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Last active March 23, 2016 15:06
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# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
require 'rubygems'
require 'tweetstream'
require 'twitter'
require 'prime'
require 'date'
require './key.rb'
Twitter.configure do |config|
config.consumer_key = Const::CONSUMER_KEY
config.consumer_secret = Const::CONSUMER_SECRET
config.oauth_token = Const::ACCESS_TOKEN
config.oauth_token_secret = Const::ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET
TweetStream.configure do |config|
config.consumer_key = Const::CONSUMER_KEY
config.consumer_secret = Const::CONSUMER_SECRET
config.oauth_token = Const::ACCESS_TOKEN
config.oauth_token_secret = Const::ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET
config.auth_method = :oauth
client =
analcount= 0
client.userstream do |status|
text = status.text.sub("@sa2mi ","")
replyjudge = status.text.include?("@sa2mi")
rtjudge = status.text.include?("RT")
if status.text.include?("anal") == true then
flag = "anal"
elsif status.text.include?("まぐろ") == true then
flag = "sushi"
elsif status.text.include?("komekami") == true then
flag = "komekami"
elsif status.text.include?("tokusub") == true then
flag = "tokusub"
elsif status.text.include?("turasa") == true then
flag = "turasa"
elsif text.to_i/2 != 0 then
input = text.to_i
flag = "integer"
if replyjudge == true && rtjudge == false && status.user.screen_name != "sa2mi" then
case flag
when "anal" then
puts"analdev from #{status.user.screen_name}"
analcount = analcount + 1
analtext = "@#{status.user.screen_name} 現在アナルは#{analcount}cmです"
option = {"in_reply_to_status_id"=>}
Twitter.update analtext,option
when "sushi" then
puts"sushi from #{status.user.screen_name}"
sushitext= "@#{status.user.screen_name} 三🍣"
option = {"in_reply_to_status_id"=>}
Twitter.update sushitext,option
when "komekami" then
puts "komekami from #{status.user.screen_name}"
komekamitext = status.text.sub("@sa2mi komekami ","")
komekamioutput = "@#{status.user.screen_name}
option = {"in_reply_to_status_id"=>}
Twitter.update komekamioutput,option
when "tokusub" then
puts "tokusub from #{status.user.screen_name}"
d =
d = d.wday
case d
when 0 then
day = "日曜"
tokusubjudge = "ツナ"
when 1 then
day = "月曜"
tokusubjudge = "イベリコ豚の厚切りベーコン"
when 2 then
day = "火曜"
tokusubjudge = "炭火てり焼きチキン"
when 3 then
day = "水曜"
tokusubjudge = "BLT"
when 4 then
day = "木曜"
tokusubjudge = "ターキーブレスト"
when 5 then
day = "金曜"
tokusubjudge = "ローストチキン"
when 6 then
day = "土曜"
tokusubjudge = "たまご"
tokusubjudgetext = "@#{status.user.screen_name}
    / )
  (\   / (  /フ
 _ \ /   ヽ/ _ノ
  _ Y◜◔。◔◝ _ノ #{day}ハ#{tokusubjudge}ーwwww
  _|    ″
    ソ   /
  // ∪ ∪"
option = {"in_reply_to_status_id"=>}
Twitter.update tokusubjudgetext,option
when "turasa" then
turacount = 0
options = {"count" => 30}
turasatext = status.text.sub("@sa2mi turasa ","")
Twitter.user_timeline(turasatext, options).each do |res|
if res.text.include?("つら") then
turacount += 1
turasatext = status.text.sub("@sa2mi turasa ","")
Twitter.update "@#{status.user.screen_name} #{turasatext}氏のつらさは#{turacount}です"
when "integer" then
puts"integer from #{status.user.screen_name}"
if then
judge = ""
judge = "じゃない"
x = rand(3)
case x
when 0 then
intjudgetext = "@#{status.user.screen_name}
     / )
    / (
  /   ヽ
  |  | #{input}は素数#{judge}〜!!
   | ⊃ ⊃
option = {"in_reply_to_status_id"=>}
Twitter.update intjudgetext,option
when 1 then
intjudgetext ="@#{status.user.screen_name}
    / )
  (\   / (  /フ
 _ \ /   ヽ/ _ノ
  _ Y◜◔。◔◝ _ノ #{input}ハ素数#{judge}ーwwww
  _|    ″
    ソ   /
  // ∪ ∪"
option = {"in_reply_to_status_id"=>}
Twitter.update intjudgetext,option
when 2 then
intjudgetext = "@#{status.user.screen_name}
  三 ┃○┃   ┃○┃
    ┗━┛   ┗━┛ オ フ ロ ー ド 素 数#{judge}"
option = {"in_reply_to_status_id"=>}
Twitter.update intjudgetext,option
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