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Created October 28, 2016 19:56
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Zoom and Brush: 2016 AMZN Stock Market Close
date close
2016-01-04 636.98999
2016-01-05 633.789978
2016-01-06 632.650024
2016-01-07 607.940002
2016-01-08 607.049988
2016-01-11 617.73999
2016-01-12 617.890015
2016-01-13 581.809998
2016-01-14 593.0
2016-01-15 570.179993
2016-01-19 574.47998
2016-01-20 571.77002
2016-01-21 575.02002
2016-01-22 596.380005
2016-01-25 596.530029
2016-01-26 601.25
2016-01-27 583.349976
2016-01-28 635.349976
2016-01-29 587.0
2016-02-01 574.809998
2016-02-02 552.099976
2016-02-03 531.070007
2016-02-04 536.26001
2016-02-05 502.130005
2016-02-08 488.100006
2016-02-09 482.070007
2016-02-10 490.480011
2016-02-11 503.820007
2016-02-12 507.079987
2016-02-16 521.099976
2016-02-17 534.099976
2016-02-18 525.0
2016-02-19 534.900024
2016-02-22 559.5
2016-02-23 552.940002
2016-02-24 554.039978
2016-02-25 555.150024
2016-02-26 555.22998
2016-02-29 552.52002
2016-03-01 579.039978
2016-03-02 580.210022
2016-03-03 577.48999
2016-03-04 575.140015
2016-03-07 562.799988
2016-03-08 560.26001
2016-03-09 559.469971
2016-03-10 558.929993
2016-03-11 569.609985
2016-03-14 573.369995
2016-03-15 577.02002
2016-03-16 574.27002
2016-03-17 559.440002
2016-03-18 552.080017
2016-03-21 553.97998
2016-03-22 560.47998
2016-03-23 569.630005
2016-03-24 582.950012
2016-03-28 579.869995
2016-03-29 593.859985
2016-03-30 598.690002
2016-03-31 593.640015
2016-04-01 598.5
2016-04-04 593.190002
2016-04-05 586.140015
2016-04-06 602.080017
2016-04-07 591.429993
2016-04-08 594.599976
2016-04-11 595.929993
2016-04-12 603.169983
2016-04-13 614.820007
2016-04-14 620.75
2016-04-15 625.890015
2016-04-18 635.349976
2016-04-19 627.900024
2016-04-20 632.98999
2016-04-21 631.0
2016-04-22 620.5
2016-04-25 626.200012
2016-04-26 616.880005
2016-04-27 606.570007
2016-04-28 602.0
2016-04-29 659.590027
2016-05-02 683.849976
2016-05-03 671.320007
2016-05-04 670.900024
2016-05-05 659.090027
2016-05-06 673.950012
2016-05-09 679.75
2016-05-10 703.070007
2016-05-11 713.22998
2016-05-12 717.929993
2016-05-13 709.919983
2016-05-16 710.659973
2016-05-17 695.27002
2016-05-18 697.450012
2016-05-19 698.52002
2016-05-20 702.799988
2016-05-23 696.75
2016-05-24 704.200012
2016-05-25 708.349976
2016-05-26 714.909973
2016-05-27 712.23999
2016-05-31 722.789978
2016-06-01 719.440002
2016-06-02 728.23999
2016-06-03 725.539978
2016-06-06 726.72998
2016-06-07 723.73999
2016-06-08 726.640015
2016-06-09 727.650024
2016-06-10 717.909973
2016-06-13 715.23999
2016-06-14 719.299988
2016-06-15 714.26001
2016-06-16 717.51001
2016-06-17 706.390015
2016-06-20 714.01001
2016-06-21 715.820007
2016-06-22 710.599976
2016-06-23 722.080017
2016-06-24 698.960022
2016-06-27 691.359985
2016-06-28 707.950012
2016-06-29 715.599976
2016-06-30 715.619995
2016-07-01 725.679993
2016-07-05 728.099976
2016-07-06 737.609985
2016-07-07 736.570007
2016-07-08 745.809998
2016-07-11 753.780029
2016-07-12 748.210022
2016-07-13 742.630005
2016-07-14 741.200012
2016-07-15 735.440002
2016-07-18 736.070007
2016-07-19 739.950012
2016-07-20 745.719971
2016-07-21 744.429993
2016-07-22 744.859985
2016-07-25 739.609985
2016-07-26 735.590027
2016-07-27 736.669983
2016-07-28 752.609985
2016-07-29 758.809998
2016-08-01 767.73999
2016-08-02 760.580017
2016-08-03 754.640015
2016-08-04 760.77002
2016-08-05 765.97998
2016-08-08 766.559998
2016-08-09 768.309998
2016-08-10 768.559998
2016-08-11 771.23999
2016-08-12 772.559998
2016-08-15 768.48999
2016-08-16 764.039978
2016-08-17 764.630005
2016-08-18 764.460022
2016-08-19 757.309998
2016-08-22 759.47998
2016-08-23 762.450012
2016-08-24 757.25
2016-08-25 759.219971
2016-08-26 769.0
2016-08-29 771.289978
2016-08-30 767.580017
2016-08-31 769.159973
2016-09-01 770.619995
2016-09-02 772.440002
2016-09-06 788.869995
2016-09-07 784.47998
2016-09-08 784.059998
2016-09-09 760.140015
2016-09-12 771.48999
2016-09-13 761.01001
2016-09-14 761.090027
2016-09-15 769.690002
2016-09-16 778.52002
2016-09-19 775.099976
2016-09-20 780.219971
2016-09-21 789.73999
2016-09-22 804.700012
2016-09-23 805.75
2016-09-26 799.159973
2016-09-27 816.109985
2016-09-28 828.719971
2016-09-29 829.049988
2016-09-30 837.309998
2016-10-03 836.73999
2016-10-04 834.030029
2016-10-05 844.359985
2016-10-06 841.659973
2016-10-07 839.429993
2016-10-10 841.710022
2016-10-11 831.0
2016-10-12 834.090027
2016-10-13 829.280029
2016-10-14 822.960022
2016-10-17 812.950012
2016-10-18 817.650024
2016-10-19 817.690002
2016-10-20 810.320007
2016-10-21 818.98999
2016-10-24 838.090027
2016-10-25 835.179993
2016-10-26 822.590027
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