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Created February 1, 2024 14:08
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import ComposableArchitecture
import ComposableUserNotifications
import Foundation
import SettingsFeature
import RemoteNotificationsClient
import LPGSharedModels
import UIKit
import os
import NotificationHelpers
import BSON
public struct AppDelegateReducer {
public typealias State = UserSettings
public enum Action: Equatable {
case didFinishLaunching
case didRegisterForRemoteNotifications(TaskResult<Data>)
case userNotifications(UserNotificationClient.DelegateEvent)
case userSettingsLoaded(TaskResult<UserSettings>)
case deviceResponse(TaskResult<DeviceInOutPut>)
case getNotificationSettings
case createOrUpdate(deviceToken: Data)
@Dependency(\.apiClient) var apiClient
@Dependency(\.build.number) var buildNumber
@Dependency(\.remoteNotifications) var remoteNotifications
@Dependency(\.applicationClient.setUserInterfaceStyle) var setUserInterfaceStyle
@Dependency(\.userNotifications) var userNotifications
public init() {}
public func reduce(into state: inout State, action: Action) -> Effect<Action> {
switch action {
case .didFinishLaunching:
return .run { send in
await withThrowingTaskGroup(of: Void.self) { group in
group.addTask {
for await event in self.userNotifications.delegate() {
await send(.userNotifications(event))
group.addTask {
let settings = await self.userNotifications.getNotificationSettings()
switch settings.authorizationStatus {
case .authorized:
try await self.userNotifications.requestAuthorization([.alert, .badge, .sound])
else { return }
case .notDetermined, .provisional:
guard try await self.userNotifications.requestAuthorization(.provisional)
else { return }
group.addTask {
await registerForRemoteNotificationsAsync(
remoteNotifications: self.remoteNotifications,
userNotifications: self.userNotifications
case let .didRegisterForRemoteNotifications(.success(data)):
return .run { send in
await send(.getNotificationSettings)
await send(.createOrUpdate(deviceToken: data))
case .didRegisterForRemoteNotifications(.failure):
return .none
case .getNotificationSettings:"\(#line) run getNotificationSettings")
return .run { _ in
_ = await self.userNotifications.getNotificationSettings()
case let .createOrUpdate(deviceToken: data):
let identifierForVendor = UIDevice.current.identifierForVendor?.uuidString
let token = data.toHexString
let device = DeviceInOutPut(
identifierForVendor: identifierForVendor,
model: UIDevice.current.model,
osVersion: UIDevice.current.systemVersion,
pushToken: token,
voipToken: ""
return .run { send in
await send(.deviceResponse(
await TaskResult {
try await apiClient.request(
for: .authEngine(.devices(.createOrUpdate(input: device))),
as: DeviceInOutPut.self,
decoder: .iso8601
case let .userNotifications(.willPresentNotification(_, completionHandler)):
return .run { _ in completionHandler(.banner) }
case .userNotifications:
return .none
case let .userSettingsLoaded(result):
state = (try? result.value) ?? state
return .run { [state] _ in
async let setUI: Void =
await self.setUserInterfaceStyle(state.colorScheme.userInterfaceStyle)
_ = await setUI
case .deviceResponse(.success):"\(#line) deviceResponse success")
return .none
case .deviceResponse(.failure(let error)):
logger.error("\(#line) deviceResponse error \(error.localizedDescription)")
return .none
public let logger = Logger(subsystem: "com.learnplaygrow", category: "appDelegate.reducer")
import AuthenticationView
import ComposableArchitecture
import ConversationsView
import ProfileView
import SwiftUI
import UserDefaultsClient
import KeychainClient
import LPGSharedModels
import LocationReducer
import NotificationHelpers
import AuthenticationCore
import TabFeature
public struct AppReducer {
public struct Destination {
public enum State: Equatable {
case login(Login.State)
case tab(TabReducer.State)
public enum Action: Equatable {
case login(Login.Action)
case tab(TabReducer.Action)
public var body: some Reducer<State, Action> {
Scope(state: \.login, action: \.login) {
Scope(state: \.tab, action: \.tab) {
public struct State: Equatable {
@Presents public var destination: Destination.State? = .tab(.init())
public enum Action {
case destination(PresentationAction<Destination.Action>)
case onAppear
case appDelegate(AppDelegateReducer.Action)
case didChangeScenePhase(ScenePhase)
@Dependency(\.userDefaults) var userDefaults
@Dependency(\.userNotifications) var userNotifications
@Dependency(\.remoteNotifications) var remoteNotifications
@Dependency(\.mainRunLoop) var mainRunLoop
@Dependency(\.keychainClient) var keychainClient
@Dependency(\.build) var build
public init() {}
public var body: some Reducer<State, Action> {
state: \.destination?.tab?.settings.userSettings,
action: \.appDelegate
) {
Reduce { state, action in
switch action {
case .onAppear:
let isAuthorized = userDefaults.boolForKey(UserDefaultKey.isAuthorized.rawValue) == true
let isAskPermissionCompleted = userDefaults.boolForKey(UserDefaultKey.isAskPermissionCompleted.rawValue) == true
if isAuthorized && isAskPermissionCompleted {
return .none
} else {
state.destination = .login(.init()) //Login.State()
return .none
case .destination(.presented(.login(.verificationResponse(.success)))):
// state.destination = .login() //.login(.register(.init()))
return .none
case .destination(.presented(.login(.moveToTableView))):
// state.loginState = nil
// state.tabState = .init()
return .none
case .destination(.presented(.tab(.settings(.logOutButtonTapped)))):
state.destination = .login(.init())
return .run(priority: .background) { _ in
await withThrowingTaskGroup(of: Void.self) { group in
group.addTask {
await userDefaults.setBool(
group.addTask {
try await keychainClient.logout()
case let .appDelegate(.userNotifications(.didReceiveResponse(_, completionHandler))):
return .run { _ in completionHandler() }
case .appDelegate:
return .none
case .didChangeScenePhase(.active):
return .run { send in
// await send(.tab(.connect))
case .didChangeScenePhase(.background):
return .run { send in
// await send(.tab(.disConnect))
case .didChangeScenePhase:
return .none
case .destination:
return .none
public struct AppView: View {
@Environment(\.scenePhase) private var scenePhase
public let store: StoreOf<AppReducer>
public init(store: StoreOf<AppReducer>) { = store
public var body: some View {
WithPerceptionTracking {
ZStack {
// if store.loginState == nil {
// NavigationView {
// TabBarView(
// store: \.tabState, action: \.tab)
// )
// }
// .navigationViewStyle(.stack)
// } else {
// if let loginStore = store.scope(state: \.loginState, action: \.login) {
// AuthenticationView(store: loginStore)
// }
// }
.onAppear {
struct AppView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
AppView(store: .init(initialState: AppReducer.State()) {
import os
import UIKit
import Build
import Foundation
import KeychainClient
import LocationReducer
import LPGSharedModels
import UserDefaultsClient
import ComposableStoreKit
import UIApplicationClient
import FoundationExtension
import NotificationHelpers
import ComposableArchitecture
import ComposableUserNotifications
public struct Settings {
public struct State: Equatable {
public init(
alert: AlertState<Settings.Action>? = nil,
currentUser: UserOutput = .withFirstName,
buildNumber: Build.Number? = nil,
enableNotifications: Bool = false,
userNotificationSettings: UserNotificationClient.Notification.Settings? = nil,
userSettings: UserSettings = UserSettings(),
locationState: LocationReducer.State = .init(),
distanceState: Distance.State = .init()
) {
self.alert = alert
self.currentUser = currentUser
self.buildNumber = buildNumber
self.enableNotifications = enableNotifications
self.userNotificationSettings = userNotificationSettings
self.userSettings = userSettings
self.locationState = locationState
self.distanceState = distanceState
@Presents public var alert: AlertState<Action>?
public var currentUser: UserOutput = .withFirstName
public var buildNumber: Build.Number?
public var enableNotifications: Bool
public var userNotificationSettings: UserNotificationClient.Notification.Settings?
public var distanceState: Distance.State
public var userSettings: UserSettings
public var locationState: LocationReducer.State
public enum Action: BindableAction, Equatable {
case binding(BindingAction<State>)
case onAppear
case didBecomeActive
case openSettingButtonTapped
case userNotificationAuthorizationResponse(TaskResult<Bool>)
case userNotificationSettingsResponse(UserNotificationClient.Notification.Settings)
case leaveUsAReviewButtonTapped
case reportABugButtonTapped
case logOutButtonTapped
case location(LocationReducer.Action)
case distance(Distance.Action)
@Dependency(\.applicationClient) var applicationClient
@Dependency(\.mainQueue) var mainQueue
@Dependency(\.userNotifications) var userNotifications
@Dependency(\.userDefaults) var userDefaults
@Dependency(\.build) var build
@Dependency(\.keychainClient) var keychainClient
@Dependency(\.remoteNotifications.unregister) var unRegisterForRemoteNotifications
public init() {}
public var body: some Reducer<State, Action> {
CombineReducers {
Scope(state: \.distanceState, action: /Action.distance) {
Reduce { state, action in
switch action {
case .binding:
return .none
case .binding(\.enableNotifications):
let userNotificationSettings = state.userNotificationSettings
else {
// TODO: API request to opt out of all notifications
state.enableNotifications = false
return .none
state.userNotificationSettings?.authorizationStatus = state.enableNotifications == true ? .authorized : .denied
switch userNotificationSettings.authorizationStatus {
case .notDetermined, .provisional:
state.enableNotifications = true
return .run { send in
await send(.userNotificationAuthorizationResponse(
TaskResult {
try await self.userNotifications.requestAuthorization([.alert, .badge, .sound])
case .denied:
state.alert = .userNotificationAuthorizationDenied
state.enableNotifications = false
return .none
case .authorized:
state.enableNotifications = true
return .run { send in
await send(.userNotificationAuthorizationResponse(.success(true)))
case .ephemeral:
state.enableNotifications = true
return .none
@unknown default:
return .none
case .onAppear:
state.buildNumber =
do {
state.currentUser = try keychainClient.readCodable(.user,, UserOutput.self)
} catch {
// fatalError("Do soemthing from SettingsFeature!")
logger.error("cant get current user from keychainClient ")
return .merge(
.run { send in
async let settingsResponse: Void = send(
animation: .default
_ = await settingsResponse
// NotificationCenter.default.publisher(for: UIApplication.didBecomeActiveNotification)
// .map { _ in .didBecomeActive }
// .eraseToEffect()
case .openSettingButtonTapped:
return .run { _ in
let url = await URL(string: self.applicationClient.openSettingsURLString())
else { return }
_ = await, [:])
case let .userNotificationAuthorizationResponse(.success(granted)):
state.enableNotifications = granted
return granted
? .run { _ in
await self.unRegisterForRemoteNotifications()
}// .fireAndForget { await self.registerForRemoteNotifications() }
: .none
case .userNotificationAuthorizationResponse:
return .none
case let .userNotificationSettingsResponse(settings):
state.userNotificationSettings = settings
state.enableNotifications = settings.authorizationStatus == .authorized
return .none
case .leaveUsAReviewButtonTapped:
return .run { _ in
_ = await, [:])
case .didBecomeActive:
return .run { send in
await send(.userNotificationSettingsResponse(
case .reportABugButtonTapped:
return .run { [currentUser = state.currentUser] _ in
let currentUser = currentUser
var components = URLComponents()
components.scheme = "mailto"
components.path = ""
components.queryItems = [
URLQueryItem(name: "subject", value: "I found a bug in Addame IOS App"),
name: "body",
value: """
Build: \( (\(
_ = await!, [:])
case .location(_):
return .none
case .distance(_):
return .none
case .logOutButtonTapped:
return .none
private var appStoreReviewUrl: URL {
string: ""
extension AlertState where Action == Settings.Action {
static let userNotificationAuthorizationDenied = Self {
TextState("Permission Denied")
} actions: {
ButtonState(role: .destructive, action: .openSettingButtonTapped) {
TextState("Open Settings")
ButtonState(role: .cancel) {
} message: {
TextState("Turn on notifications in iOS settings.")
static let restoredPurchasesFailed = Self(
title: .init("Error"),
message: .init("We couldn’t restore purchases, please try again."),
dismissButton: .default(.init("Ok"))
static let noRestoredPurchases = Self(
title: .init("No Purchases"),
message: .init("No purchases were found to restore."),
dismissButton: .default(.init("Ok"))
public let logger = Logger(subsystem: "com.addame.AddaMeIOS", category: "settins.reducer")
public struct UserSettings: Codable, Equatable {
public var colorScheme: ColorScheme
public enum ColorScheme: String, CaseIterable, Codable {
case dark
case light
case system
public var userInterfaceStyle: UIUserInterfaceStyle {
switch self {
case .dark:
return .dark
case .light:
return .light
case .system:
return .unspecified
public init(colorScheme: ColorScheme = .system) {
self.colorScheme = colorScheme
public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
self.colorScheme = (try? container.decode(ColorScheme.self, forKey: .colorScheme)) ?? .system
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