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Last active July 19, 2021 08:10
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Basic linux commands
AWK script to get min, max, sum, average, standard deviation for numbers:
cat data.txt | awk -F ":" 'BEGIN {max = 0; min = 999999; sum = 0; sumsq = 0} { x= ($NF + 0); sum += x; sumsq += x*x; if(x > max)max = x; if(x < min) min = x} END { print "Min: ", min, " Max: ",max, " Sum: ", sum, " Average: ", sum/NR , " Std Dev: ", sqrt(sumsq/NR - (sum/NR)^2) }'
Assume you have data.txt that has following data set,
Min: 2 Max: 11 Sum: 30 Average: 6 Std Dev: 3.28634
Grep commands:
1) Search files with content text 'build', exclude .xml files
grep -r --include=\*.xml "build"
To count numbers in a file
cat a.txt | awk '{s+=$1} END {print s}'
Get unique text in file
cat -n | sort --key=2.1 -b -u | sort -n
get unique list of HTTP call for jboss access logs.
cat access.log | awk -F " " '{print $7}' | cat -n | sort --key=2.1 -b -u | sort -n
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