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Created October 9, 2012 15:22
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flexible transposer
use strict;
#use warnings;
require "";
use vars qw ($opt_f $opt_s $opt_h $opt_H);
my $executable = "";
$| = 1;
my $usage = qq{
usage: $executable -f fileName
used for transposing a table (rows to columns and columns to rows)
# -f the file name
# -s column separator
# [default: tab]
# C: comma
# S: space
# -hH print this
example: >$executable -f testInputFile -s S > output
my ($inputFile, $separator);
# options:
if (length($opt_h) > 0 || length($opt_H) > 0 ) {die($usage);}
if (-s $opt_f) {$inputFile = $opt_f; } else {die("Error: must have a input file for -f $opt_f !!!\n$usage"); }
#if ($opt_s =~ /^C/i ) {$separator = "comma"; }elsif ($opt_s =~ /^S/i) {$separator = "space"; } else {$separator = "tab"; }
#interpretation of user input for delimiters (comma, space, or tab[default])
if ($opt_s =~ /^C/i ) {$separator = ","; }elsif ($opt_s =~ /^S/i) {$separator = '\s'; } else {$separator = '\t'; }
#establish scalar variables for lines, columns, etc. Columns are stored as an array because they will be printed
#as lines in the final product. A hash of data is stored so that column numbers act as keys for line numbers.
my ($line, $lineNo, $colNo, $colData, @cols, %data);
#The || or option here produces an error when the user does not have appropriate permissions to open the file.
open (FILE, $inputFile) || die ("Error:cannot open the input file $inputFile specified by -f !!!");
#This loop determines columns by using a separator given by the user, line by line.
while(<FILE>) {
chomp; #This removes the newline from analysis
$line = $_; #Store the temporary value of $_ to $line
$lineNo++; #Analyze each line in ascending order (as in 0,1,2...n)
#The following separates strings found in each line and
#transfers these scalars in the array called @cols (columns).
@cols = split (/$separator/, $line);
$colNo = 0; #start from colNo0
#This loop ties together data from $colNo and $lineNo into the %data hash. Because they are switched upon
#assignment to $colData, the rows will become columns.
foreach $colData (@cols) { #perform operation on each $colData found in the array @cols
$colNo++; #go up each value starting from 0 (as specified above)
$data{$colNo}{$lineNo} = $colData;
close (FILE);
#$transposedLine gets concatenated via ".=" to the tab-separated content of $colData.
my $transposedLine;
foreach $colNo (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %data) { # $a<=>$b specifies that data is sorted numerically
$transposedLine = ""; #establishes an empty string for $transposedLine
#This loop sorts the data stored in $colNo numerically.
foreach $lineNo (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$data{$colNo} } ) { #again data is sorted from smallest to largest according to the hash of %data
$colData = $data{$colNo}{$lineNo}; #i becomes j, j becomes i
$transposedLine .= "$colData\t"; #concatenates the empty string to tab-separated $colData
$transposedLine =~ s/\t$//; # Tabs found at the end of a line are replaced with nothing.
print "$transposedLine\n"; #print the final product
#Now we exit!
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