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Last active February 9, 2021 14:01
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Snappy Guidelines

Naming conventions

Variable naming

  • Variable name should reflect the data it contains & the purpose
  • Use camelCase for plain variables that contain data [functions, arrays, objects, ...]. (Incorrect: variable_name, _variable, VariableName)
    • For class use PascalCase.
    • For global constants use UPPER_CASE.
  • Other rules are inherited from

FS naming

  • If the file/directory contains a React component - use PascalCase.
  • If the file/directory contains a typescript / javascript code - use camelCase.
  • Try to avoid longDirectoryName as much as possible, usually 1 word is enough

React component folder structure

-- SmartHint/
-- -- data/
-- -- -- hints.json
-- -- assets/                   (or assets/?. For not common icons / images)
-- -- -- icon.svg              
-- -- index.ts                 (Just reexports SmartHint.container.tsx)
-- -- SmartHint.tsx            (contains Only UI logic / view)
-- -- SmartHint.styles.ts(x)
-- -- SmartHint.stories.tsx    (Storybook?)
-- -- SmartHint.container.tsx  (contains comonent business logic, redux / apollo)

Resolving modules


  • Do not include extension if it is in default resolved extensions (by webpack / CRA): ./file over ./file.ts
  • Do not write index in the path: ./dir over ./dir/index
  • Do not duplicate naming in path: ./button over ./button/button (use index file for reexport)

Import / Export

  • Prefer named exports over default exports

Using aliases (@app/)

  • When resolving is outside your current scope (../../../smth/...) - use aliases. Prefer @app/smth/...
  • When resolving is inside your current scope (./components/ from @app/page/Home) - Don't use aliases. As you would prefer a relative path, then you are not relying on app structure (directory @app/page/Home could be easily moved somewhere)
    • One exclusion from this rule is common resolvings. For them prefer aliases. Example: @app/config instead of ./config



  • Use functional components instead of class components
  • Components should expose as less controls as it should. (Use useImperativeHandle to expose component API. Never expose internal variables unless really needed)
  • Avoid code duplication as much as possible. (More code = more errors)
  • Use useCallback / useMemo for performance optimizations wisely.
  • Event names:
    • handleItemClick - when you define event handler (usually in a container)
    • onItemClick - when it is a prop
  • Prefer useRef over useState when you don't need visual component update (redraw)



  • Prefer using @reduxjs/toolkit instead of reselect


  • For styling components use styled-components library
  • Styling components should be done in a separate files with .styles.ts extension
  • [TODO: Michael]
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