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Created April 19, 2019 10:07
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#!/bin/bash -v
# 参考:
# 参考:
echo "OSなどバージョン"
cat /etc/*release
echo "ストレージ構成"
df -h
cat /etc/fstab
echo "ユーザー権限"
cat /etc/sudoers /etc/sudoers.d/*
echo "ユーザーリスト"
cat /etc/passwd
echo "デーモン構成"
initctl list
systemctl list-units
echo "デーモン起動順序"
ls -alF /etc/rc.d/*
echo "調査時点に起動していたプロセス"
ps -auxfww
echo "ポート利用状況"
netstat -lnptu
echo "カーネルパラメータ"
cat /etc/sysctl.conf /etc/sysctl.d/*
echo "cron"
ls -alF /var/spool/cron/* /etc/cron*
cat /var/spool/cron/* /etc/cron* /etc/cron*/*
echo "yum/rpm パッケージインストール状況"
rpm -qa --last
echo "yum/rpm パッケージインストール履歴"
yum history list
MAX_HIST_NUM=$(yum history list | awk '$1 ~ /[0-9]/{print $1}' | head -n1)
yum history info 1..${MAX_HIST_NUM}
echo "セキュリティアプデ"
yum updateinfo list
yum updateinfo list --disablerepo epel-qt48
echo "postfix設定ファイル"
find /etc/postfix -type f
find /etc/postfix -type f | xargs cat | grep -v -e '^\s*#' -e '^\s*$'
echo "mackerel設定ファイル"
find /etc/mackerel-agent -type f
find /etc/mackerel-agent -type f | grep -v example | xargs cat
echo "datadog設定ファイル"
find /etc/datadog-agent -type f
find /etc/datadog-agent -type f | grep -v example | xargs cat
echo "td-agent設定ファイル"
find /etc/td-agent -type f
find /etc/td-agent -type f | xargs cat
echo "nginx設定ファイル"
find /etc/nginx -type f
find /etc/nginx -type f | xargs cat
echo "NFS設定"
yum list installed | grep nfs
cat /etc/exports
exportfs -v
showmount -e
echo "言語処理系"
echo "ruby"
which ruby
ruby -v
which rbenv
echo "node、npm、yarn"
which node
node -v
which npm
npm -v
which yarn
yarn -v
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