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Created October 25, 2021 20:20
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// EventReducer.swift
// Created by Saroar Khandoker on 06.04.2021.
import ChatClient
import ChatClientLive
import ChatView
import Combine
import ComposableArchitecture
import ComposableArchitectureHelpers
import ComposableCoreLocation
import Contacts
import ConversationClient
import ConversationClientLive
import EventClient
import EventClientLive
import EventDetailsView
import EventFormView
import HTTPRequestKit
import MapKit
import SharedModels
import SwiftUI
import WebSocketClient
import WebSocketClientLive
struct LocationManagerId: Hashable {}
// swiftlint:disable superfluous_disable_command file_length
public let eventReducer = Reducer<EventsState, EventsAction, EventsEnvironment> {
state, action, environment in
var fetchEvents: Effect<EventsAction, Never> {
guard state.isConnected, let location = state.location else { return .none }
state.location = location
guard !state.isLoadingPage, state.canLoadMorePages else { return .none }
// state.isLoadingPage = true
let getDistanceType = environment.userDefaults.integerForKey("typee")
let maxDistance = getDistanceType == 0 ? (250 * 1000) : (250 / 1.609) * 1609
let distanceType: String = getDistanceType == 0 ? "kilometers" : "miles"
let getDistance = environment.userDefaults.doubleForKey(distanceType)
var distanceInMeters: Double = 0.0
if getDistance != 0.0 {
if getDistanceType == 0 {
distanceInMeters = getDistance * 1000
} else {
distanceInMeters = getDistance * 1609
} else {
if distanceType == "kilometers" {
distanceInMeters = maxDistance
} else {
distanceInMeters = maxDistance
let lat = "\(location.coordinate.latitude)"
let long = "\(location.coordinate.longitude)"
print(#line, distanceInMeters)
let query = QueryItem(
page: "\(state.currentPage)",
per: "10", lat: lat, long: long,
distance: "\(Int(distanceInMeters))"
return, "")
.receive(on: environment.mainQueue.animation(.default))
func getLocation(_ location: Location) -> Effect<EventsAction, Never> {
return environment.getCoordinate(location)
.receive(on: environment.mainQueue)
func presentChatView() -> Effect<EventsAction, Never> {
state.eventDetailsState = nil
state.chatState = nil
return Effect(value: EventsAction.chatView(isNavigate: true))
.receive(on: environment.mainQueue)
switch action {
case .onAppear:
return .merge(
case .dismissEvent:
return .none
case .alertDismissed:
state.alert = nil
return .none
case let .fetchMoreEventsIfNeeded(item):
guard let item = item, > 5 else {
return fetchEvents
let threshouldIndex =, offsetBy: -5)
if { $ == }) == threshouldIndex {
return fetchEvents
return .none
case let .event(index: index):
return .none
case let .eventsResponse(.success(eventArray)):
state.waitingForUpdateLocation = false
state.canLoadMorePages = <
state.isLoadingPage = false
state.currentPage += 1
let events = ( + eventArray.items)
// .uniqElemets()
// .sorted() = .init(uniqueElements: events)
return .none
case let .eventsResponse(.failure(error)):
state.isLoadingPage = false
state.alert = .init(title: TextState(error.description))
return .none
case let .eventTapped(event):
state.event = event
return Effect(value: EventsAction.eventDetailsView(isPresented: true))
.receive(on: environment.mainQueue)
case let .addressResponse(.success(address)):
return .none
case let .eventCoordinate(.success(placemark)):
let formatter = CNPostalAddressFormatter()
guard let postalAddress = placemark.postalAddress else {
// handle error here
return .none
let addressString = formatter.string(from: postalAddress)
state.currentAddress = addressString
state.placeMark = placemark
return .none
case let .locationManager(.didUpdateLocations(locations)):
guard state.isConnected, let location = locations.first else { return .none }
state.location = location
return .merge(
case .locationManager:
return .none
case .currentLocationButtonTapped:
guard environment.locationManager.locationServicesEnabled() else {
state.alert = .init(title: TextState("Location services are turned off."))
state.waitingForUpdateLocation = false
return .none
switch environment.locationManager.authorizationStatus() {
case .notDetermined:
state.isRequestingCurrentLocation = true
state.waitingForUpdateLocation = false
#if os(macOS)
return environment.locationManager
return environment.locationManager
case .restricted:
state.alert = .init(
title: .init("Please give us access to your location in settings"),
message: .init("Please go to Settings and turn on the permissions"),
primaryButton: .cancel(.init("Cancel"), action: .send(.alertDismissed)),
secondaryButton: .default(.init(""), action: .send(.popupSettings))
state.waitingForUpdateLocation = false
return .none
case .denied:
state.alert = .init(
title: .init("Please give us access to your location in settings"),
message: .init("Please go to Settings and turn on the permissions"),
primaryButton: .cancel(.init("Cancel"), action: .send(.alertDismissed)),
secondaryButton: .default(TextState(""), action: .send(.popupSettings))
state.waitingForUpdateLocation = false
return .none
case .authorizedAlways, .authorizedWhenInUse:
state.isLocationAuthorized = true
state.isConnected = true
state.waitingForUpdateLocation = false
return environment.locationManager
@unknown default:
return .none
case .popupSettings:
// @available(iOSApplicationExtension, unavailable)
// if let url = URL(string: UIApplication.openSettingsURLString), UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(url) {
//, options: [:], completionHandler: nil)
// }
return .none
case .dismissEventDetails:
state.event = nil
state.eventDetailsState = nil
return .none
case let .eventFormView(isNavigate: active):
let placeMark = state.placeMark,
let location = placeMark.location
else {
// pop alert let user know about issue
return .none
state.eventFormState =
? EventFormState(
placeMark: state.placeMark,
eventAddress: state.currentAddress,
eventCoordinate: location.coordinate
: nil
return .none
case let .eventForm(.eventsResponse(.success(event))):, at: 0)
return .none
case .eventForm(.backToPVAfterCreatedEventSuccessfully):
state.eventFormState = nil
return .none
case .eventForm:
return .none
case let .chat(isNavigate):
return .none
case let .eventDetailsView(isPresented: present):
guard let event = state.event else { return .none }
if present {
let eventDetailsOverlayState = EventDetailsOverlayState(alert: nil, event: event)
state.eventDetailsState = EventDetailsState(
event: event,
eventDetailsOverlayState: eventDetailsOverlayState
} else {
state.eventDetailsState = nil
state.event = nil
return .none
case let .eventDetails(action):
switch action {
case .onAppear, .alertDismissed, .moveToChatRoom(_), .updateRegion:
return .none
case let .eventDetailsOverlay(eventDetailsAction):
switch eventDetailsAction {
case .onAppear, .alertDismissed:
return .none
case let .startChat(present):
return presentChatView()
case let .askJoinRequest(bool):
state.isMovingChatRoom = bool
return .none
case let .joinToEvent(.success(string)): // joinToEventRequest
return presentChatView()
case let .joinToEvent(.failure(error)): // joinToEventRequest
return .none
case let .conversationResponse(.success(conversationItem)):
state.conversation = conversationItem
return .none
case let .conversationResponse(.failure(error)):
return .none
case let .chatView(isNavigate: isNavigate):
state.chatState = isNavigate ? ChatState(conversation: state.conversation) : nil
return .none
with: locationManagerReducer
.pullback(state: \.self, action: /EventsAction.locationManager, environment: { $0 })
state: \.eventFormState,
action: /EventsAction.eventForm,
environment: {
eventClient: .build),
mainQueue: $0.mainQueue
state: \.chatState,
action: /,
environment: {
chatClient: .build),
websocketClient: .live,
mainQueue: $0.mainQueue,
backgroundQueue: $0.backgroundQueue
state: \.eventDetailsState,
action: /EventsAction.eventDetails,
environment: {
conversationClient: .build),
mainQueue: $0.mainQueue
private let locationManagerReducer = Reducer<
EventsState, LocationManager.Action, EventsEnvironment
> { state, action, environment in
switch action {
case .didChangeAuthorization(.authorizedAlways),
state.isLocationAuthorized = true
state.isConnected = true
return environment.locationManager
case .didChangeAuthorization(.denied),
state.waitingForUpdateLocation = false
state.isLocationAuthorized = false
state.isConnected = false
state.alert = .init(
title: TextState("Please give us access to your location so you can use our full features"),
message: TextState("Please go to Settings and turn on the permissions"),
primaryButton: .cancel(.init("Cancel"), action: .send(.alertDismissed)),
secondaryButton: .default(.init("Go Settings"), action: .send(.popupSettings))
return .none
case let .didUpdateLocations(locations):
state.isRequestingCurrentLocation = false
return .none
return .none
extension MKPlacemark {
var formattedAddress: String? {
guard let postalAddress = postalAddress else { return nil }
return CNPostalAddressFormatter.string(
from: postalAddress, style: .mailingAddress
.replacingOccurrences(of: "\n", with: " ")
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