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Last active June 7, 2019 06:56
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Pythonで迷路を解く - アルゴリズムクイックリファレンス6章の補足 - ref:
# 幅優先探索
import copy
# 近傍、使用済みフラグ(世代)の定義
verts = range(1,vs + 1)
neighbor = {}
used = {}
used['t'] = 0
for v in verts:
neighbor[v] = {}
used[v] = 0
used['s'] = 1
for (s, t, d) in edges:
neighbor[s][t] = d
neighbor[t][s] = d
queue = list()
while len(queue) > 0:
t = queue.pop(0)
for n in neighbor[t]:
if used[n] == 0:
used[n] = used[t] + 1
# 迷路をグラフにする:本質的に深さ優先探索
import itertools as it
def isWall(s):
return 1 if s == '$' else 0
def getWalls(arr, i, j):
return isWall(arr[i+1][j]) + isWall(arr[i-1][j]) + isWall(arr[i][j+1]) + isWall(arr[i][j-1])
def getEdge(arr, i, j, edges, v, c):
for (a,b) in zip([1,-1,0,0], [0,0,1,-1]):
if isWall(arr[i+a][j+b]) == 0:
arr[i+a][j+b] = '$'
if arr[i+2*a][j+2*b] == 0:
vn = v
cn = c + 1
vn = arr[i+2*a][j+2*b]
edges.append((v, vn, c))
cn = 1
getEdge(arr, i+2*a, j+2*b, edges, vn, cn)
vs = 0
edges = list()
arr = list()
for line in open('maze_input.txt', 'r'):
height = len(arr)
width = len(arr[height - 1])
cellidi = range(1,width,2)
cellidj = range(1,height,2)
for i,j in it.product(cellidi, cellidj):
if getWalls(arr, i, j) == 2:
arr[i][j] = 0
elif arr[i][j] == ' ':
vs += 1
arr[i][j] = vs
# 今回のデータ用の設定
getEdge(arr, 3, 7, edges, 1, 1)
# 最短コストの経路のダイクストラ法による算出
costs = {}
# costs[v] = (cost, prev, used)の組
for v in verts:
costs[v] = (float("inf"),0,0)
costs['s'] = (0,-1,0)
queue = list()
while len(queue) > 0:
t = queue.pop(0)
costs[t] = (costs[t][0], costs[t][1], 1)
for n in neighbor[t]:
if costs[n][2] == 0 and costs[n][0] > neighbor[t][n] + costs[t][0]:
costs[n] = (neighbor[t][n] + costs[t][0], t, 0)
# queueへの入れ方を工夫すればもっと早くなるが、ここではqueueには最低の値を一つ入れるだけにする
mincost = float("inf")
minv = 's'
for v in verts:
if mincost > costs[v][0] and costs[v][2] == 0:
mincost = costs[v][0]
minv = v
if minv != 's':
$ $ $ $
$ $ $ $ $ $$$$$ $
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
$ $ $ $$$ $ $ $ $
$ $ $ $ $ $ $
$ $ $ $ $ $ $$$$$
$ $ $ $ $t$ $ $
$ $$$ $ $$$ $ $ $
$ $ $ $ $
$ $$$ $ $$$ $ $ $
$ $ $ $ $ $
$$$ $$$$$ $$$ $ $
$ $ $ $
$ $$$ $$$$$$$$$ $
$ s $
# 可視化
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
G = nx.Graph()
srcs, dests = zip(* [(fr, to) for (fr, to, d) in edges])
G.add_nodes_from(srcs + dests)
for (s,r,d) in edges:
G.add_edge(s, r, weight=20/math.sqrt(d))
pos = nx.spring_layout(G)
for u,v,d in edges])
nx.draw_networkx(G, pos, with_labels=True)
{1: (13, 2, 1),
2: (9, 7, 1),
3: (17, 6, 1),
4: (7, 9, 1),
5: (9, 13, 1),
6: (9, 7, 1),
7: (7, 's', 1),
8: (8, 9, 1),
9: (6, 14, 1),
10: (10, 6, 1),
11: (9, 8, 1),
12: (6, 14, 1),
13: (7, 's', 1),
14: (3, 's', 1),
's': (0, -1, 1),
't': (20, 4, 1)}
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