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Last active December 21, 2015 09:19
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  • Save sashaphanes/6284182 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save sashaphanes/6284182 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
setwd("C:/Users/Sasha/Google Drive/LNGstuff/glut analyses")
data = read.csv("all.genesLabelled2.csv")
data$structure = NULL
#sample data format (after NULL):
#1 4.200910 13.198395 4.531563 4.283639 2.323050 1.680551 0.591786 1.653584
#2 1.193841 4.902818 1.869044 1.779108 1.620001 0.839528 0.138910 1.132033
#3 1.018170 3.949605 1.290182 0.966998 0.775067 0.623651 0.168454 1.008362
#4 3.091375 9.771480 3.656806 3.343708 1.854348 1.269660 0.636690 1.648468
#5 0.580231 3.027282 1.485677 0.929639 0.562741 0.335170 0.166034 1.145590
#6 0.409548 3.244448 1.216516 0.774867 0.827955 0.724840 0.115512 0.614748
corMat = cor(data)
solution <- fa(r = corMat, nfactors = 5, rotate = "varimax", fm = "pa")
#customizing correlation matrix function to display diagonal values
my.cor.plot =
function (r, numbers = FALSE, colors = TRUE, n = 51, main = NULL,
zlim = c(-1, 1), show.legend = TRUE, labels = NULL, n.legend = 10,
keep.par = TRUE, ...)
if (keep.par)
op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
if (is.null(main)) {
main <- "Correlation plot"
if (!is.matrix(r) & (! {
if ((length(class(r)) > 1) & (class(r)[1] == "psych")) {
if (class(r)[2] == "omega") {
r <- r$schmid$sl
nff <- ncol(r)
r <- r[, 1:(nff - 2)]
else {
r <- r$loadings
r <- as.matrix(r)
if (min(dim(r)) < 2) {
stop("You need at least two dimensions to make a meaningful plot")
r <- t(r)
if (is.null(n)) {
n <- dim(r)[2]
nf <- dim(r)[2]
nvar <- dim(r)[1]
if (is.null(labels)) {
if (is.null(rownames(r)))
rownames(r) <- paste("V", 1:nvar)
if (is.null(colnames(r)))
colnames(r) <- paste("V", 1:nf)
else {
rownames(r) <- colnames(r) <- labels
max.len <- max(nchar(rownames(r)))/6
if (is.null(zlim)) {
zlim <- range(r)
if (colors) {
gr <- colorRampPalette(c("red", "white", "blue"))
colramp <- gr(n)
else {
colramp <- grey((n:0)/n)
ord1 <- seq(nvar, 1, -1)
if (nvar != nf) {
r <- t(r)
r <- r[, ord1]
MAR <- 5
par(mar = c(MAR + max.len, MAR + max.len, 4, 0.5))
if (show.legend) {
layout(matrix(c(1, 2), nrow = 1), widths = c(0.9, 0.1),
heights = c(1, 1))
image(r, col = colramp, axes = FALSE, main = main, zlim = zlim)
at1 <- (0:(nf - 1))/(nf - 1)
at2 <- (0:(nvar - 1))/(nvar - 1)
if (max.len > 0.5) {
axis(2, at = at2, labels = colnames(r), las = 1, ...)
axis(1, at = at1, labels = rownames(r), las = 2, ...)
else {
axis(2, at = at2, labels = colnames(r), ...)
axis(1, at = at1, labels = rownames(r), las = 1, ...)
at1 <- (0:(nf - 1))/(nf - 1)
if (numbers) {
rx <- rep(at1, ncol(r))
ry <- rep(at2, each = ncol(r))
text(rx, ry, round(r * 100), srt=-45)
if (show.legend) {
leg <- matrix(seq(from = zlim[1], to = zlim[2], by = (zlim[2] -
zlim[1])/n), nrow = 1)
par(mar = c(MAR, 0, 4, 3))
image(leg, col = colramp, axes = FALSE, zlim = zlim)
at2 <- seq(0, 1, 1/n.legend)
labels = seq(zlim[1], zlim[2], (zlim[2] - zlim[1])/(length(at2) -
axis(4, at = at2, labels = labels, las = 2, ...)
if (keep.par)
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