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Created July 22, 2021 14:47
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Document Ready
// ### Ready
// This module provides a convenient way to register
// a callback when the document is ready. The callback
// is called immediately if the document is ready
// when the module's API is called.
// > This really shouldn't be necessary as a library
// module, but IE10 and below have a nasty bug in how
// they report `document.readyState`. The workaround
// is pretty kludgy, so better to keep it confined
// to one bit of code instead of letting it proliferate.
// API:
// - `Intellum.util.ready(callback)` registers
// a callback function.
;(function(document, window) {
'use strict';
// Use the `Intellum.util` namespace.
window.Intellum = window.Intellum || {};
window.Intellum.util = window.Intellum.util || {};
// State variables for all instances
var isHandlerInstalled = false,
callbacks = [];
window.Intellum.util.ready = (function(callback) {
// A local event handler
function documentIsReady() {
// Now that the document is ready, we
// can remove our event handlers.
document.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", documentIsReady);
window.removeEventListener("load", documentIsReady);
isHandlerInstalled = false;
// Trigger any callbacks
callbacks.forEach(function(callback) {
// Make sure we don't trigger any
// callback more than once.
callbacks = [];
// Original jQuery code to workaround the IE bug:
// We're pretty much doing the same thing.
// The `doScroll` method was proprietary
// to Internet Explorer and removed in IE11.
if ( document.readyState === "complete" ||
(document.readyState !== "loading" &&
!document.documentElement.doScroll) ) {
// Trigger the callback at the end of the
// execution stack in case any caller
// is doing something funky that would
// cause a race condition, i.e. if they're
// not completely ready for the callback.
window.setTimeout(callback, 0);
} else {
// The document isn't ready yet, so
// remember this callback.
// Have we installed our own ready state
// handler yet? If not, we'll need to
// do so now.
if (!isHandlerInstalled) {
// Only do this once.
isHandlerInstalled = true;
// The best event to use is "DOMContentLoaded"
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", documentIsReady);
// But just in case that event is funky
// (might be in some browsers), also use
// the "load" event as a fallback.
window.addEventListener("load", documentIsReady);
})(window.document, window);
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