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Created February 18, 2014 01:06
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* Exercise 0: angryGandalf (example)
// Define angryGandalf with input parameters
var angryGandalf = function(type) {
// Define the variables needed
var message;
// Run conditional on type for 'grey' and 'white'
if (type === 'grey') {
message = "YOU...SHALL NOT... PASS!";
} else if (type === 'white') {
message = "You merely passed me to your demise.";
} else {
message = "I don't think I'm Gandalf anymore.";
// Return message
return message
// console.log(angryGandalf('grey')); // Expect "YOU...SHALL NOT... PASS!"
// console.log(angryGandalf('white')); // Expect "You merely passed me to your demise."
// console.log(angryGandalf(2)); // Expect "I don't think I'm Gandalf anymore."
* Exercise 1: tellFortune
// Create function with name tellFortune and appropriate parameters
var tellFortune = function(job,location,partner,children) {
// takes 4 arguments: number of children, partner's name, geographic location, job title.
// Define string variable that will have that output
var fortune = "You will be a " + job + " in " + location + ", and married to " + partner + " with " + children + " kids."
// console.log(fortune);
// Return that string
return fortune;
// console.log(tellFortune('bball player', 'spain', 'Shaq', 3)); // Expect 'You will be a bball player in spain and married to Shaq with 3 kids. '
// console.log(tellFortune('stunt double', 'Japan', 'Ryan Gosling', 3000)); // Expect 'You will be a stunt double in Japan and married to Ryan Gosling with 3000 kids. '
// console.log(tellFortune('Elvis impersonator', 'Russia', 'The Oatmeal', 0)); // You will be a Elvis impersonator in Russia and married to The Oatmeal with 0 kids.
* Exercise 2: calculateAge
// Create function with name calculateAge and appropriate parameters
var calculateAge = function(birthYear, currentYear) {
// Define number variable age and save the age based on the years given, ie 2010-1990 = '20'
var age = currentYear - birthYear;
// return string that says 'You are either XX or YY'
console.log('You are either ' + age + ' or ' + (age - 1));
// console.log(calculateAge(1984, 2012)); // You are either 28 or 27
// console.log(calculateAge(1988, 2012)); // You are either 24 or 23
// console.log(calculateAge(1982, 2012)); // You are either 30 or 29
* Exercise 3: calculateSupply
var calculateSupply = function(age, numPerDay) {
var maxAge = 100;
var totalNeeded = (numPerDay * 365) * (maxAge - age);
var message = 'You will need ' + totalNeeded + ' cups of tea to last you until the ripe old age of ' + maxAge;
// console.log(calculateSupply(28, 36)); // You will need 946080 cups of tea to last you until the ripe old age of 100
// console.log(calculateSupply(28, 2.5)); // You will need 65700 cups of tea to last you until the ripe old age of 100
// console.log(calculateSupply(28, 400)); // You will need 10512000 cups of tea to last you until the ripe old age of 100
* Exercise 4: The Circle Calculator
// Create function with name calcDiameterFromRadius and appropriate parameters
var calcDiameterFromRadius = function(radius) {
return radius * 2;
// Create function with name calcCircumfrence and appropriate parameters
var calcCircumfrence = function(radius) {
var diameter = calcDiameterFromRadius(radius);
return diameter * Math.PI
// console.log(calcCircumfrence(3)); // The circumference is 18.84
// console.log(calcCircumfrence(4)); // The circumference is 25.12
// console.log(calcCircumfrence(5)); // The circumference is 31.4
* Exercise 5: The Temperature Converter
// Create a function called convertTemp:
// Give it 2 parameters, the first being number, second being inputType. inputType should accept strings 'F' or 'C'
var convertTemp = function(number, inputType) {
var convertedNumber;
if(inputType === 'C') {
convertedNumber = number * (9/5) + 32;
} else if (inputType === 'F') {
convertedNumber = (number - 32) * (5/9);
} else {
alert('bad input type');
// Return that number
return convertedNumber;
// Create a function called celciusWaterState. This function will tell you if a Celsius temperature is boiling, liquid, or freezing:
// Give it 1 parameter thats a number
var waterState = function(number, inputType) {
// Define a variable that will save the string of the conditional below
var waterState,
if (inputType === 'F') {
boilingNumber = 212;
freezingNumber = 32;
} else if (inputType === 'C') {
boilingNumber = 100;
freezingNumber = 0;
// Write a conditional if then statement that saves 'boiling', 'liquid', or 'freezing' depending on what the temperature is.
if (number < boilingNumber && number > freezingNumber) {
waterState = 'liquid';
} else if (number >= boilingNumber) {
waterState = 'gas';
} else if (number <= freezingNumber) {
waterState = 'freezing';
// Return that number
return waterState;
// Create function with name waterTempAndState
// Give it 2 parameters, the first being number, second being inputType. inputType should accept strings 'F' or 'C'
var waterTempAndState = function(number, inputType) {
var state,
state = waterState(number, inputType);
if (inputType === 'C') {
degreeName = 'Celsius';
} else if (inputType === 'F') {
degreeName = 'Fahrenheit';
return "It's currently " + number + " degrees in the " + degreeName + " standard and water is in a " + state + " state."
// console.log(convertTemp(32, 'F')); // 0
// console.log(convertTemp(100, 'C')); // 212
// console.log(celciusWaterState(0)); // 'freezing'
// console.log(celciusWaterState(1)); // 'liquid'
// console.log(celciusWaterState(99.99)); // 'liquid'
// console.log(celciusWaterState(100)); // 'boiling'
console.log(waterTempAndState(0, 'C')); // "It's currently 50 degrees in the Celcius standard and water is liquid. "
console.log(waterTempAndState(213, 'F')); // "It's currently 213 degrees in the Farenheit standard and water is boiling. "
console.log(waterTempAndState(-1, 'F')); // "It's currently -1 degrees in the Farenheit standard and water is liquid. "
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