080 in production environment
CMD ["serve", "--env", "production", "--hostname", "", "--port", "3030"]
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