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Created April 6, 2017 14:08
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module Phoenix.Presence exposing (Presence, create, onChange, onJoins, onLeaves)
import Dict exposing (Dict)
import Json.Decode as JD exposing (Decoder, Value)
type alias Presence msg =
PhoenixPresence msg
type alias PhoenixPresence val msg =
{ onChange : Maybe (Dict String (List Value) -> msg)
, onJoins : Maybe (Dict String (List Value) -> msg)
, onLeaves : Maybe (Dict String (List Value) -> msg)
create : PhoenixPresence val msg
create =
{ onChange = Nothing
, onJoins = Nothing
, onLeaves = Nothing
onChange : (Dict String (List Value) -> msg) -> PhoenixPresence msg -> PhoenixPresence msg
onChange func presence =
{ presence | onChange = Just func }
onJoins : (Dict String (List Value) -> msg) -> PhoenixPresence msg -> PhoenixPresence msg
onJoins func presence =
{ presence | onJoins = Just func }
onLeaves : (Dict String (List Value) -> msg) -> PhoenixPresence msg -> PhoenixPresence msg
onLeaves func presence =
{ presence | onLeaves = Just func }
{- And in Channel -}
withPresence : Presence msg -> Channel msg -> Channel msg
withPresence presence chan =
{ chan | presence = Just presence }
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