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Last active June 2, 2016 15:17
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Natural.hs: For fun wrote up a definition for natural numbers using recursive types.
module Natural where
data Natural = Zero | Inc Natural
instance Eq Natural where
(==) Zero Zero = True
(==) (Inc a) (Inc b) = a == b
(==) a b = False
instance Ord Natural where
compare Zero Zero = EQ
compare (Inc _) Zero = GT
compare Zero (Inc _) = LT
compare (Inc a) (Inc b) = compare a b
instance Enum Natural where
toEnum n
| n == 0 = Zero
| n > 0 = Inc $ toEnum $ n - 1
| otherwise = error "underflow"
fromEnum Zero = 0
fromEnum (Inc n) = 1 + fromEnum n
succ = Inc
pred Zero = error "underflow"
pred (Inc n) = n
enumFrom n = n:(enumFrom (succ n))
enumFromTo a b
| a <= b = a:(enumFromTo (succ a) b)
| otherwise = []
instance Num Natural where
fromInteger = toEnum . fromInteger
abs n = n
signum Zero = Zero
signum (Inc n) = Inc Zero
(+) n Zero = n
(+) Zero n = n
(+) a (Inc b) = succ a + b
(-) n Zero = n
(-) Zero n = error "underflow"
(-) (Inc a) (Inc b) = a - b
(*) Zero _ = Zero
(*) _ Zero = Zero
(*) a@(Inc _) (Inc b) = a + a * b
instance Integral Natural where
toInteger = toInteger . fromEnum
quotRem _ Zero = error "divide by zero"
quotRem a@(Inc _) b@(Inc _)
| a >= b = inc $ quotRem (a - b) b
| otherwise = (Zero, a)
where inc (q,r) = (succ q, r)
instance Real Natural where
toRational = toRational . toInteger
instance Show Natural where
show = ("nat " ++) . show . fromEnum
nat :: Int -> Natural
nat = toEnum
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