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Created September 13, 2016 02:47
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  • Save sarva/cf1cca54054b5cb449e256dc25d2ec33 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save sarva/cf1cca54054b5cb449e256dc25d2ec33 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
[properties] => Array
[pid] => Array
[label] => Program ID
[description] => The unique id for the program.
[type] => integer
[schema field] => pid
[required] => 1
[vid] => Array
[label] => Revision ID
[type] => integer
[description] => The unique ID of the program's revision.
[schema field] => vid
[title] => Array
[label] => Title
[description] => The title of the program.
[setter callback] => entity_property_verbatim_set
[setter permission] => administer programs
[schema field] => title
[required] => 1
[description] => Array
[label] => Description
[description] => The description of the program.
[sanitized] => 1
[raw getter callback] => entity_property_verbatim_get
[getter callback] => entity_metadata_taxonomy_term_get_properties
[setter callback] => entity_property_verbatim_set
[schema field] => description
[format] => Array
[type] => text
[label] => Format
[schema field] => format
[description] => Program "format" property.
[uid] => Array
[type] => integer
[label] => Uid
[schema field] => uid
[description] => Program "uid" property.
[status] => Array
[label] => Status
[description] => Status value of the program.
[type] => integer
[setter callback] => entity_property_verbatim_set
[setter permission] => administer programs
[schema field] => status
[created] => Array
[label] => Program created date
[description] => The date this program was created.
[type] => date
[setter callback] => entity_property_verbatim_set
[setter permission] => administer programs
[schema field] => created
[updated] => Array
[label] => Program updated date
[description] => The date when the program was last updated.
[type] => date
[setter callback] => entity_property_verbatim_set
[setter permission] => administer programs
[schema field] => updated
[name] => Array
[label] => Label
[description] => The human readable label.
[url] => Array
[label] => URL
[description] => The URL of the entity.
[getter callback] => entity_metadata_entity_get_properties
[type] => uri
[computed] => 1
[entity views field] => 1
[user] => Array
[label] => Program owner
[description] => The user account that owns the program.
[type] => user
[schema field] => uid
[getter callback] => entity_property_verbatim_get
[setter callback] => entity_property_verbatim_set
[required] => 1
[computed] => 1
[queryable] =>
[clear] => Array
[0] => uid
[data] => Array
[label] => Program Data
[description] => All settings and workout sessions data for the program.
[getter callback] => kps_programs_property_json_get
[setter callback] => kps_programs_property_json_set
[setter permission] => administer programs
[validation callback] => kps_programs_property_json_validate
[type] => struct
[schema field] => data
[required] => 1
[property info] => Array
[json] => Array
[title] => JSON text
[type] => text
[getter callback] => kps_programs_property_data_get_json
[log] => Array
[label] => Revision log message
[type] => text
[description] => In case a new revision is to be saved, the log entry explaining the changes for this version.
[setter callback] => entity_property_verbatim_set
[entity views field] => 1
[schema field] => log
[vuid] => Array
[label] => Revision author
[type] => user
[description] => The unique ID of the user that authored the current revision.
[setter callback] => entity_property_verbatim_set
[setter permission] => administer programs
[schema field] => vuid
[timestamp] => Array
[label] => Revision timestamp
[type] => date
[description] => The date timestamp this revision was created.
[setter callback] => entity_property_verbatim_set
[entity views field] => 1
[schema field] => timestamp
[revision] => Array
[label] => Creates revision
[type] => boolean
[description] => Whether saving this entity creates a new revision.
[setter callback] => entity_property_verbatim_set
[tempo_support] => Array
[label] => Section exercise tempo
[type] => boolean
[description] => Whether tempo support is available per section
[getter callback] => kps_programs_top_data_property_get
[program data] => 1
[computed] => 1
[setter callback] => kps_programs_property_data_set
[hrv_support] => Array
[label] => HRV support
[type] => boolean
[description] => Whether HRV support is available per section
[getter callback] => kps_programs_top_data_property_get
[program data] => 1
[computed] => 1
[setter callback] => kps_programs_property_data_set
[sessions] => Array
[label] => Sessions
[description] => Each individual workout session in a program
[type] => list<program_session>
[property info] => Array
[overridden] => Array
[label] => Override this session
[type] => boolean
[setter callback] => kps_programs_property_data_set
[sections] => Array
[label] => Sections
[description] => Each individual section for this workout session
[type] => list<program_section>
[property info] => Array
[title] => Array
[label] => Section title
[type] => text
[setter callback] => kps_programs_property_data_set
[type] => Array
[label] => Section Type
[type] => text
[options] => Array
[session] => Session to session
[constant] => Program constant
[setter callback] => kps_programs_property_data_set
[options list] => kps_programs_property_data_options
[repeat] => Array
[label] => Section repeat
[description] => Set the number of times this Section will repeat
[type] => struct
[auto creation] => entity_property_create_array
[property info] => Array
[enabled] => Array
[label] => Enable section repeat
[type] => boolean
[value] => Array
[label] => Section repeat number
[type] => integer
[setter callback] => kps_programs_property_data_set
[rest] => Array
[label] => Section rest
[description] => How long to rest after completing this section
[type] => struct
[auto creation] => entity_property_create_array
[property info] => Array
[enabled] => Array
[label] => Enable section rest
[type] => boolean
[value] => Array
[label] => Section rest duration
[type] => duration
[setter callback] => kps_programs_property_data_set
[tempo] => Array
[label] => Section exercise tempo
[description] =>
[type] => struct
[auto creation] => entity_property_create_array
[property info] => Array
[enabled] => Array
[label] => Enable exercise tempo
[type] => boolean
[setter callback] => kps_programs_property_data_set
[hrv] => Array
[label] => HRV support
[description] => Enable HRV for this section
[type] => struct
[auto creation] => entity_property_create_array
[property info] => Array
[enabled] => Array
[label] => Enable HRV support
[type] => boolean
[value] => Array
[label] => HRV Level
[type] => integer
[options] => Array
[30] => 30%
[custom] => Custom
[setter callback] => kps_programs_property_data_set
[exercises] => Array
[label] => Exercises
[type] => list<program_exercise>
[property info] => Array
[weight] => Array
[label] => Order weight
[type] => integer
[setter callback] => kps_programs_property_data_set
[progression] => Array
[label] => Progression
[type] => struct
[property info] => Array
[enabled] => Array
[type] => boolean
[label] => Progression enabled
[exercise] => Array
[type] => exercise
[label] => Exercise
[description] => Array
[type] => text
[label] => Exercise explanation
[parameters] => Array
[type] => list<text>
[label] => Parameters
[options] => Array
[weight] => Weight
[weight %] => Weight (%)
[reps] => Reps
[time] => Time (min:sec)
[distance] => Distance
[height] => Height
[calories] => Calories
[sets] => Array
[type] => struct
[label] => Sets
[property info] => Array
[weight] => Array
[type] => list<integer>
[weight %] => Array
[type] => list<integer>
[reps] => Array
[type] => list<integer>
[time] => Array
[type] => list<duration>
[distance] => Array
[type] => list<integer>
[height] => Array
[type] => list<integer>
[calories] => Array
[type] => list<integer>
[hrvs] => Array
[label] => HRV Values
[type] => list<list<integer>>
[supersets] => Array
[type] => struct
[label] => Superset / Circuit
[property info] => Array
[enabled] => Array
[type] => boolean
[label] => Enabled
[type] => Array
[type] => text
[label] => Type
[options] => Array
[rest repeat] => Rest/Repeat
[emom] => EMOM
[amrap] => AMRAP
[repeat] => Array
[type] => integer
[label] => # of repeats
[rest] => Array
[type] => duration
[label] => Rest time
[tempos] => Array
[type] => unknown
[rest] => Array
[type] => duration
[label] => Exercise Transition Rest
[setter callback] => kps_programs_property_data_set
[default] => Array
[label] => Default exercise
[type] => struct
[property info] => Array
[exercise] => Array
[type] => exercise
[label] => Exercise
[description] => Array
[type] => text
[label] => Exercise explanation
[parameters] => Array
[type] => list<text>
[label] => Parameters
[options] => Array
[weight] => Weight
[weight %] => Weight (%)
[reps] => Reps
[time] => Time (min:sec)
[distance] => Distance
[height] => Height
[calories] => Calories
[sets] => Array
[type] => struct
[label] => Sets
[property info] => Array
[weight] => Array
[type] => list<integer>
[weight %] => Array
[type] => list<integer>
[reps] => Array
[type] => list<integer>
[time] => Array
[type] => list<duration>
[distance] => Array
[type] => list<integer>
[height] => Array
[type] => list<integer>
[calories] => Array
[type] => list<integer>
[hrvs] => Array
[label] => HRV Values
[type] => list<list<integer>>
[supersets] => Array
[type] => struct
[label] => Superset / Circuit
[property info] => Array
[enabled] => Array
[type] => boolean
[label] => Enabled
[type] => Array
[type] => text
[label] => Type
[options] => Array
[rest repeat] => Rest/Repeat
[emom] => EMOM
[amrap] => AMRAP
[repeat] => Array
[type] => integer
[label] => # of repeats
[rest] => Array
[type] => duration
[label] => Rest time
[tempos] => Array
[type] => unknown
[rest] => Array
[type] => duration
[label] => Exercise Transition Rest
[setter callback] => kps_programs_property_data_set
[regression] => Array
[label] => Regression
[type] => struct
[property info] => Array
[enabled] => Array
[type] => boolean
[label] => Regression enabled
[exercise] => Array
[type] => exercise
[label] => Exercise
[description] => Array
[type] => text
[label] => Exercise explanation
[parameters] => Array
[type] => list<text>
[label] => Parameters
[options] => Array
[weight] => Weight
[weight %] => Weight (%)
[reps] => Reps
[time] => Time (min:sec)
[distance] => Distance
[height] => Height
[calories] => Calories
[sets] => Array
[type] => struct
[label] => Sets
[property info] => Array
[weight] => Array
[type] => list<integer>
[weight %] => Array
[type] => list<integer>
[reps] => Array
[type] => list<integer>
[time] => Array
[type] => list<duration>
[distance] => Array
[type] => list<integer>
[height] => Array
[type] => list<integer>
[calories] => Array
[type] => list<integer>
[hrvs] => Array
[label] => HRV Values
[type] => list<list<integer>>
[supersets] => Array
[type] => struct
[label] => Superset / Circuit
[property info] => Array
[enabled] => Array
[type] => boolean
[label] => Enabled
[type] => Array
[type] => text
[label] => Type
[options] => Array
[rest repeat] => Rest/Repeat
[emom] => EMOM
[amrap] => AMRAP
[repeat] => Array
[type] => integer
[label] => # of repeats
[rest] => Array
[type] => duration
[label] => Rest time
[tempos] => Array
[type] => unknown
[rest] => Array
[type] => duration
[label] => Exercise Transition Rest
[setter callback] => kps_programs_property_data_set
[property info alter] => kps_programs_property_alter
[setter callback] => kps_programs_property_data_set
[property info alter] => kps_programs_property_alter
[setter callback] => kps_programs_property_data_set
[property info alter] => kps_programs_property_alter
[getter callback] => kps_programs_top_data_property_get
[program data] => 1
[computed] => 1
[setter callback] => kps_programs_property_data_set
[bundles] => Array
[program] => Array
[properties] => Array
[title_field] => Array
[label] => Title
[type] => text
[description] => Field "title_field".
[getter callback] => entity_metadata_field_property_get
[setter callback] => entity_metadata_field_property_set
[access callback] => entity_metadata_field_access_callback
[query callback] => entity_metadata_field_query
[translatable] => 1
[field] => 1
[required] => 1
[description_field] => Array
[label] => Description
[type] => text_formatted
[description] => Field "description_field".
[getter callback] => entity_metadata_field_verbatim_get
[setter callback] => entity_metadata_field_verbatim_set
[access callback] => entity_metadata_field_access_callback
[translatable] => 1
[field] => 1
[required] =>
[property info] => Array
[value] => Array
[type] => text
[label] => Text
[sanitized] => 1
[getter callback] => entity_metadata_field_text_get
[setter callback] => entity_property_verbatim_set
[setter permission] => administer nodes
[raw getter callback] => entity_property_verbatim_get
[summary] => Array
[type] => text
[label] => Summary
[sanitized] => 1
[getter callback] => entity_metadata_field_text_get
[setter callback] => entity_property_verbatim_set
[setter permission] => administer nodes
[raw getter callback] => entity_property_verbatim_get
[format] => Array
[type] => token
[label] => Text format
[options list] => entity_metadata_field_text_formats
[getter callback] => entity_property_verbatim_get
[setter callback] => entity_property_verbatim_set
[setter permissions] => administer filters
[auto creation] => entity_property_create_array
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