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Created March 3, 2009 13:22
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Save sasezaki/73310 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
//how to use : あとで
require_once 'Zend/Loader.php';
$console = new Zend_Console_Getopt(
'xpath|x=s' => 'expression xpath or css selector',
'type|v=s' => 'val type',
'referer|e=s' => 'referer',
'cookieJar|c=s' => 'cookie',
'agent|a=s' => 'useragent',
'nextlink|n=s' => 'nextlink',
'depth|d=i' => 'depth "if not set nextlink, using wedata"',
//"s|as-source" => '$as_xml',
'basic|b=s' => 'basic auth "user/pass"',
'cache|h=s' => 'cache with Zend_Cache',
'stoptime|t=s' => 'sleep() :default 1',
'filter|f=s' => 'filter for Diggin_Scraper',
'out|o=i' => 'timeout',
if(!$console->xpath) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('"now" must xpath: -x //html/body'.$console->getUsageMessage());
if(count($console->getRemainingArgs()) === 0) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException('URL is not set'.$console->getUsageMessage());
//now suport one url
$remaings = $console->getRemainingArgs();
$url = $remaings[0];
$client = new Zend_Http_Client();
if ($console->agent) {
$client->setConfig(array('useragent'=> $console->agent));
if ($console->basic) {
list($basicusername, $basicpassword) = explode('/', $console->basic);
if(!$basicpassword) throw new InvalidArgumentException('argument is not user/pass');
$client->setAuth($basicusername, $basicpassword, Zend_Http_Client::AUTH_BASIC);
if ($console->referer) {
$referer = (string)$console->referer;
$client->setHeaders("Referer: $referer");
if ($console->cookieJar) {
require_once 'Diggin/Http/CookieJar/Loader/Firefox3.php';
if ($cookieJar = Diggin_Http_CookieJar_Loader_Firefox3::load($console->cookieJar, $url)) {
if ($console->out) $client->setConfig(array('timeout' => $console->out));
if ($console->stoptime) {
$stoptime = $console->stoptime;
} else {
$stoptime = 1;
$depth = (isset($console->depth))? $console->depth : 1;
if ($console->filter){
if ((substr($console->filter, 0, 2) === 's/') or
(substr($console->filter, 0, 2) === 's#')) {
$quote = substr($console->filter,1,1);
list($regex, $after) = explode($quote, substr($console->filter, 2));
$filter = create_function('$var', <<<FUNC
return preg_replace('/'.preg_quote("$regex", '/').'/', "$after", \$var);
} else {
$filter = $console->filter;
for ($i = 0; $i < $depth; $i++) {
if ($console->cache) {
$cache = getCacheCore($console->cache);
$response = requestWithCache($client, $cache, $url);
} else {
$response = $client->request();
if($console->depth && !isset($console->nextlink)){
//searching wedata
$nextLink = getNextLinkFromWedata($url, $console->cache) ;
} else if ($console->depth && isset($console->nextlink)) {
$nextLink = $console->nextlink;
$scraper = new Diggin_Scraper();
$type = (isset($console->type))? $console->type : 'TEXT';
if(isset($filter)) {
$scraper->process($console->xpath, "xpath[] => $type, ".$filter.']');
} else $scraper->process("$console->xpath", "xpath[] => $type");
if (isset($nextLink)) {
$scraper->process($nextLink, 'nextLink => "@href"');
echo implode(PHP_EOL, $scraper->xpath);
if(!isset($console->depth)) exit;
if($scraper->nextLink === false) {
Diggin_Debug::dump('next page not found');
} else {
$url = $scraper->nextLink;
echo PHP_EOL;
function getNextLinkFromWedata($url, $cache_dir = null)
require_once 'Diggin/Service/Wedata.php';
if ($cache_dir) {
$frontendOptions = array(
'lifetime' => 864000,
'automatic_serialization' => true
$cache = getCacheCore($cache_dir, $frontendOptions);
if(!$items = $cache->load('wedata_items')) {
$items = Diggin_Service_Wedata::getItems('AutoPagerize');
$cache->save($items, 'wedata_items');
} else {
//@todo e_notice
$items = Diggin_Service_Wedata::getItems('AutoPagerize');
$nextLink = getNextlink($items, $url);
if($nextLink === false) {
Diggin_Debug::dump('not found from wedata with url:'.$url);
return $nextLink;
* Get next url from wedata('AutoPagerize')
* @param array $items
* @param string $url base url
* @return mixed
function getNextlink($items, $url) {
foreach ($items as $item) {
$pattern = '#'.$item['data']['url'].'#i';
//hAtom 対策
if ('^https?://.' != $item['data']['url'] && (preg_match($pattern, $url) == 1)) {
$nextLink = $item['data']['nextLink'];
return $nextLink;
return false;
function getCacheCore($cache_dir, $frontendOptions= null)
if($frontendOptions === null) {
$frontendOptions = array(
'lifetime' => 86400,
$backendOptions = array(
'cache_dir' => $cache_dir
$cache = Zend_Cache::factory('Core', 'File', $frontendOptions, $backendOptions);
return $cache;
function requestWithCache($client, $cache, $url)
$key = str_replace(array('%', '.'), array('__PER__', '__DOT__'), rawurlencode($url));
if (!$httpResponseString = $cache->load($key)) {
try {
$httpResponse = $client->request();
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new $e;
$httpResponse = new Diggin_Http_Response(
$cache->save($httpResponseString = $httpResponse->asString(), $key);
$res = Diggin_Http_Response::fromstring($httpResponseString);
return $res;
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