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Created April 5, 2023 03:25
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// ==UserScript==
// @name ChatGPT-Content-Summarizer
// @namespace
// @version 0.1
// @description Summarize web content using ChatGPT
// @author Satchit Haridas, ChatGPT
// @match https://*/*
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// ==/UserScript==
(async function() {
'use strict';
// Replace with your OpenAI API key
function extractContent() {
return document.body.innerText || document.body.textContent;
function truncateText(text, maxTokens) {
const tokens = text.split(' ');
if (tokens.length > maxTokens) {
return tokens.slice(0, maxTokens).join(' ');
return text;
async function getChatGPTSummary(text) {
const truncatedText = truncateText(text, 2000);
const response = await GM_xmlhttpRequest({
method: 'POST',
url: '',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': `Bearer ${API_KEY}`,
data: JSON.stringify({
model: 'gpt-3.5-turbo',
messages: [
role: 'user',
content: `Summarize the following text and provide key takeaways:\n\n${truncatedText}`,
temperature: 0.5,
max_tokens: 200,
onload: (response) => {
if (response.status === 200) {
const data = JSON.parse(response.responseText);
const summaryAndTakeaways = data.choices[0].message.content.trim();
} else {
console.error('Error calling ChatGPT API:', response.statusText);
onerror: (error) => {
console.error('Error calling ChatGPT API:', error);
function displayResults(summaryAndTakeaways) {
const summaryElement = document.createElement('div');
summaryElement.innerHTML = `<div style="background-color: #f9f9f9; border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 10px; margin: 10px 0;">
<h3>ChatGPT Summary and Key Takeaways:</h3>
document.body.insertBefore(summaryElement, document.body.firstChild);
const content = extractContent();
await getChatGPTSummary(content);
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