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Last active January 1, 2024 00:36
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Utility to serialize itemstack array
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import java.util.Base64;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class InventorySerialization {
private static final Gson GSON = new Gson();
public static String itemStackArrayToBase64(ItemStack[] content) {
Map<Integer, ItemStack> itemsMap = generateItemsMap(content);
SerializeSlot[] slots = generateSlotArray(content, itemsMap);
return Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(GSON.toJson(new SerializeItemStackArray(itemsMap, slots)).getBytes());
public static String itemStackArrayToBase64(ItemStack[] content, Map<Integer, ItemStack> itemsMap) {
SerializeSlot[] slots = generateSlotArray(content, itemsMap);
return Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(GSON.toJson(slots).getBytes());
public static ItemStack[] itemStackArrayFromBase64(String base64) {
String json = new String(Base64.getDecoder().decode(base64));
return GSON.fromJson(json, SerializeItemStackArray.class).toItemStackArray();
public static ItemStack[] itemStackArrayFromBase64(String base64, Map<Integer, ItemStack> itemsMap) {
String json = new String(Base64.getDecoder().decode(base64));
SerializeSlot[] slots = GSON.fromJson(json, SerializeSlot[].class);
return new SerializeItemStackArray(itemsMap, slots).toItemStackArray();
public static class SerializeItemStackArray {
final Map<Integer, ItemStack> itemsMap;
final SerializeSlot[] slots;
public SerializeItemStackArray(Map<Integer, ItemStack> itemsMap, SerializeSlot[] slots) {
this.itemsMap = itemsMap;
this.slots = slots;
public ItemStack[] toItemStackArray() {
ItemStack[] itemStack = new ItemStack[slots.length];
for (int i = 0; i < slots.length; i++) {
SerializeSlot slot = slots[i];
if (slot == null) continue;
ItemStack clone = itemsMap.get(slot.mapRef()).clone();
itemStack[i] = clone;
return itemStack;
public static class SerializeSlot {
private final Integer[] data = new Integer[2];
public SerializeSlot(int mapRef, int stackAmount) {
data[0] = mapRef;
data[1] = stackAmount;
public int mapRef() {
return data[0];
public int amount() {
return data[1];
private static ItemStack itemToMapItem(ItemStack stack) {
if (stack == null) return null;
ItemStack mapItem = stack.clone();
return mapItem;
private static Integer itemToMapRef(ItemStack stack) {
if (stack == null) return null;
return itemToMapItem(stack).hashCode();
public static SerializeSlot[] generateSlotArray(ItemStack[] content, Map<Integer, ItemStack> itemsMap) {
SerializeSlot[] slots = new SerializeSlot[content.length];
for (int i = 0; i < content.length; i++) {
ItemStack item = content[i];
Integer mapRef = itemToMapRef(item);
if (itemsMap.containsKey(itemToMapRef(item))) {
slots[i] = new SerializeSlot(mapRef, item.getAmount());
} else {
slots[i] = null;
return slots;
public static Map<Integer, ItemStack> generateItemsMap(ItemStack[] content) {
Map<Integer, ItemStack> itemsMap = new HashMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < content.length; i++) {
ItemStack item = content[i];
if (item == null) continue;
ItemStack mapItem = itemToMapItem(item);
Integer mapRef = itemToMapRef(mapItem);
itemsMap.putIfAbsent(mapRef, mapItem);
return itemsMap;
###### Exemple ########
ItemStack[] defaultContent = new ItemStack[4 * 9];
defaultContent[0] = new ItemBuilder(Material.DIAMOND_SWORD).setName(ChatColor.BLUE + "Epée" + ChatColor.GRAY + " (3 coups)").toItemStack();
defaultContent[1] = new ItemBuilder(Material.BOW).setName(ChatColor.BLUE + "Arc " + ChatColor.GRAY + " (1 coup)").toItemStack();
for (int i = 2; i < 8; i++) {
ItemStack it = new ItemStack(Material.CLAY, 64);
ItemMeta itemMeta = it.getItemMeta();
itemMeta.setDisplayName(ChatColor.BLUE + "Blocks" + ChatColor.GRAY + " (illimité)");
defaultContent[i] = it;
defaultContent[1] = new ItemBuilder(Material.DIAMOND_PICKAXE).setName(ChatColor.BLUE + "Pioche " + ChatColor.GRAY + " (Efficacité 5)").toItemStack();
defaultContent[9] = new ItemStack(Material.ARROW);
ItemStack[] content = new ItemStack[4 * 9];
content[0] = new ItemBuilder(Material.DIAMOND_SWORD).setName(ChatColor.BLUE + "Epée" + ChatColor.GRAY + " (3 coups)").toItemStack();
content[1] = new ItemBuilder(Material.BOW).setName(ChatColor.BLUE + "Arc " + ChatColor.GRAY + " (1 coup)").toItemStack();
for (int i = 2; i < 8; i++) {
ItemStack it = new ItemStack(Material.CLAY, 64);
ItemMeta itemMeta = it.getItemMeta();
itemMeta.setDisplayName(ChatColor.BLUE + "Blocks" + ChatColor.GRAY + " (illimité)");
content[i] = it;
content[1] = new ItemBuilder(Material.DIAMOND_PICKAXE).setName(ChatColor.BLUE + "Pioche " + ChatColor.GRAY + " (Efficacité 5)").toItemStack();
content[9] = new ItemStack(Material.ARROW);
Map<Integer, ItemStack> itemsMap = InventorySerialization.generateItemsMap(defaultContent);
String contentBase = InventorySerialization.itemStackArrayToBase64(content, itemsMap);
ItemStack[] unbaseContent = InventorySerialization.itemStackArrayFromBase64(contentBase, itemsMap);
for (int i = 0; i < unbaseContent.length; i++) {
if (unbaseContent[i] == null) continue;
System.out.println(i + " -> " + unbaseContent[i].getType().name() + " " + unbaseContent[i].getAmount());
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