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How to connect a IOTA Smart Contract with a Web Frontend

Goal of this tutorial is deploy a Hello World Smart Contract, and displays a "Hello World" string on a Website.

Hello Frontend Smart Contract

use wasmlib::*;
fn on_load() {
    let exports = ScExports::new();
    exports.add_view("getHelloWorld", view_get_hello_world);
pub fn view_get_hello_world(ctx: &ScViewContext) {
    ctx.log("Get 'Hello, world!'");
    ctx.results().get_string("helloWorld").set_value("Hello, world!");

Call from frontend


Demo (TODO):


func Info() string {
	return "/info"

func CallView(contractID string, hname string) string {
	return "/contract/" + contractID + "/callview/" + hname

func RequestStatus(chainID string, reqID string) string {
	return "/chain/" + chainID + "/request/" + reqID + "/status"

func WaitRequestProcessed(chainID string, reqID string) string {
	return "/chain/" + chainID + "/request/" + reqID + "/wait"

func StateQuery(chainID string) string {
	return "/chain/" + chainID + "/state/query"

func PutBlob() string { // PR to change GET to POST open
	return "/blob/put"

func GetBlob(hash string) string {
	return "/blob/get/" + hash

func HasBlob(hash string) string {
	return "/blob/has/" + hash

func ActivateChain(chainID string) string {
	return "/adm/chain/" + chainID + "/activate"

func DeactivateChain(chainID string) string {
	return "/adm/chain/" + chainID + "/deactivate"

func ListChainRecords() string {
	return "/adm/chainrecords"

func PutChainRecord() string {
	return "/adm/chainrecord"

func GetChainRecord(chainID string) string {
	return "/adm/chainrecord/" + chainID

func DKSharesPost() string {
	return "/adm/dks"

func DKSharesGet(sharedAddress string) string {
	return "/adm/dks/" + sharedAddress

func DumpState(contractID string) string {
	return "/adm/contract/" + contractID + "/dumpstate"

func Shutdown() string {
	return "/adm/shutdown"
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