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Created June 24, 2022 07:27
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"id": "27",
"tx_hash": "8F53F44FB0E612116585FDC4583288C0FDF8219B1628BF05E5962B537C13229A",
"proposer": "juno1s4ckh9405q0a3jhkwx9wkf9hsjh66nmu769tz5",
"title": "Launch Hack Juno SubDAO",
"description": "Hack Juno SubDAO will be in charge of operating Hack Juno phase 1, including organizing the event, publicizing it, nominating projects / individuals, and paying out rewards. \\n\\nThis SubDAO will be funded by the Core Development Fund, as the Token allocation for Hack Juno was already spelled out during the initial distribution. It will abide by the Juno SubDAO Principles set forth in [Prop 25](\\n\\nMembers of the Hack Juno SubDAO will not be eligible for receiving Hack Juno prizes.\\n\\nMembers: \\n- [Jake Hartnell (Core 1 / DAO DAO)](\\n- [Kevin Garrison (Oni Validator / Terra Dev Fund)](\\n- [Max Juno (Wombat)](\\n- [Amber Case (DAO DAO / Earth+)](\\n- [Nullmames (Kingnodes / Juno Contributor)](\\n- [Julius Lattke (Interchain UX Designer and founder of DesignDAO)](\\n- [Dylan Schultzie (Lavender.Five Nodes)](\\n\\nIn accordance with [Prop 25]( the SubDAO Multisig contract will be instantiated by this governance vote with the Juno community as admin. This means the community can execute messages on behalf of the DAO via a governance proposal, recall funds, upgrade the contract, or add / remove members.\\n\\nThe Hack Juno SubDAO uses the audited [v1.0.0 DAO DAO contracts release]( Instructions for verifying uploaded contract code and the instantiation message can be found on the [verifying DAO DAO v1 contracts wiki page](\\n\\nNote, the address of the Juno governance module and community pool is [juno1jv65s3grqf6v6jl3dp4t6c9t9rk99cd83d88wr](\\n\\n=========\\n\\nBy voting **YES**, you agree the Hack Juno SubDAO should be created as stated in this proposal.\\n\\nBy voting **NO** it means you do not want the Hack Juno SubDAO to be created.\\n\\nBy voting **ABSTAIN**, you formally decline to vote either for or against the proposal.\\n\\nVoting **NOWITHVETO** expresses that you would like to see depositors penalized by revocation of their 500 JUNO deposit, and contributes towards an automatic 1/3 veto threshold.",
"proposal_type": "InstantiateContract",
"submit_time": "2022-06-23T20:20:09.244Z",
"voting_start_time": "2022-06-23T20:22:48.516Z",
"voting_end_time": "2022-06-28T20:22:48.516Z",
"deposit_end_time": "2022-07-03T20:20:09.244Z",
"notification_status": "VotingNotified",
"content": {
"type": "/cosmwasm.wasm.v1.InstantiateContractProposal",
"run_as": "juno1jv65s3grqf6v6jl3dp4t6c9t9rk99cd83d88wr",
"admin": "juno1jv65s3grqf6v6jl3dp4t6c9t9rk99cd83d88wr",
"code_id": "432",
"label": "Hack Juno SubDAO.",
"msg": {
"admin": "juno1jv65s3grqf6v6jl3dp4t6c9t9rk99cd83d88wr",
"automatically_add_cw20s": false,
"automatically_add_cw721s": false,
"description": "A Juno SubDAO in charge of organizing and running Hack Juno.",
"image_url": "",
"name": "Hack Juno",
"proposal_modules_instantiate_info": [
"admin": {
"core_contract": {}
"code_id": 427,
"label": "DAO_Hack Juno_cw-proposal-single",
"msg": "eyJhbGxvd19yZXZvdGluZyI6ZmFsc2UsIm1heF92b3RpbmdfcGVyaW9kIjp7InRpbWUiOjI1OTIwMH0sIm9ubHlfbWVtYmVyc19leGVjdXRlIjp0cnVlLCJ0aHJlc2hvbGQiOnsiYWJzb2x1dGVfY291bnQiOnsidGhyZXNob2xkIjoiNSJ9fX0="
"voting_module_instantiate_info": {
"admin": {
"core_contract": {}
"code_id": 429,
"label": "DAO_Hack Juno_cw4-voting",
"msg": "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"
"funds": []
"moniker": "",
"initial_deposit": {
"denom": null,
"amount": null
"total_deposit": [
"denom": "ujuno",
"amount": "500000000"
"voteMeta": {
"yes": "3136",
"no": "40",
"no_with_veto": "6",
"abstain": "84",
"yes_amount": "10970485946768",
"no_amount": "16489958199",
"no_with_veto_amount": "1143386918",
"abstain_amount": "123368328307"
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