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Created November 11, 2022 14:24
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πŸ‘“ Diary

πŸ““ Day 1

  • πŸ“– Started with going over the Overview document again, chose the write along techique for the diary. Noted the imporant points from the doc(links and steps)
  • 🧐 Read the node setup documentation to get a better overview of the whole process.
  • πŸ“˜ I choose Azure to host the VM because i already have other machines running there and i`m confortable with their environment image

πŸ““ Day 2

  • βš—οΈ I added a new alchemy app.
  • ❔ Reached the doc step but i`m not sure yet when the config file is needed. Keeping this for later?
  • πŸ¦„ After i checked i have everything needed for the node setup i connected via ssh to the VM and started the Geth install by following the documentation here
  • 🐐 I choose the stable go-ethereum version, all went without any issues.
  • 🐐 Created a login account in my password manager app for the Geth account, generated a password without any of the characters that might get interpreted.
  • 🐐 Ran the command and succesfully created a new account: image
  • πŸ—’οΈ Added the created EOA address to a text file for later use.
  • I then transfered 1 ETH to the Operator address, transaction here
  • Reached the network configuration step, updated the VM firewall rules and opened the ports 3919 and 9601 image
  • Reached the Announced Addresses paragraph, the VM has a public IP, not sure if there are any actions I need to do now, keep this for later, probably when updating the config properties.
  • For the Application Authorization the documentation says to visit the Threshold Dashboard, intially i opened the main app, tried to see how i can switch to goerli//a test app, after that i went back to the documentation and opened the Goerli Testnet parent page and saw there a link to the test app. It might be helpfull to add a link in the Application Authorization also.
  • I connected my test account to the app, the next step says to click on Configure Apps but I don`t have that option currently. I probably have to create a stake( the screenshot looks differenty than what i have in the app). I figure that I can try and create a stake now and if anything goes wrong i should be able to un-stake and try again.
  • Ran the staking for the full 50.000T, here are the transactions : 1 and 2. Currently I'm not sure if I`m doing the right thing, I feel like the documention steps are a bit lacking at this step, or maybe it's written for someone who is a pre-node staker or that already knows the architecture.
  • After i create the stake i see that the next step is to authorize applications, I`m glad because this is the next step in the documention, i just hope that there wherent any other requirements that i missed for my previous staking transaction.
  • I selected both the apps and went with MAX T for each. Executed transaction 1 and transaction 2
  • After that i was prompted with a Step 2 Completed pop-up image
  • I close the popup, the next step in the documentation is to click Start Mapping but after I close the popup i still in the authorize applications page, clicked on Staking again, i reconnect my wallet and the Operator Address Mapping popup appears. I open my text file, copy the operator address and paste it in the pop-up. I am prompted with a new popup: image
  • Ran two transactions : 1 and 2.
  • My browser hanged during the transactions and i restarted my session, metamask tried to run the second mapping again and the transaction reverted.
  • After this step, my staking page looks like this: image
  • I'm a bit worried about the Missing PRE Node error but i continue with the process, everything seems to be working until this point.
  • The next step is Create Folder Structure image
  • I copied the key: image
  • Docker is not installed on the VM, i go to the docker docs page and follow the steps there for the instalation.
  • The instalation worked without any issues: image image
  • I created the file and updated the required fields image
  • I made the script executable and launched it image
  • Because I left the --detach in the args i had to check the logs manually so i ran: image
  • I checked the log and found what the documentation said i should find but there where also a few warnings in the logs. I am not completely sure that the node is up and running correcly. I attached the log(threshold_log) that i retrieved by running: image
  • To better understand if everything is correctly up and running i checked the alchemy app and I saw that requests where made: image
  • I also checked the operator address for transactions but so far there where none.

πŸ““ Day 3

  • Checked that docker is still up.

πŸ““ Day 4

  • Saw the port email, double ckecked that the port rules are set in the azure firewall.
  • I know that by default the azure ubuntu vm`s come with ufw deactivated but i checked to be sure. image
  • Docker is still up and running image
  • Request count goes up image
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