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Created October 14, 2021 18:07
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Sample Implementation of Hash Table (Chain Method) / ハッシュ表の実装例(チェーン法)
import scala.collection.mutable
class HashTable[K, V](n: Int) extends mutable.AbstractMap[K, V] {
protected var table = mutable.ArraySeq.fill(n)(Nil:List[(K, V)])
protected var count = 0
def this() = this(10)
override def size: Int = count
def capacity: Int = table.size
override def clear(): Unit = {
for (i <- 0 until capacity) {
table(i) = Nil
count = 0
def iterator = new Iterator[(K, V)] {
private var ix = 0
while (ix < table.size && table(ix).isEmpty) {
ix += 1
private var p: List[(K, V)] =
if (ix < table.size) table(ix) else Nil
def hasNext: Boolean = ! p.isEmpty
private def findNextBin: Unit = {
ix += 1
if (ix >= table.size)
p = Nil
else if (table(ix).isEmpty)
p = table(ix)
def next(): (K, V) = {
val result = p.head
p = p.tail
if (p.isEmpty) {
private def hash(key: K): Int =
(key.hashCode & 0x7FFFFFFF) % table.size
def get(key: K): Option[V] = {
for {
(k, v) <- table(hash(key)).find(_._1 == key)
} yield v
def addOne(kv: (K, V)) = {
def replaceOrAdd(alist: List[(K, V)]): List[(K, V)] = alist match {
case Nil => { count += 1; List(kv) }
case (k, v)::xs if k == kv._1 => kv::xs
case x::xs => x::replaceOrAdd(xs)
val ix = hash(kv._1)
table(ix) = replaceOrAdd(table(ix))
def subtractOne(key: K) = {
def removeIfExists(alist: List[(K, V)]): List[(K, V)] = alist match {
case Nil => Nil
case (k, v)::xs if k == key => { count -= 1; xs }
case x::xs => x::removeIfExists(xs)
val ix = hash(key)
table(ix) = removeIfExists(table(ix))
private def rehash: Unit = {
val newTable = mutable.ArraySeq.fill(2 * capacity)(Nil:List[(K, V)])
for (kv <- this) {
val ix = hash(kv._1)
newTable(ix) = kv :: newTable(ix)
table = newTable
object HashTable {
// test code
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val table = new HashTable[String, String]
table += "Japan" -> "Tokyo"
table ++= Seq("US"->"Washington", "France"->"Paris", "UK"->"London", "Itary"->"Rome")
table ++= Seq("Germany"->"Berlin", "Holand"->"Amsterdom")
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